
Red Moon Poetry Painting Art Garden - Digging The Ground Bee, a Kind of Desperate Happiness • Zhiqing Life Serial 9

author:Red Moon Poetry Painting Garden

【Original】Digging bee, a kind of life-saving joy

Author: Mo Shanxian

Recitation: Sunshine Dawn Creek

Red Moon Poetry Painting Art Garden - Digging The Ground Bee, a Kind of Desperate Happiness • Zhiqing Life Serial 9

In the production team, it is very hard to do farm work. However, there are also interesting things to enjoy. I still remember the bees digging the ground. There are many kinds of bees, and the most common is the bee. There is an interesting thing: a swarm of bees flew into the cupboard of our kitchen to build a nest and make a home. We don't move it, we don't hurt it, we just tidy up the cupboard. Bees fly in and out every day, and everyone is safe. Later, we cut bee candy from the "tap bees" in the cupboard to eat.

Wild bees are divided into sky bees and ground bees, both of which are highly venomous, and if they are stung, they will be in danger of life. At that time, we were ignorant and fearless, and now everyone is afraid of poisonous bees, we dare to provoke, and we dare to catch them without any protective measures. The nest of the celestial bee is built high, generally hanging on a tree more than ten or twenty meters high. The boss of the Lin family especially likes to catch wild bees, and if he finds any wild bees, he will lead us to take an axe to cut down trees. The tree fell, the wild bees flew away, and we went to pick up the bee pupae.

Red Moon Poetry Painting Art Garden - Digging The Ground Bee, a Kind of Desperate Happiness • Zhiqing Life Serial 9

One night, we went with torches to catch ground bees. The torches are made of bamboo, first break the bamboo grate, then put the bamboo grate in water, soak it for a period of time, and then take it out to dry. Such a torch will burn very well when it is burned. Burning bees can't do without good torches, and they have to be stung by ground bees. The Zhang family brothers had already prepared several large torches. That day, someone got the information and found the trail of the ground bee on a mountain ridge in Wei Jiachong. A desperately happy program takes place in the evening.

A group of young peasants and a few of us men and young men had dinner and set out in the dark. When you get to the place where you stepped on it beforehand, and when everything is ready, light a torch and burn it at the mouth of the hole where there is a ground bee. As if organized, the ground bees went forward to put out the fire, and our torches burned one by one, and as long as we found that there were ground bees fighting the fire, we resolutely could not stop. Just when everyone thought that they could harvest "booty", they suddenly found that several ground bees flew out of another hole. For a while, everyone was in a mess, and several partners rolled down the mountain, which was really frightening.

Later, we dug out the hive with a hoe. The hive is tight and solid, like a fine wooden barrel with a lot of bee pupae in it. Ground bee pupae are said to have the highest protein. That night, we took the ground bee pupae to the Zhang family, opened a large oil pot, fried it yellow in oil, and ate a beautiful meal.

Red Moon Poetry Painting Art Garden - Digging The Ground Bee, a Kind of Desperate Happiness • Zhiqing Life Serial 9
Red Moon Poetry Painting Art Garden - Digging The Ground Bee, a Kind of Desperate Happiness • Zhiqing Life Serial 9

Reciter: Sunshine Creek

Red Moon Poetry Painting Art Garden - Digging The Ground Bee, a Kind of Desperate Happiness • Zhiqing Life Serial 9

EDIT: True, true

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The original works released by the Red Moon Poetry painting court are all originally authorized by the author.

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