
Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac

author:Xi'an Qujiang Tourism Official


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Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac
Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac

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What a marine animal

01 Sub-rat — Old "rat" spot

Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac
Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac

Rat spots, also known as green spots, anchovies, and humpback bass. Because of its long head and pointed mouth, everyone thinks that it looks like a mouse, and its background color is creamy and with black polka dots, which is not only lively and cute, but also can confuse enemies and protect themselves. It generally lives in the reef areas of the Indian Ocean and can grow up to 50 cm.

02 Ugly Cow — Horned Box Puffer

Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac
Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac

Known as the "Golden Bull in the Water", the horned box pufferfish. There are a pair of large round eyes, and a pair of horns on the eyes, like a cartoon version of the calf. In addition to looking like a cow, swimming is also particularly slow as a cow. It also has its own cow temper, when in danger, it will secrete a poisonous substance from under the skin and die with the enemy. Coral reefs that live in the Indian Ocean can also be seen in the South China Sea, the East China Sea, and the Yellow Sea.

03 YinHu — "Tiger" butterfly

Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac
Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac

Tiger butterfly, the stripes on the side back look a lot like a tiger. Distributed in the coral reefs of the central and western Pacific Ocean, carnivorous, can be fed animals, and artificial feed, suitable for water temperature of 26 degrees, seawater specific gravity of 1.022, water volume of more than 200 liters of aquarium tank, the maximum body length of up to 13 cm.

04 Rabbit — Sea Hare

Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac
Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac

The sea hare is not a rabbit, but a species of snail, a collective name for the marine gastropods of the sea hare family, also known as sea slugs. The two pairs of antennae on its head protrude like rabbit ears. Sea hares are shellfish living in shallow seas. It is a special member of the crustacean mollusk family. Their shells have degenerated into inner shells. On the back there is a transparent thin shell skin, which is generally white with a pearly luster. Sea hares are hermaphrodite creatures that inhabit the seabed and are bare-chested, connected by an oviparous groove between the two reproductive foramen of the male and female. Sea hares are found in warm sea areas of the world.

05 Chenlong — Sea Dragon

Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac
Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac

Sea dragons are also known as poplar fish and pipe mouth fish. It is a bony fish, which is classified in the zoological classification into a family , the family Hydrosaurus. And seahorse is related. The mouth is like a thin tube, with two rows of small teeth up and down. There are a pair of deeply sunken eyes, which are particularly charming. There are 5 protrusions on the upper back and 4 on the lower body. There are about 150 species of the family , and there are also 200 species. There are 25 species of sea dragons in our country.

06 Snake — Sea Snake

Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac
Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac

Sea snakes are a subfamily of the family Cobraidae. Similar to the cobra subfamily, both are venomous snakes with anterior groove teeth. The tail side is flattened like a paddle, and the back of the trunk is slightly flattened. There are 13 genera and 38 species in this subfamily. It is found in the warm waters of Australia from the Persian Gulf in the west to Japan in the east and in the south to Australia. Sea snakes, also known as "blue ring sea snakes", "spotted sea snakes", are reptiles that live in the ocean. poisonous. Length 1.5-2 meters. Its torso is slightly cylindrical , elongated , with a flattened posterior and caudal side , and a dark grey back. Sea snakes have yellow or olive abdomen. The whole body has a black ring belt of 55-80 pieces. Living in the ocean, good at swimming, preying on fish, oviparous.

07 Noon Horse — Seahorse

Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac
Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac

The seahorse is a collective term for several small species of marine fish in the family Hydrosaurus, a small marine animal with a length of 5–30 cm. Named because the head is curved and the body is nearly right angled, the head is horse's head shape and forms a horn with the body, the snout is long tube-shaped, the mouth is small, and the dorsal fin is composed of fins. The eyes can move independently. The hippocampus is slow to move, but can very efficiently catch quick-moving, well-hidden copepods in the Atlantic, Europe, Pacific, and Australia.

08 Ungod — "sheep" fish

Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac
Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac

The scientific name of the sheep fish is the yellow-fin horse-faced pufferfish, which is a fish of the genus Horse-faced puffer in the family Gris. It is found in Japan and the South China Sea and the East China Sea. The type of origin of this species is in the deep sea of the East China Sea, the outer sea of Fuding in Fujian Province, and the sea off the Yangtze River estuary. Yellowfin horse-faced pufferfish, belonging to the animal kingdom, with an oval body and flattened sides. Generally, the body length is 9 to 11 cm, and the weight is 15 to 25 grams. It is found in the western Pacific Ocean.

09 Shen Monkey - "Monkey" head fish

Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac
Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac

The scientific name of the lion's head fish is the Japanese Kasaha. With a large mouth, a pair of clever eyes, a leather whisker on the face and chin, he looks like a monkey, although it is only 18 cm to 25 cm long, but it is as flexible as a monkey. Small fish, which inhabit the ridge edge of coral reefs, feed on algae, detritus and small invertebrates. It is mainly distributed in the Pacific Region, including Japan, Taiwan, the Great Barrier Reef and the islands of Oceania.

10 Unitary Chicken — Chicken Fish

Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac
Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac

The scientific name of the chicken fish is scaly pufferfish. Scaly pufferfish are beautiful in color. Feeds on algae and invertebrates. There are about 40 species, of which 18 are produced in China. The dorsal fin spines rub against the spines of the fins to produce sounds. The flesh of the scaly pufferfish is thick and coarse, and some species (such as the round-spotted scaly pufferfish) are poisonous and not suitable for consumption. Scaly pufferfish with a very interesting face and a very beautiful body color are the same kind of pufferfish. In the small mouth, there are 8 sharp and powerful teeth like chisels, which are very strong in biting force, and even hard shells such as sea urchins can be chewed. It is found mainly in tropical and subtropical offshore areas and is a shallow sea fish.

11 Dog — Doghead Fish

Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac
Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac

The doghead fish is also called the fork-nosed pufferfish, and the inner ear allows me to hear sound waves of 2 Hz to 2800 Hz. Living in the sea of 3 to 50 meters, juvenile fish prefer to move in the estuarine area, and are broadly salinized fish. Swimming slowly, frightened will pump in a large amount of air or water, inflating the fish body into a ball to scare off predators. Sleep on the spot at night and rarely hide in a cave. Carnivorous, dominated by small benthic invertebrates.

12 Hai Pig — Sea Pig

Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac
Here are the "secrets" of the ocean and the zodiac

Sea pig, also known as ocean pig, is a kind of sea cucumber, the scientific name is "pipe foot", there are 5-7 pairs of feet, quietly living in the deep sea, eating all kinds of microorganisms and marine animal carcasses, is the "cleaner" in the sea! They are widely distributed, and they can be found in cold deep seas (usually more than 1000 meters deep). Sea pigs have toxins in their skin and prefer to live in groups, and when they gather, they will collectively face one direction, that is, the direction of the current. Much like a sunflower.

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