
Yicheng, Hubei Province: Continue to purify the political ecology by quasi-supervision "wind vane"

author:Hubei Channel of People's Daily Network

"Tan Mou, a retired cadre of the Municipal Government Office, has repeatedly given him a warning punishment within the party for traveling abroad without approval; Zhang Mou of the Municipal Finance Bureau is filing a case for review because he has participated in the business and running of enterprises in violation of the law..." Recently, the Third Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Yicheng City Discipline Inspection Commission in Hubei Province sent a "panoramic scan" of the political ecology of 8 units, sending discipline inspection and supervision proposals to units with insufficient degree of compaction of the "two responsibilities", the "four winds" problem is prohibited, and there are certain risks in petitioning and maintaining stability, and urging rectification and reform to be put in place.

The quality of the political ecology is the "wind vane" for judging the level and effectiveness of a unit in managing the party and administering the party. This year, the Yicheng City Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission has deepened governance at the source, focused on the "key minority", centered on the goal of improving the supervision system, purifying and repairing the political ecology, and ensuring high-quality development, comprehensively using supervision at the same level, dispatching supervision, inspection and inspection, etc., to break down supervision barriers, combined with special rectification, briefings, clean government archives, discipline inspection and supervision suggestions, etc., real-time list of problems, generate supervision synergy, conduct all-round "political physical examination" of the supervised units, and draw a multi-dimensional "political portrait" by drawing a multi-dimensional and three-dimensional "political portrait". Form a closed loop of work that discovers problems, analyzes and judges, makes suggestions, rectifies and implements, and improves efficiency, and strives to create a good political ecology with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

At the same time, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision polished the supervision "probe", continuously improved the quality of supervision dispatched, and dispatched discipline inspection and supervision teams to keep a close eye on key areas such as the use of financial funds and the bidding and bidding of engineering projects, timely summarized and sorted out data such as letters and visits and reports of the supervised units, the handling of problem clues, and public opinion surveys, established a supervision ledger, and promoted the "dynamic" of daily supervision. Actively participate in attending important meetings as observers, listen to opinions and suggestions, and supervise the implementation of the collective decision-making system of the "triple majority" centering on whether democratic centralism is strictly implemented and whether the principal responsible comrades are the last to express their positions, so as to find out, accurately, and thoroughly understand the situation of the units under supervision, so as to grasp both "individuality" and "overall situation."

"To analyze and judge the political ecology, we must not only deeply find the 'source of the disease', but also deeply analyze the 'pathology', but also focus on eliminating the 'lesion', we must correct the role positioning of the 'portrait', take the initiative, tailor the content of the portrait, strengthen the accuracy and effectiveness of supervision, so that the exposed problems can be corrected in time, and continue to create a clean and healthy political ecology and a good development environment." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection supervision said. (Huang Zhihong)

(Editor-in-charge: Zhang Jun, Rong Xianming)

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