
Operation Golden Canyon: Reagan and Gaddafi duel, Libya suffered heavy losses, and the US military retreated

author:The Return of the Great Tang Dynasty

At 7:00 a.m. on August 19, 1981, two Soviet-22 fighters of the Liberian Air Force took off from Gurbadi Air Base, raised to 6,000 meters and changed to a flat flight, and flew north at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour.

There, the U.S. military is in full swing.

After the U.S. Navy's e-2c airborne early warning aircraft found the target, it immediately reported to the captain on the aircraft carrier NIMITZ.

The aircraft carrier Nimitz was facing a great enemy, and two F-14 fighters took off and greeted them.

After flying 5,000 meters, it met the narrow road with the Li Shuangji. The U.S. plane sent a signal to the Libyan plane: "We are the troops of the United States of America, we are exercising here, please leave immediately." ”

The enemy was extremely red-eyed when they saw each other, and Su-22 replied: Lao Tzu is looking for you!

Operation Golden Canyon: Reagan and Gaddafi duel, Libya suffered heavy losses, and the US military retreated

Before the words could be heard, two infrared-guided air-to-air missiles flew like US planes, but the US military had long been prepared and carried out electronic jamming, and the missiles deviated from the target and exploded.

Su-22 was shocked at the sight, shouted "not good", "thrown legs" and ran.

Speaking of late and fast, the pilots of the two F-14s pressed the button at the same time, two missiles were impartially centered on the target, and two Su-22s were carried in black smoke.

This air battle, the famous Air Battle of Sidra Bay, took only 60 seconds.

The United States is more than 7,000 kilometers away from the Gulf of Sidra, so why doesn't the U.S. military exercise there?

Operation Golden Canyon: Reagan and Gaddafi duel, Libya suffered heavy losses, and the US military retreated

Knowing that the United States is a superpower, why should Libya touch this tiger's ass?

To answer this question, one cannot fail to say one person – Gaddafi.

Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein had very similar experiences, both came from bitter backgrounds, both became soldiers, and both came to power through a coup d'état.

In September 1969, Gaddafi successfully ascended to the throne through a military coup.

Gaddafi, who came from a poor background, naturally hated capitalism to the extreme, and after coming to power, he pursued a policy of "unifying Arabia, eliminating Israel, hating the United States, and getting close to Moscow."

He drove all U.S. troops from Libya and threw the agreement between the two countries into the garbage basket.

Saddam Hussein's anti-American rhetoric, Gaddafi's anti-Americanism is to do what he says, he supports the Irish Republican Army in The British guerrilla and independence; he supports the PLO, and he will stop at nothing to fight with Israel.

The "Black September Movement" that created the "Munich Massacre" became Gaddafi's guest, asking for money and guns for guns.

Gaddafi did this mainly because of the Soviet Union's support.

The Soviet Union supplied About $6 billion worth of munitions, including 2,600 new tanks, hundreds of MiG-23 and MiG-25 fighter jets, and a sizable number of submarines and missiles.

The Soviets also sent a large military advisory group of up to 1,000 people to Libya, and Libya also put the Wheelers Air Base, which was originally used by the United States, for use by the Soviet army.

The United States could not bear what Gaddafi had done and imposed comprehensive economic sanctions on him.

But Gaddafi didn't budge: if you don't give you some color to see, you won't know how many eyes Ma Wangye has.

So Colonel Ka announced to the world in 1973: Listen, the Gulf of Sidra is Libyan territorial waters, and whoever dares to go in will let him come and go.

The whole world knows that this is said to the United States, because the United States has been practicing there before.

The president of the United States at that time was Carter, who was more afraid of things, so he was elected the worst president of the United States.

Iran took the American hostage for a year and he endured it, what else could not be tolerated?

Seeing Gaddafi's domineering side leak, Carter thought to himself that I should still put up with it.

The Arab countries all praised Gaddafi: Kago cattle! Serve you!

In 1981, at the age of 70, Reagan came to power and threatened to teach Gaddafi the thorn.

Reagan said: Little Card, everyone is 12 nautical miles, why do you want 150 nautical miles in Libya?

Gaddafi didn't even take this old American man from the actor in his eyes: there is a kind of coming!

Little did he know that Reagan was a stubble, and he ordered the U.S. aircraft carrier fleet to come to Sidra Bay.

Gaddafi did not expect that Reagan would come to the real world; he did not expect that the Soviet-made weapon that he had pinned high hopes on would drop the chain at a critical moment, making him lose face in front of the whole world.

Operation Golden Canyon: Reagan and Gaddafi duel, Libya suffered heavy losses, and the US military retreated

But Gaddafi is worthy of Gaddafi, he said viciously: "I don't believe you, let's ride a donkey and read the record book and see!" ”

Open guns are easy to dodge, dark arrows are difficult to defend; Reagan, who plays yin, is no match for Gaddafi.

In October 1983, Gaddafi's revenge came when the headquarters of the U.S. Marine Corps and the French Headquarters of the Multinational Force in Beirut were attacked, killing at least 100 U.S. Marines and French soldiers.

