
Low-carbon "martial arts" are proficient in everything

author:Overseas network

Source: Economic Daily

Under the guidance of the "double carbon" goal, the 4th China International Import Expo actively displayed more carbon reduction technology achievements, which will help exhibitors better enter the Chinese market. In the technical equipment exhibition area and the automobile exhibition area, exhibitors from different countries and regions have shown their "eighteen martial arts" in low-carbon energy saving.

In September 2020, China clearly put forward the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. The goal of "double carbon" is an important starting point for China to achieve high-quality development, an inherent requirement for adapting to the new development stage, implementing the new development concept, and building a new development pattern, and is also a goal that must be achieved for sustainable development. At the same time, the "double carbon" goal is of great significance to promoting the construction of ecological civilization, improving the living environment of the people, and improving the living standards of the people. In addition, the "double carbon" goal is China's solemn commitment to the world, which fully demonstrates China's responsibility as a major country in actively responding to climate change. The earth is still the only home for human beings to survive in the vast universe, and the significance of achieving the "double carbon" goal is not only to protect the earth, but also to protect the habitat of human beings. It can be said that the proposal of the "double carbon" goal is beneficial to the country and the people to the world.

As an important means of transportation, cars have always been a major carbon emitter. According to statistics from research institutions, in 2020, China's car ownership will exceed 280 million, and the annual carbon emissions of passenger cars will be close to 700 million tons. The low-carbon development of the automotive industry is of great significance for China to achieve the "double carbon" goal on schedule. Both enterprises and governments are actively promoting the reform of the automotive industry, committed to reducing carbon emissions in the automotive industry, achieving carbon reduction and travel, and promoting green development.

Based on this, proposing a feasible and innovative low-carbon travel plan has become a "must-answer question" for various automobile companies. Many businesses bring their own solutions. From the whole vehicle to the parts, from hydrogen to electricity, the exhibitors' technical tentacles cover various fields: Michelin tires, Hummer pickups, modern hydrogen charging piles, Honda's first mass-produced electric vehicle... Every company is accelerating on the road to low-carbon development.

Not only the automobile exhibition area, but also the products in the technical equipment exhibition area also focus on low-carbon energy saving. Exhibitors from the materials, technology, power, etc., brought a variety of new products, showing the determination of the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. As a traditional industry, active adaptation and active change can achieve better development under the "double carbon" goal.

Exhibitors actively provide low-carbon products, highlighting the concept of the Expo and also reflecting the direction of China's economy. With the concept of low carbon deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the Expo will usher in more new products and new solutions committed to green development. (Source of this article: Economic Daily Author: Bao Yuankai)

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