
vajra! Mountain gorillas

Movie poster for the 2005 edition of King Kong.

vajra! Mountain gorillas

King Kong contrasts with the head of a mountain gorilla. King Kong is based on a mountain gorilla.

vajra! Mountain gorillas

Adult males can reach 1.5-1.8 meters when standing, stretch their hands up to 2.25 meters, and weigh 150-180 kg. When ripe, a bunch of gray or silver hairs grow on the back.

vajra! Mountain gorillas

Mountain gorillas have a longer and darker coat than other gorillas , so they can live at high altitudes and in cooler places.

vajra! Mountain gorillas

Predominantly herbivorous, it includes leaves, branches and trunks of 142 species of plants.

vajra! Mountain gorillas

When two groups meet, the two male leaders sometimes fight and bite each other with canine teeth until the other dies.

vajra! Mountain gorillas

Mountain gorillas are now critically endangered, and the reason for their decline is hunting.

vajra! Mountain gorillas

War: The Civil War in Central Africa affected the conservation of mountain gorillas.

vajra! Mountain gorillas

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