
Cherry blossom new leaves fell in large quantities, and after digging deeply, the murderer was actually it

author:Gangnam big hoe

Just after the beautiful cherry blossom season, there are maintenance personnel called to say, go to the inspection in the morning, found a large number of fresh leaves of cherry blossom trees in the green belt fell, several trees are about to fall out, and no bugs were found, which is very strange! Hope to go over to the scene and see what's going on?

Cherry blossom new leaves fell in large quantities, and after digging deeply, the murderer was actually it

When I came to the scene, I found that after the cherry blossoms withered, they had begun to bear fruit, but the leaves at the top of the cherry blossom branches were only petioles, and the leaves were scattered on the ground, and they were all fresh leaves, and it felt as if they had been artificially cut with scissors. In fact, this is a leisure park, and every day there are many elderly people doing morning exercises, singing and other activities nearby, and no one will come to cut cherry blossom leaves.

Cherry blossom new leaves fell in large quantities, and after digging deeply, the murderer was actually it

Fallen cherry blossom leaves

Cherry blossom new leaves fell in large quantities, and after digging deeply, the murderer was actually it

Only the petiole remains

In fact, the first reaction is caused by the harm of leaf-eating pests, find a few trees, turn over, leaf surface leaf back are looked at, no bugs were found, and the bite of insects was also temporarily excluded;

Secondly, check whether there are any spots or necrosis in the branches and leaves, except for a few spots on the leaf surface, the petioles are healthy and intact, and the fallen leaves caused by diseases are also excluded;

Cherry blossom new leaves fell in large quantities, and after digging deeply, the murderer was actually it

Cherry blossom leaves that were harmed

It was also once suspected that there were birds that deliberately pecked off the cherry blossom leaves in order to eat cherries, and it was impossible to observe carefully, there were not so many birds nearby, and there were so many fallen leaves, and the birds could not do it.

Finally, when there was nothing he could do, he suddenly found Mai Dong planted under the cherry blossom tree, and thought to himself: there may be a hidden "murderer" of osmanthus leaves here.

Cherry blossom new leaves fell in large quantities, and after digging deeply, the murderer was actually it

Wheat winter under the cherry blossom trees

A short time ago, I had just dealt with a case of grubs in Wheat Winter, and when the workers were working, they found that there were many scarab larvae under Wheat Winter, that is, "grubs", which specialized in nibbling on the rhizomes of Wheat Winter, causing some wheat winters to die.

After more than half a month, the temperature rises, a large number of wintering scarab beetles crawl out of the soil, and come out in the evening to be active, generally from 20:00 to 21:00 at night is a more active time period, diving into the ground around 5:00 a.m. to rest.

According to the living habits and characteristics of scarab beetles, it is very likely that the Eastern scarab turtles did it.

Cherry blossom new leaves fell in large quantities, and after digging deeply, the murderer was actually it

Scarab beetle adults

Eastern Golden Turtle, genus Coleoptera, Golden Turtle family. It mainly harms apples, hawthorns, pears, plums, apricots, cherries and other fruit trees. Adult insects overwinter in the soil, unearthed in late April, early May to early June for the peak of occurrence, June for the peak of spawning, eggs in the affected plant rhizosphere topsoil, mid-to-late June hatching larvae, mid-to-late August mature larvae drilled into the ground 20 to 30 cm, to make soil chamber pupae.

Cherry blossom new leaves fell in large quantities, and after digging deeply, the murderer was actually it

Scarab larvae

Finding the culprit is easy to deal with, and immediately arrange workers to carry out insecticidal treatment, one is foliar spray with thiameth. High chlorine fluoro microcapsulant suspension for the treatment of nocturnal beetle adults, and second, wheat dongli sprinkles of octyl thion granules to treat underground scarab adults and larvae and eggs. #Plant##Garden##病虫害 #