
There's a little controversy about what she wrote, but I don't care

author:Teacher Li of the studio in the house

Use innovative skepticism-based thinking to learn grade 9 language

I teach my son junior high school language in Canada

Lecture 12: The female writer Billy Khachev also uses idioms

There's a little controversy about what she wrote, but I don't care

There's a little controversy about what she wrote, but I don't care

Me: The last part of the second unit: "The Three Cabins of the Spirit.".

Son: At first glance, the name sounds strange. Why does a female writer care about "spiritual themes"? And three cabins for the spirit?

Me: Yes, your question gets straight to the point. The reason why she cares about spiritual themes is related to her identity and professional background. Search and see.

Son: Bi Shumin, born in October 1952 in Yining, Xinjiang, is a member of the Communist Party of China, a national first-class writer, attending physician of internal medicine, vice chairman of the Beijing Writers Association, graduated from the Master's and Doctoral Programs in Psychology jointly organized by the University of Chinese of Hong Kong and Beijing Normal University, and is a registered psychological counselor. He is a member of the Ninth Plenary Committee of the Chinese Writers Association.

It turned out that it was because she was a psychological counselor, so special attention was paid to the spiritual and spiritual aspects of people. In her profile, I noticed that she had a lot of life experience, but what interested me the most was two aspects:

Authentic "living home"

Bi Shumin's identities are many: doctor, psychologist, writer, and one is the "life home". Her works are mostly related to her professional roles, and her words are permeated with wisdom and warmth. All her works are an interpretation of life, and it can be said that she is an authentic "living home".

There's a little controversy about what she wrote, but I don't care

Reaching the finish line is the winner

Bi Shumin pointed out that today's learning has become utilitarian, children are under increasing pressure, parents are vying for their children to win at the starting line, they do not know that there is a "finish line" in life, and only by successfully reaching the end point is a victorious life. The right thing to do is "don't rush, start normally, persevere, and reach the end." ”

Me: Yes, she draws nourishment from life and writes warm words to give back to life, which is indeed a life home. I also agree with her that a winner is to get to the finish line. The textbook presents this article to the students of the third grade, precisely to make the students clear, grasp their own rhythm, make their spirit rich, rich in spirit, and achieve a successful life at the end.

Son: But when I look at the text, it's not like an argumentative essay! Why was it placed in the Argumentative Essay section?

Me: Good question. There is indeed controversy on this issue, some people say it is an argumentative essay, some people say it is prose. I prefer prose, just rational prose. You can read the note under the book: Selected from "Bi Shumin's Prose", it shows that when it was first selected, it was selected according to prose.

Son: Okay, then I'll read this text twice. I think the language is still quite beautiful.

Me: Read with a task and then try to summarize the topic of this article in one sentence.

There's a little controversy about what she wrote, but I don't care

Bi Shumin is really Billy Khachev can still use idioms

Son: Oh, it's been a huge benefit to read it twice. I also use idioms. But it really doesn't take much Bi Shumin. She is an export idiom closed idiom.

1. Read the pronunciation of the word accurately. Accumulation(zǎn) Wide 宥(yòu) Swim(yì) Distress(è) Horror(hài) 濡养(rú) 下(huī) Ash(jìn) Standing (chù) Bosom(jīn) Vast (mào) Galloping (chěng) Collapse (tān) Self-shame (huì) Contempt (qù) 2. Understand words. Bosom: Bosom; Bosom; Vast: open, vast. The length from east to west is wide, and the length from south to north is vast. Galloping: (1) Running on horseback; galloping. (2) Walk around freely or at will; roam. Collapse: Collapse, collapse. Forgiveness: Forgiveness, forgiveness. Shape pin bone standing: Describe the body is extremely emaciated. Self-shame: Originally it referred to feeling ashamed because of their appearance and behavior inferior to others, and later generally referred to self-shame as others. No hair is allowed: there is no room for a hair in the middle of the two things, describing the distance between things is extremely small. Ginger Iron Horse: Go shines with golden light, and the horse is equipped with iron armor. To describe the mighty and majestic soldiers and horses of the army, to refer to the military and soldiers, but also to describe the majesty of the soldiers with guns and horses. Peeling the cocoon: the silk has to be pumped one by one, and the cocoon has to be peeled layer by layer. Describe the analysis of things as extremely detailed, and step by step is very layered. Dove occupies the magpie's nest: The metaphor of forcibly occupying someone else's house or occupying someone else's place. Li Dai Tao Zombie: Li Shu died on behalf of the peach tree, the original metaphor of brothers helping each other, and later borrowing refers to this substitute or generation of people to suffer. Complementarity: refers to helping each other, complementing each other, and showing their respective benefits. Get along, cooperate with each other, and contrast. Prominent, remarkable.

Me: Yeah, it's nice to memorize so many idioms, but if you can use them freely, it does take a lot of practice. Let's summarize the topic of this article.

