
Animal Adventure: The ugliest drop fish tadpole-like body twisted ugly face

author:China Famous Enterprise Network
Animal Adventure: The ugliest drop fish tadpole-like body twisted ugly face

The drip fish, also known as the sad fish or the soft hidden thorn du father fish, is known as the "most sad expression in the world" because of its weeping face. There is a real reason for this undersea monster fish: scientists warn that the drip fish is threatened with extinction due to deep-sea fishing operations. The dripfish live on the coast of Australia and Tasmania, at depths up to 800 metres, and are rarely found by humans due to the difficulty of reaching the fish's habitat.

The drip fish ended up with a vote of 10,000, thanks to its deformed jelly-like flesh, which was well deserved. The droplet fish has no bones, its muscles are gelatinous, slimy, and slightly smaller than water, which allows it to float effortlessly against the seabed, and the floating objects in front of it are unceremoniously swallowed. Because it lives on the ocean floor thousands of feet deep, its fame is far less than that of the cute creatures we know.

Where drip fish live, the pressure of water is tens of times higher than the sea level, and in this environment, it is difficult for fish to work effectively (helping fish maintain buoyancy). In order to maintain buoyancy, the dripping fish is composed of a gelatinous substance with a slightly smaller density than water, and the density is slightly lighter than water, which makes it easy to float from the seabed without effort. [1] Lack of muscle is also not a big problem for the dripfish, as it mainly depends on swallowing the edible substances in front of it.

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