
Find a man who is willing to love you well and does not want to love you, and he will not treat you well Marry someone who doesn't want to love you, and it will be hard Men are willing to love you well, you can be happy. .

author:Southern girl Tan Meng

In love, when they reach a certain age and have not yet met the right person, women are often faced with two choices.

One is to find a person who is willing to marry himself in a short period of time, let himself quickly complete the marriage and make a difference to the people around him, and the other is that he would rather be lonely than settle down, and he is willing to wait a little longer and wait for the really suitable person to appear.

Speaking of which, although everyone hopes that in the end, they can still marry a more satisfactory person, but in fact, too many women can not afford to wait, nor do they have the confidence to wait.

Because the voice of the people around me urging is too urgent, and because I am afraid of waiting, I still can't meet it.

After all, true love can be met and unattainable, and the soul that truly fits in is never so easy to meet.

If you can't wait for true love, you can retreat to the second, of course, there is nothing wrong with it, but even if you lower the standard, you better not be too casual, not picky at all, or try to find a person who is willing to love you well.

Find a man who is willing to love you well and does not want to love you, and he will not treat you well Marry someone who doesn't want to love you, and it will be hard Men are willing to love you well, you can be happy. .

One reader, under pressure from her family, got engaged to a man she had just met, and then the two of them met only three times, without a deep understanding, and the two people hurriedly got married and became a family.

For this marriage, although she was reluctant, in the end, she chose to give in.

When marriage has become a fact, she has no way to change, at this time, she just thinks, since they are all married, then it is better to live, as long as they are in the same heart, then life will not be too bad.

With this idea, in the days that followed, she first took out her own attitude, not only cleaned up the family in an orderly manner, but also often took the initiative to talk to men about her past, cared about each other, and always hoped to become closer to each other.

She works very hard, but unfortunately, no matter how hard she tries, the other party does not take it seriously, is not willing to communicate with her, is not willing to plan the future with her, is not willing to manage the family, and often likes to play outside and stay up all night.

Although she was married, it was obvious that the other party did not regard her as his wife at all, but only to complete the marriage. And this kind of marriage, even if it is married, will not have any meaning after all, it will only make people regret it in vain.

Find a man who is willing to love you well and does not want to love you, and he will not treat you well Marry someone who doesn't want to love you, and it will be hard Men are willing to love you well, you can be happy. .

Think about it, when a man doesn't love you, and doesn't want to love you, and has no intention of living a good life with you, then you can either choose to leave or you can only be lonely all the time.

One situation, day by day, you always have hope for him and then you keep disappointing.

Another situation is that after working hard, you finally understand that his heart is not on you at all, you can't change him at all, and you no longer expect him from now on, and everything will only be faced by one person.

And no matter which one it is, from beginning to end, you will not feel half loved at all, and some will only be a broken heart.

Originally, when you choose to enter marriage, you hope that from now on, you can have a dependency and someone can shield you from the wind and rain, but in the end you will find that a lot of the wind and rain in your life are all brought to you by him.

Life is only a few short decades, and entrusting your life to such a person is ultimately too wronged yourself, too sorry for yourself, and it is really not worth it.

Find a man who is willing to love you well and does not want to love you, and he will not treat you well Marry someone who doesn't want to love you, and it will be hard Men are willing to love you well, you can be happy. .

The odds of being able to marry someone who loves each other has indeed been very small, but even if there is no way to marry someone you love, at least you still have to choose a person with good character, no one in your heart, and you can cherish the man in front of you.

He may not love you much, but after that, he must be able to put you in his heart, treat you as a whole, be willing to cherish your feelings, and be willing to treat you well.

Feelings of this kind of thing, no matter how deep the feelings, will still fade in the future, and in the end, all likes will become a kind of affection.

Such a family affection, not all men are willing to cultivate with you, but there are still some men, no matter what the past, he will know how to be loyal to the present, and then once he chooses you, he is willing to be responsible for you and your marriage.

Only you know how to choose, can choose such a man, then even if you are not so in love with each other at the beginning, but with the passage of time, day by day, you will get used to having each other and enjoy that day.

Such a feeling, although not strong, but warm enough, the longer the day, the more you will be fascinated.

Find a man who is willing to love you well and does not want to love you, and he will not treat you well Marry someone who doesn't want to love you, and it will be hard Men are willing to love you well, you can be happy. .

Find a man who is willing to love you well, he may not love you so much at first, but he must be willing to treat you well in the future.

Two people living together and how much they love each other is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that once you are married, you will not have any other thoughts, and from now on, you are willing to live well.

As long as you are willing to go well, the other party can also do so, you husband and wife are in the same heart, think of each other in everything, and look at each other as a whole, then there is no obstacle, it will be impossible to pass.

Even said, when you have experienced a lot together, unconsciously, a friendship will also arise between you.

The longer the days go on, the deeper and stronger your feelings will be.

Only in this way will this marriage have some meaning, and you will not waste this life.