
Don't like to eat cabbage, then try this chopped pepper cabbage, simple and delicious, crisp and refreshing rice

author:Mom loves to cook

I don't like to eat cabbage, but when I get discounted, I always have to take two home... When you don't know what to eat or nothing to eat, cut half a cabbage, or cook soup, or steam, or cold mix, or stir-fry. Today we will talk about chopped pepper cabbage, do not love to eat cabbage pro can do it, you will find that the combination of chopped pepper and cabbage, simple and delicious, crisp and refreshing rice, the taste is really good. The method is also super simple, it only takes a few minutes to complete a next meal, and the kitchen white can easily handle it. Then, the ingredients needed to chop pepper cabbage are: cabbage, spring onion, garlic, homemade chopped pepper (the method has been issued before); seasoning such as salt, these are not needed, chopped pepper salty enough; if you like, you can add a little chicken essence.

Don't like to eat cabbage, then try this chopped pepper cabbage, simple and delicious, crisp and refreshing rice

Wash the cabbage first, cut (coarse) shredded, and divide the leaves of the cabbage into separate dishes, because the order of the pot is in order; the garlic is minced; the shallots are washed and chopped into green onions.

Don't like to eat cabbage, then try this chopped pepper cabbage, simple and delicious, crisp and refreshing rice

The oil in the pot is the same as the amount of oil used to stir-fry vegetables, the oil temperature is 80% hot, and the pepper and garlic are stir-fried; the pepper is added according to your own taste.

Don't like to eat cabbage, then try this chopped pepper cabbage, simple and delicious, crisp and refreshing rice

Then add cabbage, medium and high heat (our stove, medium and high heat is enough) or stir-fry on high heat for about 1 minute.

Don't like to eat cabbage, then try this chopped pepper cabbage, simple and delicious, crisp and refreshing rice

Then add the cabbage leaves, stir-fry until they are broken, sprinkle with green onions, stir-fry evenly, turn off the heat. If you want to add chicken essence, add a little. Remember not to fry out the water, do not fry soft, the fire should be enough, quickly stir-fry.

Don't like to eat cabbage, then try this chopped pepper cabbage, simple and delicious, crisp and refreshing rice

Put the pot on the plate, chop the pepper cabbage and you're done, it's really super simple.

Don't like to eat cabbage, then try this chopped pepper cabbage, simple and delicious, crisp and refreshing rice

Usually do not like to eat cabbage pro, really want to try this chopped pepper cabbage, added chopped pepper, the taste is very different ~ crisp, spicy and refreshing, very under the rice.

Don't like to eat cabbage, then try this chopped pepper cabbage, simple and delicious, crisp and refreshing rice

Like the pro, you can really try oh ~ !!!

Don't like to eat cabbage, then try this chopped pepper cabbage, simple and delicious, crisp and refreshing rice