
The middle-aged man could not get up during the day after the night shift, and the worker found that it was a cerebral infarction after being sent to the hospital

author:Jimu News

Jimu News Correspondent Jane Jie

Recently, 36-year-old Mr. Zhang could not sleep after working the night shift, and was found by his co-workers and sent to the hospital, only to learn that he had suffered from cerebral infarction.

Mr. Zhang, 36, works on the construction site and is a night shift worker who has been working night shifts for 4 years. Because he often goes to work all night, and most people's daily routines are different. Because of the heavy responsibility for the safety of night shift work, in order to ensure the soberness of working hours, he will always rely on smoking at night to refresh his mind, and he will smoke more than one pack of cigarettes at night, and the smoking age is also 20 years.

The middle-aged man could not get up during the day after the night shift, and the worker found that it was a cerebral infarction after being sent to the hospital

At about 5:00 a.m. on the 17th, Mr. Zhang felt particularly tired after the night shift, had no strength, and returned to the dormitory to rest as usual. At noon, the day shift worker returned to the dormitory and asked him to get up to eat, but he did not reply, and the worker thought that he was too tired to continue to sleep, so he did not disturb. Until dinner time, Mr. Zhang was supposed to go to take over the shift, but he had not yet gotten up, and when the workers went to urge, they found that Mr. Zhang could not move or speak, so they quickly sent him to the Houhu Branch of Wuhan Central Hospital for medical treatment. Experts from the hospital's Advanced Stroke Center found that Mr. Zhang was drowsy, slurred in speech, and hemiplegic in one limb, and after careful examination, the doctor diagnosed him with stroke.

Subsequently, the hospital opened an emergency green channel for Mr. Zhang, conducted multi-mode imaging evaluation, and found that the patient had cerebral infarction due to acute large vascular occlusion. Xiong Wei, deputy chief physician of the Department of Neurology of the Lake Branch of the hospital, and colleagues performed an emergency percutaneous left middle cerebral artery embolectomy for Mr. Zhang, and successfully removed the thrombus that blocked Mr. Zhang's cerebral blood vessels. On the second day after the operation, Mr. Zhang's limb muscle strength and speech ability were significantly improved. After follow-up lipid reduction, protection of brain cells, improvement of circulation and symptomatic supportive treatment, Mr. Zhang recovered well and was successfully discharged from the hospital on the morning of the 28th.

Jing Ping, director of the Department of Neurology of Wuhan Central Hospital, reviewed the clinical experience in recent years and said: "In recent years, among the stroke patients admitted to the stroke center, the proportion of young people has increased significantly, and the department can basically encounter cerebral infarction patients under 40 years old every week, and the youngest is even only 19 years old. Jingping said that they have previously treated 28-year-old takeaway workers, 26-year-old programmers, etc., and most of these young patients are characterized by high work intensity, stress, staying up late, some have the habit of smoking and drinking, and some have hidden heart diseases, blood system diseases and so on. It is regrettable that some young people think that they are in good health, that there is no major problem, that they do not think so when they fall ill, and that they have paid a tragic price or even their lives.

"Modern fast-paced life has brought great pressure to young people, but also caused more tension and anxiety, and some bad life and schedule habits have become their way to alleviate anxiety." Jingping said that if young people smoke a lot, drink, play games for a long time, stay up late to play mobile phone dramas, etc., in the long run, the young body will also be overdrawn. The correct way to decompress should be a healthy lifestyle, such as often with relatives and friends appropriate exercise, walking green, listening to music to adjust the mood, regular work and rest, eating more regular and healthy, especially for young people with high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and obesity, more should be vigilant about the occurrence of cerebral infarction.

The director of the screen reminded that the public who have symptoms such as dizziness, headache, blackening of the eyes, sudden forgetfulness, insomnia, aphasia, inability to understand words, poor physical activity, unable to open their eyes, drooling and other symptoms must go to the nearby stroke center for treatment at the first time. Especially young people, can not be because of the young body, the alarm signal sent by the body is paralyzed, the earlier the treatment, the better the effect. "What we have to do is to be vigilant against stroke symptoms and identify and treat them as soon as possible!" Director JingPing said that this is also the theme of this year's World Stroke Day.

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