
The largest of the five poisons in existence - the African Monarch Scorpion

The African monarch scorpion is the largest scorpion in the world, and they are a very unique creature of the arthropod phylum, aptaceans.

The largest of the five poisons in existence - the African Monarch Scorpion

The monarch scorpion is mainly distributed in central and southern Africa, most widely distributed in tropical rainforests.

The largest of the five poisons in existence - the African Monarch Scorpion

Adult African monarch scorpions are between 15-19 cm long, but there are records showing that the largest African monarch scorpions can reach a body length of 40 cm, which is a terrifying length, and can weigh 300-480 grams.

The largest of the five poisons in existence - the African Monarch Scorpion

The African monarch scorpion is thick and round, its carapace is black and hard, and its biggest feature is that it has a pair of huge claws.

The largest of the five poisons in existence - the African Monarch Scorpion

This pair of giant claws is not only a defensive weapon, but also an indispensable tool in hunting, and it has been recorded that the pair can clip the horns of the unicorn fairy.

The largest of the five poisons in existence - the African Monarch Scorpion

Like other scorpions, monarch scorpions have barb-like stingers on their tails, except that they are not very poisonous, but if they are stung, they can also cause severe pain.

The largest of the five poisons in existence - the African Monarch Scorpion

The African monarch scorpion grows very slowly, pushing its shell once in a long time.

The largest of the five poisons in existence - the African Monarch Scorpion

They generally feed on insects, but they also prey on other arthropods, and also prey on small mammals when food is scarce.

The largest of the five poisons in existence - the African Monarch Scorpion

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