
The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

author:UFO House

There are always some animals on the earth that are very magical, such as the human tooth fish living in the Amazon River, which is a very magical animal, this animal feeds on nuts that fall into the water, and is also a carnivorous animal, the human tooth fish is famous for having a pair of teeth similar to humans, so it will be called the human tooth fish, and later this human tooth fish was introduced to the New Guinea region, and it is said that there have been several incidents in the local area, this human tooth fish will specifically attack the crotch of men, swallow the testicles of men, Caused local panic, so what kind of fish is this fish, this article will introduce you to it, and introduce some other very magical animals on the earth, take you to understand the strangeness of the earth.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Introduction to the toothfish

The origin of the human tooth fish

The human tooth fish, also known as the Paku piranha, is a close relative of the sawfish, a fruit-eating fish that lives in fresh water, feeds mainly on nuts that fall in the water, and has human-like teeth for cracking nuts and fruits. Originally living in the Amazon basin, it weighs up to 18 kg.

Jeremy Weed, 53, a producer of the British independent television "Monsters in the River", recently went to Papua New Guinea to investigate, and after several weeks of searching in a small fishing boat, he finally caught an 18-kilogram "strange fish" with human teeth. It usually lived in the Amazon basin before being introduced to Papua New Guinea. Papua New Guinea rivers lack food, and they also feed on meat to survive, and in 2011 two men were reported to have died after being bitten by this strange fish, and they liked to sneak into the crotch of fishermen in the water.

It turned out that this mysterious "strange fish" that loved to eat male testicles was actually a "giant fat carp", and the locals called them "spherical milling cutters", and when Weed opened the mouth of this "strange fish", he found that it had sharp teeth like human teeth in its mouth! Therefore, the giant carp is also known as the "human tooth fish".

According to Weed, giant carps were originally native to the Amazon Valley of South America and, although they have sharp teeth, are "vegetarians" . Unlike the Amazon piranha, the giant carp, which also has teeth, is just a "fruit-eating fish" that usually loves to open the stomach of nuts, fruits or plant seeds with sharp teeth.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Human toothfish bite incident

Premier League Blackburn defender Dane was really dedicated because he caused a strong shot in the game to tear his testicles and didn't know it after he was injured, and he insisted on holding out for a full 18 minutes in the following game. An accidental injury made him a news figure in English football. Last weekend, Winger Chris Wilder of League Two gillingham was injured by a violent tackle by the opposing player, which led to the rupture of the scrotum and the exposure of the testicles, and finally the tragedy of being stitched five times. It must have been a terrible trauma and his wife should have claimed mental and other damages from the opposing team. Testicles, how can you be so fragile.

The local residents of Papua New Guinea can recently say "talk about fish discoloration", because several fishermen were attacked by mysterious "strange fish" when fishing and swimming in the water, and this terrible "strange fish" actually bit the victim's testicles fiercely, causing them to lose blood and die after being "castrated".

Due to the sudden appearance of this "strange fish" that loves to eat male testicles in the local waters, the local fishermen are all frightened and worried when they go fishing in the water, and those adults or children who usually like to go into the water to bathe and swim, because they are afraid of being castrated by the mysterious "strange fish", almost dare not swim again.

It is reported that this fruit-eating fish was introduced to the rivers and waters of Papua New Guinea about 15 years ago, but due to the lack of edible plants, seeds and nuts and other food that the giant carp likes to eat in the local waters, the giant fat carp may "change its taste" under extreme hunger, and begin to attack and prey on the testicles of men in the water, transforming from a "vegetarian animal" to a "carnivorous animal".

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Meet other strange creatures on Earth

The toothfish is known as a strange creature with its peculiar appearance, but this creature exists only to be able to better adapt to the living environment, and there are some other creatures on the earth, which are also very magical, and the following will take you to know them.

Elf shark

Elven sharks have been found in much of the Western Indian Ocean, the Western Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, most commonly in the waters surrounding Japan, near Tosa Bay and the Bosa Peninsula.

Euclidean barramundi is characterized by its protruding snout to form a pointed protrusion, longer than in other sharks, in order to feel the prey, and the two jaws move forward to form a bird's beak, which can suddenly reach out to grab the prey. Another feature of it is the translucent lateral lobes of the skin that are not well classified to reveal blood to give the body a pink color. Its jaw can be retracted and, when contracted, it looks like a pink, long-snouted sand tiger shark.

Although the appearance of deep-sea animals seems to us to be more frightening, the elven shark is one of the most terrifying animals among these deep-sea animals. The skin of the elven shark is not only extremely thin, but also translucent due to the lack of pigment, which makes the bright red muscles of the elven shark clearly visible, which is also the main reason for its overall pink appearance.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Horned cicadas

Horned cicadas, also known as "stinging insects", are well versed in the art of imitation. Some horned cicadas have horn-like protrusions that are even more ornate, and they use this to mimic dead leaves. If their camouflage is recognized, the horned cicadas will bounce up with the help of their powerful hind legs and quickly escape.

