
Freshwater Fish Introduction Series (XI) Loach

author:Nanning Fisherman

China is rich in land and resources, and there are many creatures of different forms growing. However, for us anglers, the wide variety of fish information is of course of great interest to us. What is the difference between fish across the country? How to distinguish many similar fish? The main thing is how to catch these fish? In view of these problems, I summarized my many years of fishing experience combined with the exchange of information of the majority of anglers, and published the relevant knowledge of these problems one after another, hoping to provide some help to the majority of fishing friends.

Freshwater Fish Introduction Series (XI) Loach

Today our protagonist is the strange-looking loach. This peculiar fish is the family Loachidae, genus Loach. There are also places called: steel loach, knife loach, nano cone, stone cone. The body is slender , with a pointed taper at the tip of the head , and a flattened anus to the tail. The eye is located above the side of the head, the surface is covered with a thin skin, and there is an inverted small thorn in the front of the eye, buried in the skin. The mouth is lower, the mouth is split into a triangle, and the upper and lower jaws have villous teeth and are arranged in a banded arrangement. The pectoral fin is small and round, with no ventral fin, and the dorsal fin and fin are connected to the caudal fin, respectively. There is a row of 31-33 individual hard spines in front of the dorsal fin; the fin has 3 spines; and the caudal fin is slightly pointed. There are many reticulated patterns on the dorsal and ventral sides of the body. Loach is a benthic fish that lives in complex underwater waters.

Freshwater Fish Introduction Series (XI) Loach

Think the professional introduction is too complicated? Then let's introduce it again, the loach is a guy who looks like a loach, but has a row of hard spines on his back and a tattoo. Loach is mainly distributed in the south of the Yangtze River in China, and the water quality requirements are very high. It is a small scaleless fish with adults 100-300 g and the largest individual 2500+ g (currently known).

Freshwater Fish Introduction Series (XI) Loach

Loach is a precious fish, the flesh is compact and nutritious, and it is one of the six major medicinal fish in the Guangxi Zhuang Medicine Treasure Book: eel (freshwater eel), midge (sesame sword), loach (Tutangjiao), loach (loach) loach (blackfish) moon fish (seven-star fish). In the liangguang area, there is a folk saying that there is a rat top three chickens and a loach value of three rats, which shows the high nutritional value of loach.

Freshwater Fish Introduction Series (XI) Loach

So how should loach be caught? I believe that this is the most concerned issue for the majority of anglers. In fact, it is not difficult to understand its life habits and foraging habits. Fishing for loach requires a distinction between seasons and water conditions. Mainly divided into muddy water and clear water, the river water will become turbid with sediment during the rising season of the river, at this time the loach will wander around for food, especially like to move in the middle and upper layers of the water body. At this time, you can directly use earthworms as bait for fishing, and the location is best selected to be close to aquatic grass or floating debris on the surface. When the water quality of the river becomes clear or clear, the loach prefers to hide near the crevices of the stones to feed, and the best bait is shrimp. Fishing position selection should be the best for rocky piles under the water.

Freshwater Fish Introduction Series (XI) Loach

In addition, fishing loach needs to pay attention to the combination of line groups, because fishing loach is mainly based on the complex environment under the water, and the line group chooses to recommend a 3.0-pass single hook to reduce the probability of hanging the bottom. Fish hooks use long-handled barb hooks, because the loach bite hook is fierce, basically dead mouth, the use of short fish hooks will often be swallowed directly into the stomach, causing difficulty in picking hooks or even cutting lines to take fish. Finally, a friendly tip: please wear gloves or wrap it in a towel, this guy is very slippery, and the row of thorns on the back is not a joke, and the mucus and toxins with it will make you very painful. This is painful accumulation of experience, so be careful about safety.

Well, about the loach is introduced here, welcome to discuss and exchange

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