
BlackBerry launches the CHACE Security Initiative to strengthen ioT security

yesky Tianji News2015-04-23 17:59:11

[yesky news channel news] the repair work is fast, and it does not fundamentally solve the security problem. BlackBerry has launched a security initiative called "Blackberry Center for High Assurance Computing Excellence" (chace for short) to further strengthen security in the Era of the Internet of Things. To change the current "fail-then-patch" situation, BlackBerry points out that security tools have evolved to a whole new level and can lead to better protection, and chase is a more cost-effective and proactive vulnerability protection solution.

BlackBerry launches the CHACE Security Initiative to strengthen ioT security

BlackBerry Chief Security Officer David Kleidermacher also said:

There is a worldwide consensus on security that repairs should be done as quickly as possible. However, this does not solve the problem fundamentally, because the system needs to be routinely patched, and this will always contain vulnerabilities that the developer is not aware of. But for scheming hackers, it's not necessarily the case. Unfortunately, the industry has become somewhat accustomed to this kind of commonplace, so BlackBerry's chace initiative is to wake up and welcome all those who want to join the fight.

At present, many institutions have taken the lead in deploying measures to support chace, which mainly include industry groups and academic institutions.