
The British Prime Minister greets the "highlight moment": winning a key vote in the House of Commons for the first time
The British Prime Minister greets the "highlight moment": winning a key vote in the House of Commons for the first time

On the 15th, the British prime minister won a key vote in the House of Commons for the first time since taking office. (Source: Metro News)

Overseas network on October 16, local time on Tuesday (15th), British Prime Minister Boris Johnson ushered in the "highlight moment", the first time since taking office in the key vote of the House of Commons to win.

Combined with British media reports such as The Independent and, the House of Commons on Tuesday passed an environment (legislative functions from directives) regulations 2019., which seeks to transfer a series of post-Brexit legislative functions related to environmental policy areas from the EU to the UK.

Johnson lost 7 seats in Parliament before Tuesday's vote. The vote was Johnson's first victory in the House of Commons since taking office. After the vote, Conservative MPs cheered in the House of Commons.

"It's a unique moment." Dame eleanor laing, deputy speaker of the House of Commons, lamented the result of the vote.

The UK is scheduled to leave the EU on October 31, and Johnson has been running west for a Brexit deal lately. Two EU officials recently said that British and EU negotiators are close to reaching a draft Brexit agreement in Brussels. The EU's chief negotiator, Barnier, also pointed out a few days ago that the two sides are still likely to reach a Brexit agreement this week.

However, some analysts believe that although the prospect of an orderly Brexit in the UK has been greatly improved, the British parliament is still johnson's biggest obstacle, if a deal is reached, Johnson will submit the agreement to the British parliament on Saturday to vote to avoid delaying the Brexit time to october 31. But he lacks a majority in Parliament and is therefore likely to be rejected again. (Overseas Network Yao Kaihong)

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