The horned cicada is a worm that prefers to live in trees. When the high-crowned horned cicada stops perching on the branches, the "high crown" on its head can easily be mistaken for a dead branch. When the three-spiny horned cicada falls on a tree with thorns, its backwards-extending spines are mixed in, making it more difficult to distinguish between true and false. Incredibly, when several or a dozen horned cicadas rest on the same branch, they are also equidistantly arranged, making people look like real small branches. With such a realistic mimetic camouflage and mimicking its surroundings, the horned cicada can easily deceive its enemies and save itself.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Blue Dragon

Atlantic poseidon sea slugs. Also known as the Blue Dragon, it lives in tropical waters and floats on the surface of the water through gas pockets in the stomach. Little Ryukyu once appeared!

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals


The most striking feature of the horned whale is the tusks protruding from their heads, which are canine teeth protruding from the left upper jaw, which can reach 2 to 3 meters in length and are spiral-shaped, so named because they look like horns. In addition to fighting, the teeth are also a symbol of its status in the family, and the longer and thicker the teeth of the narwhal, the higher its status in the whale group.

The body color of a horned whale changes significantly with age, and the newborns are speckled gray or brownish gray. It is uniformly purple-gray at 1 to 2 years of age; white patches appear during puberty; adult whales have black or dark brown patches on a gray background; and older whales are almost completely white.

Because the tusks of a horned whale are reminiscent of unicorn legends, there have been centuries when people believed to have medical effects and even magic. In the Middle Ages, where tusks were the most valuable, the price of "unicorn horns" was ten times that of gold of the same weight. Legend has it that Queen Elizabeth of England received a tusk worth £10,000, an amount that could have bought a castle at the time.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Poodle moth

The creature was not found in Venezuela until 2009. It looks a lot like an alien creature, but unfortunately the scientific community doesn't have much information about it yet. The Venezuelan poodle moth, discovered in Venezuela in 2009 by Dr. Arthur Anker of Kyrgyzstan, in the Gran Sabana district of Venezuela. There is no further news, and biologists have not yet determined its classification. It is closer to the "mullein moth" of the lepidoptera lamp moth family, but may also belong to other orders.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Electric rays

Capable of emitting electric light, it lives mainly in the western Indian Ocean, where there are many species of fish, and is by far the largest species in the single-fin electric ray family.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

The Great King has a footworm

The Great King's Footworm, or Giant Deep-Sea Lice and Giant Isopoda, is the world's largest group of arthropods, the Phylum and other footed lice. It is thought that the Great King's Footworm lives in large numbers in the icy deep atlantic ocean. Because the Great King's Footworm is difficult to catch and it does not have a large market for market, the commercial fishing industry is not very interested in it. However, in northern Taiwan and some other seashores, you can often see the figure of the king's footed insect in the coastal restaurants. They are usually cut in half and laterally for diners after cooking, which makes it easier to weed out their meat. The flesh of the king's footworm is similar to that of animals such as crabs and lobsters. In addition, some specimens of the king's phalopods that have been lured out of the sea can also be seen in aquariums in the Americas.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Red-lipped batfish

The red-lipped batfish that lives in the Lapagos Islands is known for its bright red lips, and more specifically, it has four "legs" and is considered one of the ugliest species in the world. It has a large head and "walks" on the bottom of the sea with pectoral fins. Staple foods are shrimp, molluscs, small fish, crabs and worms. As an adult , its dorsal fin grows into a spine-like shape that resembles the horns of its head , projected to lure prey. Looks really special.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals


Found in the Arctic, it has been a delicacy on the Table of the Inuit for thousands of years! They are sensitive to changes in their environment! PS: The unicorn is actually a tooth.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Sea pigs

The world is nothing short of spectacular. You may think that there are already many magical species that you know, but there are still many mysterious species that you have never heard of before. Today, Ali Baixiu Xiaobian will give you an inventory of the 10 kinds of animals in the world, take a look at these strange-looking creatures! This round, chubby creature with strange tentacles is actually a close relative of sea cucumbers, inhabiting the deep seabed (usually more than 1,000 meters deep) and pushing food into their mouths with their tentacles.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Fire bugs

This creature, which looks like a bottle that collects a lot of bubbles, called a fire body worm by scientists, is about 7 centimeters long and is a spherical polymer organism, and those bubbles are the "inhabitants" of the polymer. Each tiny individual acts like a pump to provide water and nutrients to the organism, allowing the aggregate to survive while also emitting light.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Atlantic poseidon sea slugs

The "Atlantic Poseidon" first appeared in an article published by European scholars in 1777. The reason why this sea slug is called "sea god" is because of its appearance like the greek god of the sea in Greek mythology, Grox. In Greek mythology, the sea god Glaucus was immortalized by eating magical grasses, but his hands grew fins and his legs became tails.

