
In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

author:I'm a codeword

Exactly thirty years ago, Lu Yao's magnum opus masterpiece "Ordinary World" was made into a TV series, around this TV series, the audience can basically be divided into two views, one is that the filming is good, the degree of restoration is very high. The other thinks that the shooting is not good, and there are many problems.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

Lu Yao, the original author of "Ordinary World", also participated in the filming process of this drama, and he also helped director Pan Xinxin arrange interviews with the character archetypes in the book and take him to experience life. After the TV series was made, Lu Yao was somewhat dissatisfied with the evaluation of the drama, but finally gave praise, and then the drama also won the honorary award of the Feitian Award.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

However, the author believes that although this drama has been recognized by The Passerby, it cannot be denied that this version of "Ordinary World" has many problems and shortcomings. The author will analyze this TV series from the two parts of advantages and disadvantages.

First, the existing deficiencies

1. Lack of experience and insufficient funds

"Ordinary World" TV series shooting background is catching up with a leap in China's TV drama industry, in 1987 and 1988 "Dream of the Red Chamber" and "Journey to the West" hit the entire TV drama industry, China TV series production center has launched a series of TV series, in this context, China TV drama production center director Ruan Ruolin will shoot "Ordinary World" task to the then 34-year-old director Pan Xinxin.

Can't say that pan Xinxin's level of director is not enough, can only say that he may not have enough experience in mastering large productions, "Ordinary World" has more than 100 characters, this drama has been filmed about 90, in the space of only 14 episodes to stuff so many people and plot is the need for strong directing and screenwriting ability, but unfortunately director Pan Xinxin may still be young in this regard. If it is replaced by Yang Jie or Wang Fulin, its shooting effect must be incomparable.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

In addition, the show only filmed 14 episodes also has insufficient funds, in the late eighties to pull sponsorship is indeed a very difficult job, you for the "Journey to the West" crew are worried about money, the fire of "Jigong" filmed "Living Buddha Jigong" almost every episode has to change seven or eight sponsors, you can imagine how difficult it is to pull sponsorship, and it is still in Zhejiang. "Ordinary World" was filmed in northern Shaanxi, and local sponsors are even more difficult to find.

Money is not in place can only shorten the shooting cycle, which leads to the entire TV series rhythm is too fast, the director in order to save money while taking care of the original can only erase a lot of plot of the padding, so that some of the plot of the show looks a little awkward, familiar with the original book to see can also understand, did not read the original I am afraid that some characters and plots are elusive.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

2, the details are not in place, the lines have hard wounds

When we look at the original "Ordinary World", Sun Shaoping Sun Shao'an includes orchid orchids, and the clothes they wear are almost all patch stacks, highlighting a difficulty. But in this play, almost all the clothes of the actors look old but basically intact, which does not highlight the original work, especially Sun Yuting's legs and sucking shoes are not shown. The key is that this is not a matter of funds, new clothes are too expensive, torn clothes are still difficult to get?

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

Also, Sun Shaoping came up from the mine with a black ash, and even a black ash in the play was not willing to wipe him, only a piece of black ash in the center of the face, which is not a problem of funds, or the pursuit of details is not enough. You know, the character is more from the details of the shape, there is no detail only the face of the character is pale.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

The lines of the actors in this play are a hard wound, the tone of the tone is generally too flat, and the lines of others except Sun Yuting, played by Niu Ben, are rigid. This pot can not only be deducted to the actors, the director's requirements are not in place is also a responsibility, and it may also be a financial problem to invite well-known voice actors. You should know that the reason why Yang Qiyun played by Ren Yexiang is fascinating is because of Ding Jianhua's dubbing bonus, and in this drama, Ren Yexiang's Tian Xiaoxia lacks some of Yang Qiyun's infectious magic.

Second, the advantages of this play

To be recognized by Lu Yao, this drama must still have many advantages, such as the theme song "Just Love This Soil" sung by Sun Guoqing, which is very much in line with the artistic conception of the original and TV series.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

1. Complete reproduction, complete characters

This version of "Ordinary World" basically restores the original work in the plot, although the pace is too fast, the basic plot is good, and the adaptation in the middle is also reasonable.

