
There are bull sharks here? Five unexpected bull sharks found the ground


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There are bull sharks here? Five unexpected bull sharks found the ground

The bull shark, scientific name Carcharhinus leucas, also known as the white shark or bull white-eyed mackerel, is named for its sturdy, cow-like body, broad nose, and unpredictable aggressive behavior. Bull sharks are currently one of the few sharks in the world that can survive in fresh and salt water.

Although bull sharks can be seen wandering in almost every shallow area of the world's oceans, especially on the tropical coast, there are still some discoveries that make people wonder: "Why are you here?" ”

There are bull sharks here? Five unexpected bull sharks found the ground

@Wikimedia Commons

There are bull sharks here? Five unexpected bull sharks found the ground

@Brisbane Times

In the man-made lake in the heart of Australia's Carbrook Golf Club, there are six bull sharks living, and their exposed fins have become a "sight" for the club, and many tourists come to visit.

This golf course in Queensland is located near the Logan River, which was frequently flooded in the 1990s. Researchers believe that some juvenile bull sharks may have washed into the lake during the flooding period and ran aground here. In fact, the initial sightings were not taken seriously, only that the witnesses were drunk and misread. It wasn't until 2003 that someone took a picture of a bull shark in the lake.

It is reported that these bull sharks have a very leisurely life and have even bred in the lake. The lake is about the size of Grand Central Station and is home to many fish. Now, the golf club hosts the Shark Lake Challenge on the last Wednesday of every month to celebrate the bull shark "residents" here.

There are bull sharks here? Five unexpected bull sharks found the ground

@Riverfront Times

In 1937 and 1995, fishermen caught a bull shark in the upper Mississippi River near Illinois and Missouri, respectively. This shark is the only shark in the Americas that can survive in fresh water for a year or more, thanks to its amazing adaptability. Bull sharks can adjust the amount of salt in the blood and other substances at will, thereby maintaining the balance of salinity in the body.

There are bull sharks here? Five unexpected bull sharks found the ground

@National Geographic

Because bull sharks are often found in zambezi river in Africa, where Victoria Falls is located, they are also known as "Zambezi Sharks" in Africa.

Bull sharks can often be seen wandering around a herd of hippos. They are actually attracted to small fish that feed on the large amount of feces produced by these hippos.

The St. Lucia Estuary, one of the largest tidal wetlands in Africa, is a mixture of shallow, warm fresh and salt water, providing a suitable habitat for bull sharks.

There are bull sharks here? Five unexpected bull sharks found the ground

@Rudyologist, Wikipedia

The resident bull shark in Lake Nicaragua was once considered a new species. In 1877, a group of scientists studied a mysterious freshwater shark found in Lake Nicaragua, which they believed was a rare freshwater shark that was endemic to the lake. The Government of Nicaragua has even issued a special stamp with the image of a bull shark printed on it.

Researchers believe that Lake Nicaragua was originally a bay in the Pacific Ocean, and over time, the bay gradually closed down, and some sharks were trapped inside, and they evolved into a completely new species. In 1976, however, researchers realized that the sharks were actually bull sharks. Today, these bull sharks still swim along the San Juan River from the Caribbean sea to Lake Nicaragua, a journey of about 200 kilometers.

There are bull sharks here? Five unexpected bull sharks found the ground

@Getty Images

This shark has even been seen in the upper Reaches of the Amazon River, 4,000 kilometers from the ocean. It is understood that the bull shark will travel up the river from the coast of Brazil to Iquitos in Peru and into northern Bolivia. In addition to bull sharks, there are also anacondas, caimans, poison dart frogs and poisonous insects in the river, which are very dangerous.

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