
The 10 most dangerous animals in the Amazon, the 10th piranha, the 5th bull shark, and the top toothpick fish

10. Red Piranha: Piranha is a general term for a class of fish that is branched in the Amazon River in South America, also translated as piranha. It belongs to the subfamily sawfish in the family Licarpus, according to the different dietary and living habits, it can be divided into: plant-eating and carnivorous. Among them, the red piranha is carnivorous. The red piranha has sharp teeth, a well-developed jaw and a reddish abdomen.

The 10 most dangerous animals in the Amazon, the 10th piranha, the 5th bull shark, and the top toothpick fish

9, black caiman: black caiman is one of the largest living reptiles, but also the largest carnivore in the Amazon Basin. There are many stories of black caimans preying on humans, but none of them are confirmed. The black caiman is a large crocodile and the largest species in the alligator family, with individuals that can grow up to 5.5 meters, are widely distributed in the Amazon Basin, inhabit relatively quiet waters, and rarely appear in places with strong currents.

The 10 most dangerous animals in the Amazon, the 10th piranha, the 5th bull shark, and the top toothpick fish

8, electric eel: electric eel, naked-backed electric eel family of South American fish. It can produce an electric current that can knock people unconscious, and is the freshwater fish with the strongest discharge ability, and the output voltage can reach 300 to 800 volts, so the electric eel is called the "high voltage line" in the water. Distributed in the Guyana region of the Amazon Basin of South America, the electric eel is mostly found in shallow ponds or on the shores of more turbid water bodies, and is a large and famous food fish of origin.

The 10 most dangerous animals in the Amazon, the 10th piranha, the 5th bull shark, and the top toothpick fish

7, green water nymph: green water nymph is one of the largest snakes in the world, also known as the forest nymph, is the top carnivore in South America. Generally females are 5 to 6.5 m long, males are about 5 m long, the maximum record can reach 8.5 m, and the general weight is 225 kg. It inhabits wetlands in the Amazon basin and is highly hydroforested. It preys on capybara and other mammals, fish, water birds, and sometimes alligators and even freshwater turtles.

The 10 most dangerous animals in the Amazon, the 10th piranha, the 5th bull shark, and the top toothpick fish

6, whisker catfish: whisker catfish is crowned as the largest catfish in the Amazon River, but also the largest fish in the Amazon, muscular, extremely powerful, can easily swim upstream in the water. The shape is very similar to that of sharks, and it is also streamlined. And it has a bad reputation because it bites down on food that is far more than it can chew (or swallow), and it's easy to choke yourself to death. Adult catfish have few predators in the wild, except that toothpick fish parasitize in their gills to suck blood.

The 10 most dangerous animals in the Amazon, the 10th piranha, the 5th bull shark, and the top toothpick fish

5, bull shark: bull shark is small, the body is relatively wider than other sharks, the trunk is thick, and the whole body is spindle-shaped. The bull shark has an ability that many sharks don't have – it's the only shark that lives in both saltwater and freshwater environments. Bull sharks feed on fish, birds and dolphins, and they have a powerful bite force that can catch any animal in a matter of seconds.

The 10 most dangerous animals in the Amazon, the 10th piranha, the 5th bull shark, and the top toothpick fish

4, giant leeches: This is one of the animals found in the Amazon River, its body is red, its body length is more than 20 inches, it feeds on small earthworms, and remains in the leaf litter.

The 10 most dangerous animals in the Amazon, the 10th piranha, the 5th bull shark, and the top toothpick fish

3, Matamata turtle: dead leaf turtle, is a species of turtle in the genus plesiosaur turtle family. Growing in the Matamata swamp, also known as the Matamata tortoise, it is one of the oldest surviving reptiles. It is a sedentary turtle with a flat head in the shape of a triangle. Dead leaf turtles are characterized by very strong carapace, and when attacked, the turtle can retract its head, tail and limbs into the shell.

The 10 most dangerous animals in the Amazon, the 10th piranha, the 5th bull shark, and the top toothpick fish

2, super otter: the rarest mammal in the Amazon, now living in one of the most remote corners of the Amazon, it is a huge super otter. Despite its size, according to the IUCN, the giant otter is currently in danger of extinction because the area in which it lives is so destructive and polluted that it could perish at any time if the area is not protected.

The 10 most dangerous animals in the Amazon, the 10th piranha, the 5th bull shark, and the top toothpick fish

1, toothpick fish: toothpick fish is a kind of freshwater fish belonging to catfish. It is a catfish that grows in the Amazon Basin of South America, and is probably the smallest vertebrate in the world, with an adult body of less than 10 cm, a transparent body color, and an elongated body shape, so it is difficult to find in water. Toothpick fish often re-drill into the human body in the river, and its gills have barbs that are difficult to remove once drilled in.

The 10 most dangerous animals in the Amazon, the 10th piranha, the 5th bull shark, and the top toothpick fish

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