Son: It's actually very simple. It is:

Bi Shumin believes that a person's spiritual place should live in three huts, one hut is used to hold love and hate, it is best to love more than hate, or only love without hate; the second hut to pretend to be their favorite career, that is, to find what they love to do, and continue to insist on doing; the third hut for themselves, let themselves think, feel, grasp their own rhythm, live their own characteristics, only in this way can life be considered perfect and happy.

This also caters to our previous understanding of her: she is a life person, and advocates that a winner is to successfully reach the end of life.

Me: Very good! So how do you prove that her opinion or opinion is correct and can stand firm? How can we corroborate it, preferably in the text with her words.

Son: You mean, what would happen if you didn't build these three huts, right?

Me: Yeah, doesn't that confirm the importance of these three huts?

Son: Yes! I'm looking for it!

There's a little controversy about what she wrote, but I don't care

Idioms cast their own negative arguments

Son: The first cabin: our love and hate (there is a polysyllabic test point)

------ If there is more hate than love, the hut will be miserable, the clouds will be miserable, and you will be depressed and depressed. If you want to relive the peace, you have to burn incense with your hands and sprinkle the courtyard. Destroy your spiritual garbage, reshape your spiritual ceiling, and let a beam of holy sunlight pour in through the skylights.

The second cabin: to celebrate our cause.

------, but it takes a long time, and the spiritual hut must live in your hobby. Otherwise, the dove occupies the magpie's nest, Li Daitao is stiff, and the house despises the chicken flying dog jumping, and there is no tranquility.

The third cabin: to house ourselves

(Using rhetorical questions to emphasize its importance) Who does not live with oneself? --- but it is indeed a major mistake we often make----- in our hut, inhabited by all the people we know, but not ourselves.


If that were the case, our spiritual cabin, without having to wait for earthquakes and tides, collapsed silently in the breeze. Its paper-paste walls turned to ashes, the snow roof turned into mud, the dewy ground became a swamp, and the window ledges of jiangmi paper broke, revealing a bleak and real world. Your spirit, alone in the wind and rain, drifts to zero.

(Compare sentences, say the seriousness of the problem, and repeatedly emphasize the consequences of the spiritual hut's uneasiness about the self)

Me: At this point, the whole text is clear, right? Why did she write about these three cottages? This is a metaphor, to illustrate the spiritual world of people, there is love, have their own favorite career, have their own rhythm and judgment, is the basis and premise of happiness.

Son: Yes, yes, yes. She finally emphasized, using the comparative sentence form:

We can not be beautiful, but we are healthy. We can not be great, but we are solemn. We can not be perfect, but we strive. We can not be eternal, but we are sincere.

Indeed, it is a rational prose, and the last sentence of the last paragraph does not forget the lyricism: the spiritual universe is so vast.

I can really tell that it was a doctor who turned into a writer. Value health, have so emotional.

Me: Hahahahaha. Therefore, it is not very timely to appear in the textbook of the third year of junior high school. For people of our age, we need guidance in the spiritual world, so that we can understand how to live, how to love ourselves, how to stand on our own feet. Here again, I would like to express the good intentions of the textbook editors.

In addition, Bi Shumin's writing is characterized by simplicity and subtlety and accuracy. Even if it is a bad side, it should be said in a roundabout way, but the meaning is very clear and not confusing. Can you find another example?

Son: That's so easy! Inside the second cabin, for example.

"Do not underestimate the corrosive effect of the cause on the spirit or vice versa, it holds our spirit hostage with far-reaching strength and breadth in order to become a lasting hostage under its command"

I think it's straightforward and straightforward, but it's subtle and accurate.

Thanks to the words "contempt", "corrosion", "hostage", "subordinate", "hostage" and so on.

Me: Not bad, and these few words can be used as an exam question. Pay great attention to reading the sound and understand the meaning of the word. It can be seen that small words can play a big role. This article, Spirit of the Three Cabins, with small cabins, illustrates the big truth, what is the method?

Son: See the big in the small. I think that although the house is "small", the treasures that can be held cannot be calculated by numbers, and the author borrows a few huts to concretize and visualize the big heart, so that the big is small, and the echo is not only the wit of the author's writing, but also the embodiment of the author's humble personality.

There's a little controversy about what she wrote, but I don't care

Learning Thinking Training in this Lesson:

1. The so-called text is like its person, that is, the language style and the establishment of the theme can reflect the author's background and personality, this article is no exception, women, doctors, psychological counselors, writers are integrated;

2. The use of idioms, metaphors, anthropomorphisms, comparisons and other rhetorical methods present Bi Shumin's writing style: gorgeous but simple, profound but not plain, wise and sincere.

3. The purpose of textbook selection This article is to provide timely psychological guidance to students, the guidance of building a rich spiritual world, and then let us balance our lives and win the real victory of life.

4. There are many test points in this text, and more attention should be paid to learning and application.

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