
It turns out that fish can "talk"?

author:Changsha Underwater World Official

We live in a world of sound and color, where people can talk and sing, and animals make all sorts of sounds. So, how do fish living in the water sound?

It turns out that fish can "talk"?

As we all know, sound is caused by the vibration of objects. Fish in the water do not have vocal organs, so the way to make sounds is strange, some rely on pressing the swim bladder, some rely on rubbing the throat teeth, and some rely on vibrating muscles.

For example, the Kangji eel in the sea will make a "barking" sound, which is the sound of gas in the swim bladder bursting through the tube of the swim bladder. The "grunting" sound of the giant yellow croak and the fish is caused by the resonance of the vibrations produced by the swim bladder and the connected muscles.

It turns out that fish can "talk"?

Congji eel

Fáng fú is called the "sea chicken" because it can make a rooster cry through the friction of the tongue and jaw, and with this skill, people are about to forget its original name. In addition, the scaly pufferfish in the order Sturgeon also make sounds through the friction of the upper and lower throat teeth.

Since so many fish can "talk and sing", why is it so hard for us to hear? This is because the density of water is 7500 times that of air, so the sound of fish swimming, the closing sound of gill covers, the loud sound of fish maws, and various friction sounds disappear without a trace in the medium of water.

It turns out that fish can "talk"?

We can often see swarms of fish playing together, how do the "silent" fish call friends? In fact, any kind of animal, they have a unique way of communicating with each other. Fish can also use their own voice "code" to communicate and convey messages to each other, thus forming a wonderful "language".

There is a kind of sea crucian carp, when encountering ferocious fish, it will make a sound like a "bell bell" like tapping metal, so that the fierce opponent cannot understand the strength of the sea crucian carp for a while, and does not dare to act rashly, and the sea crucian carp can take the opportunity to escape.

It turns out that fish can "talk"?

Sea crucian carp

From the outside, the fish have no ears and seem to hear nothing. In fact, the fish has an inner ear, hidden deep in the skull. In general, fish ears can feel sound waves that vibrate 340 to 690 times per second, while the human ear can feel sound waves that vibrate 16 times to 20,000 times per second. Therefore, fish ears are much more obtuse than human ears.

So, how can a fish with only the inner ear hear the sounds outside? In the inner cavity of the fish ear, there is a calcareous otolith, and its shape and size vary depending on the different fish.

In most bony fish, the otoliths are small. It is this delicate organ, the ear stone, that the fish listens to the movements of the four directions. When the outside world blows a little wind, the lymph of the inner ear will vibrate in the same way, which can stimulate the sensory cells of the ear stones, and then the ear stones are transmitted to the fish brain through the nerves, so that they will know the movement around them.

——This article is from China Ocean News, if there is any inappropriate, please inform