
This little devil, flying around the house, will also drill into the kettle for agricultural control, physical control and biological control

author:Big strong insect control

You are certainly not unfamiliar with fruit flies, they look like flies, but their size is much smaller. Fruit flies hate the most is everywhere, sometimes the family bought fruits and vegetables, a person who did not pay attention to eating in time, as if out of thin air came out of thin air many of these black little demons, flying around at home, and more and more, to completely eradicate it is simply difficult, sometimes even drill into the kettle. Not only that, but the reproductive ability of fruit flies is also very amazing, and the hotter it is, the more amazing it is. In the summer of more than 25 degrees Celsius, the eggs laid by fruit flies on rotten organic matter can hatch in 12 to 15 hours, and the larvae feed on the microorganisms that decompose fruits and vegetables, and also directly ingest sugar water, and within 4 days can go through the multi-age larval stage, pupal stage, until the feathering fruit fly. But sometimes even if you clean up the garbage in time, it is useless, the fruit flies are very small, they will drill the screens, and if there are fruit flies in the neighbors' houses upstairs and downstairs, they will also fly into your house along the screens, and the big summer can not always close the windows and smother.

This little devil, flying around the house, will also drill into the kettle for agricultural control, physical control and biological control

Fruit flies are small flies with a body length of between 1.5 and 4 mm. The insect body is mostly yellow-brown, and some are black. The head has a pair of large, mostly bright red compound eyes, three pairs of rim bristles on the inside of the two compound eyes, and a slight bulge in the center of the posterior head between the compound eyes, forming a single eye triangle area, and a pair of monocular bristles are born in front of and below the three single eyes. In the middle of the posterior head (above the posterior part of the monocular triangle), there is a pair of posterior crown bristles, and the two hairs are born in opposite directions. On either side there is also a pair of inner crown bristles and an outer crown bristle. The third segment of the antennae is oval or circular, with pinnate branches of the antennae, growing anteriorly and lower between the two complex limits. Some male flies often have rows of manes on the tarsal joints of their forefoots, called sexual combs. The head has many bristles, the 3 antennae are oval or rounded, the antennae are pinnate, sometimes combed, and the compound eyes are bright red. The wing Sc is short, R1 is short, and the edges of the anterior veins are often missing. The larvae have 11 segments, each with a tiny hook-like spine.

This little devil, flying around the house, will also drill into the kettle for agricultural control, physical control and biological control

Adult flies are commonly found around rotten plants and fruits, where they lay eggs. The larvae breed in rotten fruits or other spoiled plant properties. Fruit flies often grow and multiply in rotten fruit, so they may be seen on decaying fruits and vegetables, in garbage dumps, in brewery workshops, and on some kitchens, trains, ships, and even airplanes in areas inhabited by people. In nature, such as in flowers, under rotten grasses, orchards, vegetable fields, sap from trees, rotten bark, decaying plants, deciduous leaves, and fleshy fungi (such as fungus, mushrooms, etc.), fruit flies may be seen.

This little devil, flying around the house, will also drill into the kettle for agricultural control, physical control and biological control

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > agricultural control</h1>

1. Reasonable planting. It is recommended to plant early maturing varieties to avoid the occurrence of fruit flies; the maturity period of varieties in the same planting area is consistent, avoid mixed planting of early, medium and late maturing varieties, and reduce the transfer of pests to pests.

2. Clean the countryside. Remove dead weeds around orchards and fruit banks in time; remove rotten fruits at the ripening stage; and shallow turn the whole garden after winter, with a depth of 5cm-10cm.

3. Cover the anti-bird net. The orchard is covered with anti-bird nets before the fruit ripens.

4. Harvest at the right time. After the fruit is ripe, it is harvested in time, and the ground fruit, split fruit, diseased and insect fruit and other residual fruits are taken out of the garden for burial.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" > physical control</h1>

Set up 4-6 cup-type sweet and sour traps per acre, with a spacing of 10m-12m between two, and the amount of sweet and sour attractants used in the trap is 3cm-5cm depth. When used, a plastic rain cover (such as a plastic bowl) can be added to the trap; if a closed plastic bottle or other closed trap is used, a hole in the bottle wall can be drilled, with a hole diameter of 4mm-5mm; the outer wall of the trap and the rain cover can also be sprayed with adhesive to improve the booby trap effect; the falling fruit of the orchard can also be collected into the sweet and sour liquor liquid, and the number of fallen fruits can be put into the liquid level to cover the fruit to increase the enticing effect.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > biological control</h1>

Control methods for drosophila larvae and pupal stages are mainly based on biological control measures such as natural enemies insects and pathogenic microorganisms.

1. Predator insects. Fully protect and utilize the natural predator insects in cherry orchards, control and control during the fruit coloring period, and actively introduce parasitic natural enemy insects hairy horn hammer horn fine bees, with a release of 1.5 million to 2.25 million heads/ha; predatory natural enemy insect East Asian small flower bugs, the release amount of 90,000 to 150,000 heads /ha. The release time is from late May to early June, and should be released twice in a row, with an interval of 10-12 days.

2. Pathogenic microorganisms. Control at the budding stage, flowering stage and fruit coloring period, and apply it once each. Spray insect pathogenic fungi such as green zombie fungus, white zombie fungus and penicillium smoke color in an appropriate amount, and spray fruit trees evenly and take into account the spraying orchard floor. 10 billion spores/g of Scarab beetle green zombie wettable powder can be sprayed with 4000 times liquid at an amount of 150 g/ha, or 10 billion spores/g spore green zombie wettable powder can be sprayed 2000 times liquid with an application amount of 300 g/ha.

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