
Fang Siyu's school bully "shoes are lost" played "Death Girl" to play a strong shot

author:Starlight clouds

Reporter Lin Siyu / Interview

Artist Fang Siyu debuted ten years ago, recently joined TVBS, the whole person was reborn. Along the way, she has acted in many popular works, including the impressive "Death Girl" 7 years ago, which is also the one that changed her state of mind, "I asked myself if I could not pass the level, and I remembered that when I was younger, I was bullied in high school." 」

Fang Siyu's school bully "shoes are lost" played "Death Girl" to play a strong shot

▲Interview with Fang Siyu. (Photo/ Photo by reporter Li Yukang)

7 years ago, she played the god of death in "Death Girl", and the line in the play was: "I am only the guardian of this bridge, and only when you can't cross it, I will become the god of death." Fang Siyu said that before acting, he asked himself, is there a pass that cannot be passed? This reminds herself of herself in high school, when she encountered bullying by her classmates, but she actually did not have the courage to speak her heart to the bully.

"I found my shoes thrown away at the end of class. I had to wait for everyone to leave before I dared to leave the school, because I didn't want others to see that my shoes were lost." Even after graduation, everyone pretended to be fine, watched Fang Siyu as an artist, and pretended to be kind to ask for warmth, but she all knew that in fact, at that time, the shoes were lost by you.

Because of the role setting of the god of death, she seems to have played a strong needle, "After playing that play, her heart seems to be healed." I also had more courage to write letters to the bully, the perpetrator, and the people who had helped her, not to scold them, but to say something. But Fang Siyu said that some people have apologized for this, but some people dare not apologize and do not want to face it, "From this incident, we can see how different everyone, or those who echo it, are when human nature grows up."

Fang Siyu's school bully "shoes are lost" played "Death Girl" to play a strong shot

▲ Fang Siyu finished acting in "Death Girl", and her heart seemed to be healed. (Photo/Public Television, photo by reporter Li Yukang)

After that, she toured the campus to give speeches, and finally stood at the high school she was in, Wende Girls' High School. Standing on the podium, Fang Siyu was particularly touched and shared the story of being bullied in high school. When asked, what if I could say anything to you sitting in the audience? She said: "I believe everyone has experienced small groups, bullying, but it is all a process, and I hope you can be brave at that time." Finally, he also said, "Bullying is not right, I hope that the bullying people can think about it after listening, the bullied people can think about me, and now standing here to share, it has all passed, and I hope that this world will have a little more love."

Now reborn, debuted for 11 years, because of her love of sports and life, Fang Siyu has added femininity. Usually in addition to loving travel, there is still full enthusiasm for drama, she said, before acting in "Like a Fall", the role of obstetrician and gynecologist let her examine her past feelings, and then there will be movies and book plans, and she wants to see a more different version of herself through different roles and breakthroughs.

Fang Siyu's school bully "shoes are lost" played "Death Girl" to play a strong shot

▲ Fang Siyu was reborn and full of femininity. (Photo/ Photo by reporter Li Yukang)

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