The Atlantic Sea God Sea Slugs have bare cheeks (the hand-like one) on their upper surfaces, and the number can be as many as 84. Food such as the monk's hat jellyfish contains spiny cells, which they store in their bare cheeks. Therefore, grabbing the Atlantic Sea God Sea Slug will feel tingling (so don't hold it with your hands when you see it), just like when you are stung by a monk's hat jellyfish.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Fire-breathing fish

In the Indian Ocean there is a fire-breathing fish, which is not very large, only about 20 centimeters. But it has a subtle protective "weapon". Fire-breathing fish can usually take in phosphorus-containing organic matter from food and constantly store it in the body, and once they encounter ships or predators, tens of thousands of fire-breathing fish will spit out this organic matter. Phosphorus spontaneously combusts in oxygen, and can spew out a flame more than 3 meters long to shoot at the enemy, causing the enemy to turn around and flee in fear.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Sea lily

It is a kind of echinoderm that first appeared in the Carboniferous Period, living in the sea, with many brachiopods, a flower-shaped body, and a calcareous shell on the surface, because it looks like a plant, people have given them the name of a plant such as sea lilies.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Gill-footed insects

In seawater their diploid individuals reproduce sexually. The first antennae of the male's head are slender, the second antennae are divided into two segments, the basal segment is enlarged, and the dorsal mask near the inner end angle is a finger-like protrusion, which is a vestigial antennal appendage, the terminal segment is curved inward into a right angle, and the end has granules and small bristles. The frontal appendages are a pair, short, and the inner end angle is curved inward, so that the left and right are close to each other, forming a ring of holes, with a small tooth at the end and a large tooth on the outside of the inner end corner. There is a spherical protrusion in the center of the base of the frontal appendage, with fine spines on the surface. The inner margin of the inner lobe of the end of the sixth thoraphalus has 5 spines, and each has a spiny bristle between the spines. The ventral surface of the caudal segment sometimes has a pair of spine-like protrusions. The tail fork is long and curved inward, and about 1/3 of the length of the base of the inner and outer edges is bristled, and the other 2/3 have small spines, and the end has 4 spines each. The handover is cylindrical in shape. The first antennae of females are homomorphic to those of males, the terminal segments of the second antennae are straight out, and the terminal margin is spiny bristles, and the unduly end is claw-shaped. The tail fork is short and small, does not bend significantly inward, and has bristles on the inner, outer edges, and ends. Males are 11–13 mm long, females are 11 mm long. 5-13 mm.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Frilled shark

It is found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, the western Pacific ocean from Japan to Australia, and the eastern Pacific region from California to Chile. It is the most primitive of sharks and is known as a "living fossil". It is a genus of cartilaginous fishes. The body length is about 1.5 meters. The gills are spaced elongated and wrinkled, and cover each other, so they are named the frilled shark.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals


It is a collective name for about 60 species of warm water and temperate marine fish. The head is broad and flattened, the body is slender, and the head body is covered with hard nodules or spines. The mouth is small, and some species of kisses are elongated and upturned. The body length is up to 36 cm (14 in). Swimming ability is poor, often crawling on the seabed with arm-like pectoral and ventral fins. Most live in the deep sea, and some live in shallow water.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals


It is a cartilaginous fish that lives in the bottom of tropical and subtropical seas and is known locally as the "underwater devil". Its body is slightly diamond-shaped. Although the manta ray has a large mouth 50 cm wide, the manta ray is a very gentle animal.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Angora rabbit

Angora rabbit, also known as grass mud rabbit, according to the international ARBA organization data records, angora rabbit is derived from the Angolan province of Turkey; Another theory is that it originated in England, was bred by the French, and was named the angora rabbit because of its slender hair, somewhat resembling an angora goat.

The human toothfish bites the male crotch and takes stock of the world's strange animals

Stone fish

Only about 30 centimeters long, hiding under the seabed or under a rock, disguising itself as an inconspicuous stone, even if a person stands next to it, it is motionless and cannot be found. Body color varies from environment to environment, and like a chameleon, it disguises itself to blind enemies and survive.

Conclusion: The human toothfish is only one of all the animals in the natural world, and the existence of this animal also shows the magic of nature, but there are still many areas on the earth that have not been explored, such as the deep sea, and there may be many animals in the deep sea that have not been known.

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