
Lin Jinsong, Lianjiang's "basket brother": Picking up sea drift garbage for 21 years

author:Fuzhou News Network

Fuzhou News Network, July 29 (Fuzhou Evening News reporter Zheng Ruiyang / Wen Shi Meixiang / photo) Recently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment announced the 2021 "'Beautiful China, I am the Actor' Action Plan to Enhance Citizens' Awareness of Ecological Civilization" advanced typical list, showing the advanced deeds of 100 most beautiful ecological environmental protection volunteers one by one. Lin Jinsong from Lianjiang is one of them.

Lin Jinsong, Lianjiang's "basket brother": Picking up sea drift garbage for 21 years

Lin Jinsong displays handicrafts made from drifting garbage.

21 years of picking up trash from the sea

Known as "Back Basket Brother"

Lin Jinsong is 48 years old, 1.9 meters tall, and is affectionately known as "brother with a basket" by local villagers.

The origin of "basket brother" is related to the drifting garbage in the sea. Huangqi Blue Sea Silver Beach has the reputation of "Pearl of the Sea". However, as the number of floating garbage such as plastic bags and styrofoam in the waters around the Huangqi Peninsula has gradually increased, the sea has also been polluted.

"I am a native of Huangqi and I love this sea." In 2000, 27-year-old Lin Jinsong resolutely carried the basket on his back, no matter whether it was windy and rainy, or cold and hot, he insisted on picking up the garbage drifting in the sea.

At first, Lin Jinsong was not understood, but he touched many people with his own actions.

In 2017, he set up the Huangqi Four Seas Environmental Protection Volunteer Service Team to carry out various volunteer services such as cleaning up the garbage in the sea, caring for mountains and rivers, and helping farmers and the poor, and so far there have been more than 300 registered volunteers, from "fighting alone" to "collecting firewood for everyone".

In recent years, he has insisted on organizing more than 10 large-scale beach clearance operations every year to attract the participation of all sectors of society. Last year, through online cloud live broadcasting, he carried out the "Protect Marine Ecology, Guard the Common Homeland" - the cross-strait (around Matsu'ao) marine ecological protection beach cleaning activities.

"I plan to hold an exhibition of creative environmental works on both sides of the strait." Rotten fishing nets, beer bottles, broken fishing boats and other garbage, which lin jinsong once regarded as a "fierce enemy", are turning waste into treasures – environmentally friendly creative works such as colorful wooden fish, doraemon-shaped wooden clocks, and even tea tables, benches, and ashtrays are made of drifting garbage.

Bring a family to do public welfare

Named the most beautiful family

"At first, hearing people laughing at him, I thought it was a shame. But later, more and more people joined in, and I felt that he was doing a good thing. Lin Jinsong's actions, his wife Yang Biling looked in her eyes. She is a good helper, raising children, taking care of elderly mothers, and solving Lin Jinsong's worries.

Yang Biling also followed Lin Jinsong to do public welfare, cutting the hair and mending the roof for the widows and elderly in the village. Later, the two children of the family also participated in public welfare.

The reporter learned that Lin Jinsong was selected into the "China Good People List" (helping others for fun), and their family was also rated as the most beautiful family in Fuzhou, the civilized family in Fuzhou, and the most beautiful family in Fujian Province.

【Editor-in-Charge: Li Linshan】

Source: Fuzhou News Network Author: Zheng Ruiyang Shi Meixiang

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