
Qiu Zhao'ao and his "Detailed Notes on Du Shi"

author:Zenhon Koseki
Qiu Zhao'ao and his "Detailed Notes on Du Shi"
Qiu Zhao'ao and his "Detailed Notes on Du Shi"

In the past two years, the publication of Du Fu's works has ushered in a considerable climax, and various forms of Du Ji's works have been published in a concentrated manner, including complete collections and anthologies, typesets and photocopies, which can be described as a grand view of the ocean. In the early Qing Dynasty, more than 300 years ago, it was also an era when duji became popular. Twice published in popularity, this is the luck of Du Shi, but also the luck of readers.

Qiu Zhao'ao and his "Detailed Notes on Du Shi"

Qiu Zhao'ao's "Detailed Notes on Du Shi" was first published in the forty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1703), and it is undoubtedly the palace army of the ancient Du Shi annotations, and no one has been invincible for 300 years on the details of Du Ji's annotations. The Qing Dynasty Commentators after Qiu Zhao'ao could only blame the "Detailed Notes on Du Shi" for being too cumbersome, correcting some of Qiu's mistakes, and producing a concise annotated version for readers with other needs, among which the better one was Yang Lun's "Du Shi Jing Interpretation". If people today make annotations to Du Fu's complete works, they can only supplement them on the basis of the "Detailed Notes on Du Shi". Although the revenge notes on the path of "seeking perfection and blame" have been surpassed by Xiao Difei's "Annotations on the Complete Works of Du Fu", its milestone significance will still be recorded in the annals of history forever.

Qiu Zhao'ao died in the fifty-sixth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1717), nearly 300 years ago. For three centuries, everyone has known the Detailed Notes on Du Shi. Speaking of its author, Qiu Zhao'ao, it is much unclear. The Republic of China's Compilation of the Qing History Manuscript also did not establish a biography for qiu, and only mentioned the "Detailed Notes on Du Shi" in the Yiwen Zhi. For readers who like Du Fu's poetry, it cannot but be said to be a defect.

Qiu Zhao'ao and his "Detailed Notes on Du Shi"

Qiu Zhao'ao, formerly known as Congyu, Zi Cangzhu, Zhi Jizi, Mr. Siming, and Zhangxi Laosuo. Ming Chongzhen was born in yinxian County, Zhejiang (present-day Yinzhou District, Ningbo) in the eleventh year. Qiu Shi is a person of a straight nature, no matter whether he is out of the army or into the army, he always does not change his temperament of being just and upright. When he was a resident in his hometown, he was accused of resisting local officials and was rehabilitated for a long time. He was a 47-year-old middle-aged soldier, and the answer to the question about the sea ban was to be answered, and he went so far as to bluntly say in the palace that there was rampant favoritism and fraud in maritime transport, and demanded that shipping be reformed in the interests of the people. At that time, Yang Yongjian, the reading official, admired him very much, and the emperor appointed shu jishi of the Hanlin Academy, and two years later he was disbanded to edit. In the case of the Governor of Jiangnan, Ka Li, who framed Chen Pengnian, the Manchu Dynasty's wen and martial artists knew that Chen Pengnian had been wronged, but no one dared to intercede. Only Qiu Zhao'ao's righteous words saved Chen Pengnian. In the fifty-first year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the emperor summoned the elderly Qiu Zhao'ao to gossip about the folk news, and Qiu Zhao'ao went so far as to say bluntly: "Last year, Governor Jiang's Governor Ka Li dismissed the official, Zhang Boxing remained in office, Jiangnan Shishu rejoiced, and the ministers were victorious in Daqing. We know that Du Fu adhered to the ideal of "To the Emperor Yao Shun" throughout his life and always appeared in political and literary history as an image of worrying about the country and the people. In later generations, there was Qiu Zhao'ao, a person who was consistent with his ideals and was upright and upright, who wrote notes on his poems, which can also be described as Du Fu's luck.

At the age of 52, Qiu Zhao'ao began to compile Du Shi. At the age of 53, he participated in the compilation of the "Great Qing Dynasty", during which he had close contacts with Scholars such as Gu Zuyu, Zha Shenxing, and Yan Ruoxuan. At the age of 57, he resigned from his official post and returned to his hometown due to his father's funeral, and his stay at home in recent years was crucial to the compilation of Du Shi's Detailed Notes. By the time Qiu Zhao'ao was 65 years old in the forty-first year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the first draft of the "Detailed Notes on Du Shi" took 13 years to finally be completed, and Qiu Zhao'ao rushed from Yin County to Hangzhou with the manuscript for engraving, and the following year, that is, the forty-second year of Kangxi, the engraving was completed. The publication of the "Detailed Notes on Du Shi" was also an important turning point in Qiu Zhao'ao's life, because this year coincided with the Kangxi Southern Tour, and Qiu Zhao'ao went to Wujiang to greet the holy car and presented the first engraved "Detailed Notes on Du Shi" into the imperial view. This is undoubtedly an excellent way to introduce yourself, and this first-time edition of "Du Shi's Detailed Notes" has extraordinary significance for Qiu Zhao'ao's life. Kangxi saw this book and gave him a plaque of "Dining Xia's Introduction to the Year". In the following year, Qiu Zhao'ao re-entered the career path, entered the Tai Womb, and was also reviewed by the Hanlin Academy. In the following years, he successively served as a bachelor of acolytes, a bachelor of the imperial palace, a bachelor of attendants, a cabinet bachelor and a waiter of the ceremonial department, and a bachelor of the right attendant of the official department and a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy. During this time, Qiu Zhao'ao made wide contacts with academic celebrities, and was able to exchange knowledge with Li Guangdi, Chen Tingjing, Zhang Yushu, and others who were also in the cabinet, and complemented each other. (See Qiu Zhao'ao's self-compiled "Shangyoutang Annals")

Between the forty-second and fifty-second years of the Kangxi Dynasty, Qiu Zhao'ao revised the "Detailed Notes on Du Shi", which also shows that the first engraving of the "Detailed Notes on Du Shi" was most likely specially made by Qiu Zhao'ao for kangxi's southern tour. In the fifty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the revised version of the Detailed Notes on Du Shi was finally engraved, which is the base of the Zhonghua Book Company's 1979 point school edition. For example, Qian Qianyi's name was almost completely dug up in the new edition, and the sources of many of the referred materials disappeared from the new edition, and the functions of compilation and collation were discounted. Therefore, although the new edition is the final version of Qiu Zhao'ao's personal investigation, the first edition also has the documentary value and practical significance that the final version does not have.

In his later years, Qiu Shi became quite interested in the number of techniques, and in addition to the Du Shi, he also completed the "Notes on the Collection of Zhou YiShan Tongqi" and the "Notes on the Collection of Wu zhen", the method of which was roughly the same as the "Detailed Notes on Du Shi". Although many details of Qiu Zhao'ao's life can no longer be examined in detail, a "Detailed Notes on Du Shi" is enough to make his name famous in history. I used to hear old gentlemen say that when they were young, there was a shortage of materials and it was too difficult to find a book to read. In our time, not only can we easily get the desired reading, but also choose between many editions, not only can we see the current popular print, but also through the photocopy of the original appearance of the "Du Shi" annotations 300 years ago, looking at the long historical time and space, today's readers are even lucky.

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