Looking at the American corpses dragged out of the rubble, Reagan's fists clenched tightly, and his eyes spewed fire.

But Reagan thought about it and put up with it.

Because the midterm elections are about to take place, if you use force, you may lose the election.

Gaddafi was happy at first sight, americans turned out to be like springs, you are weak and strong, you are strong, he is a mother.

He wanted to continue to humiliate Uncle Sam and make Reagan obedient.

On the morning of December 27, 1985, the Da Vinci Airport in Rome, italy, and schwechat International Airport in Vienna, Austria, were simultaneously attacked by terrorists, killing and injuring more than 100 people, including 5 american deaths and 1 Israeli death.

President Reagan went mad: Gaddafi, you terrorist, I want you to pay your blood debt.

At this time, he has been re-elected, anyway, the last term, still worried about a yarn?

Operation Golden Canyon: Reagan and Gaddafi duel, Libya suffered heavy losses, and the US military retreated

So Reagan first began imposing unprecedented economic sanctions on Libya, freezing all Libyan assets in the United States.

In mid-January 1986, the USs "Coral Sea" aircraft carrier formation and the "Saratoga" aircraft carrier formation successively sailed into the Mediterranean Sea and began to show their swords to Libya.

Everything is ready, there is only one excuse, and there is no open fire to invade Libya.

Gaddafi must be allowed to act first and find a reason to use force.

Gaddafi is very cooperative, he has thousands of Soviet-made aircraft, Soviet F-class submarines, missile frigates, and Scud missiles, and 9 surface-to-ground and surface-to-air missile brigades.

On January 26, Gaddafi once again announced to the world that the Gulf of Sidra at 32° 30' north latitude is the "death line", and that the blood in the Gulf of Sidra should flow into a "sea", and it is not afraid to die.

On 23 March, a U.S. carrier strike group aggressively sailed into the northern gulf of Sidra (Gulf of Sirte), 200 kilometers north of Gaddafi's declared "death line" (32°30'N).

The U.S. military was obviously prepared and very cautious, and they were afraid not of Gaddafi but of his Soviet-made weapons, sam and Scud missiles were not vegetarian.

To this end, the US military has used four destroyers and frigates equipped with the "Aegis" ship-to-air missile system to form an anti-ship protection network with a radius of more than 100 kilometers around the aircraft carrier battle group.

U.S. electronic jammers and early warning aircraft stood guard on the perimeter, waiting for Gaddafi to strike.

After 5 years, the eyes of the world are once again focused on the Gulf of Sidra,

On March 24, 1986, U.S. troops crossed Gaddafi's death line.

In front of the whole world, how could Gaddafi admit it, he ordered Uncle Sam to be beaten.

Operation Golden Canyon: Reagan and Gaddafi duel, Libya suffered heavy losses, and the US military retreated

At 2:52 p.m., the Libyan Air Defense Forces С-200ВЭ (SAM-5) anti-aircraft missile battalion opened fire on U.S. carrier-based fighters.

Two Soviet-made SAM-5 missiles roared at the U.S. plane, but the missiles swung to the side like a drunkard.

After the missiles were jammed, two MiG-25 fighters went into battle shirtless and were beaten to the north.

In the evening, 3 SAM-5 missiles and 1 SAM-2 missile fired at the US military again, still like a drunkard, and did not hit the target.

Operation Golden Canyon: Reagan and Gaddafi duel, Libya suffered heavy losses, and the US military retreated

Seeing that Gaddafi was so cooperative, the US army was triumphant and immediately counterattacked, and the Position of the Sirte anti-aircraft missile launch was immediately blown into ruins.

The US carrier-based aircraft were not far behind, and the "Harpoon" missile roared out, beating the Libyan Navy ship to the head.

At 2 a.m. on the 25th, the United States and Libya came to an end.

In just 6 hours, 5 Libyan missile patrol boats were buried at sea, 2 anti-aircraft missile launch positions became a sea of fire, 150 Libyan soldiers sacrificed their lives for the country, and the US military did not suffer any casualties.

Just when Gaddafi was in a state of shock, the U.S. military began another large-scale airstrike on Libya.

The reason for the airstrikes was simple: the United States had evidence of Gaddafi's terrorist activities; the purpose of the airstrikes was to behead Him. The United States dispatched more than 150 aircraft of various types in the air and navy and dropped more than 100 tons of bombs.

Operation Golden Canyon: Reagan and Gaddafi duel, Libya suffered heavy losses, and the US military retreated

Five important military targets, including Gaddafi's command post and its residence, were destroyed, Libya lost more than 30 Soviet-made fighters, killing and wounding 700 people, and the US military retreated without losing a single aircraft.

However, the decapitated target, Gaddafi, was safe and sound, and her adopted daughter Hana, who was only 1 and a half years old, was killed and 2 sons were injured.

After the airstrike, Gaddafi gritted his teeth in hatred at Reagan, saying he was "the biggest terrorist in the world."

Since then, Gaddafi and the United States have formed a bloody feud, and the confrontation with each other has reached a climax, and the drama has been on stage.

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