
Brazilian male nose smells 100 spiral maggots dug out of the nasal cavity

author:Qianzhan Network
Brazilian male nose smells 100 spiral maggots dug out of the nasal cavity

Brazilian male nose smells odor 100 spiral maggots dug out of the nasal cavity (picture and text unrelated)

Recently, the US media published a case about "rhinophila maggot disease", a 65-year-old patient with chronic sinusitis, after the operation recovered well. But then there were symptoms of breathing difficulties and odors, and the doctor looked in the nasal mirror for the patient and found that deep in his left nostril, there were more than 100 "nasal maggots" squirming.

According to the report, the 65-year-old patient from São Paulo, Brazil, in addition to breathing difficulties, odor and other symptoms, he did not find that there seemed to be worms running out of the left nostril until 2 days before the treatment, and the doctor also examined through nasal endoscopy afterwards.

From the nasal mirror film at that time, you can see that the patient's nasal cavity is covered with terrible maggots, divided into several segments of the film content, but also let people see more and more disgusting, terrible, fortunately, after the diagnosis, the doctor used nasal endoscopy for treatment, with physiological saline and the way of removing larvae, 4 days later to solve the symptoms of the patient, and after 2 months of tracking, the patient's nasal mucosa did not find symptom recurrence.

It is reported that the spiral maggot is a fly larvae, will lay eggs on the exposed flesh of the animal, such as wounds, eyes, nostrils, anus, etc., after which it will hatch into maggots, and feed on human flesh, if not treated in time, bones, faces, nose and soft tissues of the eyes, etc., will be chewed and destroyed, and may even lead to infection of the eyes and brain, may also cause meningitis, serious will cause death.