
Peacock Empire "Ashoka", drawing a sword into a king, abandoning the sword to become a Buddha by his father "blackened" Ashoka foot on the auspicious cloud by Ashoka is real and false "Ashoka"

author:Drama chronicles

In fact, the modern popular "good and evil" terrier, "black face, white face" terrier, has been played by an Indian emperor thousands of years ago - he is "Ashoka", the king of the Indian peacock dynasty, from 303 BC to 232 BC, the Indian subcontinent is almost full of his killing and charity.

This "good and evil" Ashoka has left the era of "Black Ashoka" and the era of "White Ashoka" in history, in short, no matter which Ashoka, the two images of "Devil Buddha" have been interpreted to the point of reaching the pinnacle, between one thought, two extremes, two lives, two human worlds.

In that ancient Indian land, heaven and hell on earth were in his hands, drawing a sword to become a king, abandoning the sword to become a Buddha, but I don't know if he could surpass the soul under his sword when he became a Buddha...

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Peacock Empire "Ashoka", drawing a sword into a king, abandoning the sword to become a Buddha by his father "blackened" Ashoka foot on the auspicious cloud by Ashoka is real and false "Ashoka"

Speaking of Ashoka, that is the great emperor of India that no one knows, but the ancient king of India, when he was a child, because of his poor appearance and inferior appearance, was disliked by his father who looked at him, and compared with his royal brothers and brothers, he was not welcomed by his father.

It is said that because he did not get the favor of his father of the Appearance Association, Ashoka's imperial brother could eat with a golden pot and silver bowl, and he could only grab the rice with his hand with a clay vessel.

Peacock Empire "Ashoka", drawing a sword into a king, abandoning the sword to become a Buddha by his father "blackened" Ashoka foot on the auspicious cloud by Ashoka is real and false "Ashoka"

The 18-year-old Ashoka, appointed by his father as the governor of a territory under the Peacock Dynasty in India, the throne is normally not on his head, the problem is that Ashoka's father died suddenly around 273 BC, he did not establish a prince before his death, Ashoka's brothers and sisters began a fierce battle for the throne, but Ashoka was the boss behind the scenes.

Born in the imperial family, the biggest opponent is not the enemy, but his own brothers and sisters, it is rumored that he cruelly killed all 99 brothers and sisters, political enemies, without the slightest mercy, and then he ascended to the throne, but also opened the era of "Black Ashoka".

Ashoka is fierce in battle, it is said that his fighting qualities were trained from infancy, and he was once known as a terrible hunter who could kill a lion with a stick, and because of his strong combat strength, he was sent to the "Peacock Empire of Avanti Province" to curb the local unrest.

Since Ashoka possessed a fierce fighting power, after being in the shadow of his father's contempt, his bloodthirsty personality was officially modulated, and the fierce combat power was destined to become the power of the devil. Ashoka, who ascended to the throne, turned his power into a sharp butcher's knife, and India became a hell on earth under his rule.

Peacock Empire "Ashoka", drawing a sword into a king, abandoning the sword to become a Buddha by his father "blackened" Ashoka foot on the auspicious cloud by Ashoka is real and false "Ashoka"

It should be said that Black Ashoka really set up a "hell on earth", in his hell on earth, there are all kinds of terrible torture devices, and whoever enters his hell must first undergo a torture before being sent to the real ghost gate.

There is also a rumor that after Getting up every morning, Black Ashoka had to vent the violent anger in his heart through whipping and punishment before he could eat, so as to soothe his childhood psychology of not having a good meal, and in a fit of anger, 500 ministers fell to the ground, like the devil.

In addition to being cruel and bloodthirsty at home, Ashoka was also very belligerent and murderous, conquering the entire Indian subcontinent by force through years of conquest. Among them, the karinga kingdom is located on the coast of the Bay of Bengal, with developed trade, prosperous economy, under the tiger eyes of Theoth Black Ashoka, about 262 BC, was invaded by Ashoka, captured 150,000 people, slaughtered 100,000 people, a moment of bloodshed into a river, the corpses all over the field.

Peacock Empire "Ashoka", drawing a sword into a king, abandoning the sword to become a Buddha by his father "blackened" Ashoka foot on the auspicious cloud by Ashoka is real and false "Ashoka"

It was also after the Karim War that people were relieved from their horror, and the black Ashoka suddenly became the white Ashoka, just as the so-called "put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the ground", and in a single thought, he converted to Buddhism.

Ashoka, who became a Buddha overnight, suddenly became a god in the Indian world, and came to a 360-degree turn, leaving a strange and legendary back.

After becoming a Buddha, Ashoka Gave up all the pace of expansion, and soon announced that Buddhism was set as the "state religion" of India, and a large number of Buddhist monasteries and pagodas were built in various places, and it is said that there are as many as 84,000 Buddhist stupas.

Ashoka also helped the sangha on many occasions, gave alms to the Three Jewels, and summoned a large number of Buddhist monks from all over the country to compile Buddhist scriptures and promote the spread of Buddhist culture, and India became a Buddhist holy place.

In order to promote buddhism, he sent a large number of emissaries and monks, including princes and princesses, to neighboring countries to carry out missions, and then through propaganda effects and the transmission of envoys, Buddhism was spread to Ceylon, Burma, China, and even Egypt.

In addition to the promotion of Buddhism, in order to maintain political stability and economic and cultural prosperity, Ashoka Carried out a series of beneficial reforms for the country, vigorously supporting agriculture, trade, building hospitals, building hostels, planting trees and shade, and ruling the world with compassion.