As mentioned above, the original has more than 100 characters, and more than 90 have been restored in this play, which can be described as bold and courageous, although the portrayal of some characters is very thin, such as Jin Xiu and Jin Bo brothers and sisters (strange, the new version simply does not have Jin Bo, so these two brothers and sisters are so unpopular), but most of the characters are in it. What is more valuable is that some characters are still very well shaped, such as Sun Yuting, played by Niu Ben, who was mentioned above.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating
In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

In addition, there is a person who plays Two Roles, Chen Shuqing, who plays both Tian Futang and Tian Fujun brothers, which is a good idea, and it is really not easy to see. In the original work, it seems that the two brothers Tian Futang and Tian Fujun only met once, that is, the end of the first part passed by, so this arrangement is still reasonable.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

In addition, compared with the new version of the TV series that sets Sun Shaoan as the male number one, the male number one in the 1989 version of "Ordinary World" is Sun Shaoping, which is very important, because the male number one in Lu Yao's heart is him, or Sun Shaoping is lu Yao's heart.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

2. Environment restoration, the times are appropriate

The filming location of "Ordinary World" is in northern Shaanxi, and the time before Lu Yao wrote the original work is not long, so many environments are still in line with the era of the original work, whether it is high school or coal mines and rural areas, basically do not need to deliberately create the atmosphere of the era drama.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

3. Starring analysis

There are very few well-known actors in this play, except for Ren Yexiang, who plays Tian Xiaoxia, and Niu Ben, who plays Sun Yuting, the more famous of the other actors is Yan Qing, who plays Sun Lanxiang (also called Yan Qingyu at that time)

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

Playing Hui Ying's sister-in-law is the famous performance artist Wang Liyun (Che Xiao's mother)

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

Playing Sun Shaoping is Zhang Baoqing of the Shaanxi Provincial People's Theater, who opened too much in this play, but with the deepening of the plot, he can basically play against Ren Yexiang.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

Playing Sun Shaoan is Zheng Baoguo of the Hui County Propaganda Department, he is not a professional actor but his acting skills are quite good, and the Sun Shaoan he plays has few performance traces, the key is that he is stubborn in his personality and appearance and the original is very different.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

Jin Shunzi, who plays Tian Runye, this version of Tian Runye seems to lack a little bit of charm and tranquility in the author's heart Runye sister, a little older, and when I am with Sun Shaoan, the author can't get the feeling of "calling a brother, you wait for me" when I am with Sun Shao'an.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

Playing He Xiulian is the assistant director Liu Yuan in charge of casting in this drama, she volunteered to play in the case of not finding a suitable actor, it should be said that her self-confidence is no problem, the assistant director who graduated from Chinese opera showed He Xiulian's several appearance and personality characteristics quite well.

The last thing to say is of course the intoxicating Tian Xiaoxia.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

Playing Tian Xiaoxia is the famous actor Ren Yexiang of that year, the author has to sigh at the sharpness of the casting director's vision, among the many stars of the year, the most in line with Tian Xiaoxia's personality and appearance is probably Ren Yexiang, it should be said that she was the best choice to play Tian Xiaoxia that year, there is no one.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

Ren Yexiang, the Xiang girl, has a sweet appearance with naughtiness, and there is wisdom in the gentle eyes, it can be said that the fit between Ren Yexiang and Tian Xiaoxia is almost more than 90%.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

The key is that Ren Yexiang in this drama from high school student Tian Xiaoxia to reporter Tian Xiaoxia, the characters of each age stage of the characteristics she presents are different, and the book is the same step by step, the audience looks at her like Sun Shaoping looked at her, is a little attracted to her and intoxicated and eventually turned into despair and reluctance.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

Of course, Ren Yexiang also has some shortcomings in the process of playing Tian Xiaoxia, such as the above-mentioned line problems, although her line skills are good, but she still feels rigid, not as smooth as Yang Qiyun, if you can let Ding Jianhua reproduce a version of the dubbing will be better.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

In addition, Ren Yexiang may have been ill at the time of filming this drama, which can be seen from her figure when she saw Shaoping's scene at the mouth of the coal mine, which may also lead to some of her being powerless in some scenes, not understanding the situation when watching the play, and learning about it afterwards is even more painful for her.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

After filming this drama, Ren Yexiang basically stopped filming, and then only starred in "Little Dragon Man" as Qiqi's mother, and then disappeared, and there was no news about her on the Internet. Or at least she left us so many memories of youth, in which she never grew old.

In the 1989 TV series "Ordinary World", Ren Yexiang's version of Tian Xiaoxia was intoxicating

I don't know why, whenever I see the stills of Ren Yexiang in this version of "Ordinary World", there is always a feeling of loss in my heart, is it because of Tian Xiaoxia or Ren Yexiang? Or is it because of the youth and courage you have lost?

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