Peacock Empire "Ashoka", drawing a sword into a king, abandoning the sword to become a Buddha by his father "blackened" Ashoka foot on the auspicious cloud by Ashoka is real and false "Ashoka"

He ordered people to build "Ashoka Pillars" in 19 places in India, with the pillar head being a mighty four-headed lion, and on the pillar he wrote the "Ashoka Decree", in which he called himself "Heavenly Father, Benevolent King", in order to encourage his subjects to be good, which roughly means:

Treat others with kindness and compassion, filial piety to parents, and kindness to relatives and friends. Respect all living beings, and all beings are equal. Be less selfish and do more things that are beneficial to the public. Treat other religions with tolerance and live peacefully with them.

Ashoka became a devout Buddhist with colorful feet on the clouds, and under the baptism of his Dharma, the peacock dynasty was baptized by the peacock dynasty, and the local people arrived from the hell of Asura to the paradise on earth, cheering for 41 years in a harmonious life without violence.

Peacock Empire "Ashoka", drawing a sword into a king, abandoning the sword to become a Buddha by his father "blackened" Ashoka foot on the auspicious cloud by Ashoka is real and false "Ashoka"

The land of Dharma, bathed in peaceful incense, made ancient India at that time an unprecedented strong situation, Ashoka also successfully transformed from black Ashoka to white Ashoka, becoming the great king in the hearts of Indians.

According to records, during the "Black Ashoka" period, after witnessing the slaughter of the captives of the Karinga kingdom, Ashoka felt pity and deep remorse, and under the guidance and temptation of his holiness the high monk "Uppo Gupta", he stopped the expansion of force, and the spiritual world underwent earth-shaking changes.

Some people think that Black Ashoka is not as evil as history describes, and White Ashoka has not really taken refuge in Buddhism... Both seem to make sense.

About "Black Ashoka"

According to the introduction of Ashoka in the Buddhist Dictionary, Ashoka was a bloody young man who, after brutally destroying his brother and ascending the throne, fought and killed, bloody and fierce. However, on the basis of facts, the figure that Ashoka killed 99 brothers and sisters may be exaggerated.

Moreover, Ashoka was able to sit on the territory of India by means of cruel force, and the black Ashoka in history, even if he did not have exaggerated cruelty, was also a cruel character, plus he was born in the royal family but was not welcomed by his father, and there was some psychological shadow in the face of such things, and even somewhat perverted and dark psychology.

Peacock Empire "Ashoka", drawing a sword into a king, abandoning the sword to become a Buddha by his father "blackened" Ashoka foot on the auspicious cloud by Ashoka is real and false "Ashoka"

About "White Ashoka"

Can a person's mentality really change smoothly between the two extremes? But White Ashoka used a gorgeous turn to tell people that people can really become Buddhas with one thought and one thought into demons as said in Buddhism, and he has also achieved the height of perfection in these two negatives, the blackened Ashoka, terrifying like a devil, became a Buddha Ashoka, compassion is like a god, I have to say that this is the mystery of Buddhism, worldly people generally can't understand, go deep into some easy to go into the fire.

However, there is another rumor that Ashoka had a Buddhist relationship since childhood, especially worshipping "Shakyamuni", and he often said: "Buddhism can destroy individual desires and make people keep to themselves in peace, which is very useful for the country." ”

There is no contradiction here, Since he was a child, Ashoka, who worshipped Shakyamuni, still became a devil when he grew up, could it be that "he must enter the world first when he is born"? But the point is later, in Ashoka's mind, he seems to have understood very early on that the Dharma has another use, which can destroy people's desires and make people keep themselves at peace.

Peacock Empire "Ashoka", drawing a sword into a king, abandoning the sword to become a Buddha by his father "blackened" Ashoka foot on the auspicious cloud by Ashoka is real and false "Ashoka"

Looking back at the period when Black Ashoka expanded his territory, he did not seem to have a trace of remorse for his devilish behavior, until he completed the unification of Indian territory after the Karinga War, and then suddenly had an epiphany overnight and became White Ashoka.

It is not excluded that Buddhism in the hands of Ashoka Therasa had the possibility of a post-war rule strategy, first, after his death, it turned out that India soon fell into a chaotic situation, and less than 50 years after his death, the land of the Peacock King collapsed; second, even if Ashoka Bai converted to Buddhism, he was still the supreme ruler, with a clear mind and a rational mind.

In fact, it does not matter whether Ashoka Bai truly converted to Buddhism halfway, what is important is that as Ashoka, he has also made great achievements, and people have also been freed from violence and live and work in peace and contentment under his rule.

Peacock Empire "Ashoka", drawing a sword into a king, abandoning the sword to become a Buddha by his father "blackened" Ashoka foot on the auspicious cloud by Ashoka is real and false "Ashoka"

Ashoka's life is a legend, just as the so-called or the devil or Buddha is only a thought, the Dharma itself is holy, the meaning of the teachings in it is worthy of pious understanding, and the "truth" about Ashoka's transformation... Belief means belief, belief, and belief will more or less determine the direction of the mind.

Ironically, the Dharma has become a baptismal feast for some sinners, and it seems that once one takes refuge in Buddhism and all thoughts are empty, "spiritual liberation" can be attained.

But there is a way that "the sea of suffering is endless, and the return is the shore", the timely cliff relegation is better than the doom, Ashoka is good or evil, is Buddhism too tolerant? In fact, as long as people still have a breath, no matter what, it is better to believe in the good than to believe in the evil.