
magical! Have you really seen these animals? Sea bottle Indian purple frog Bo's new hot plover crested ibises large belly seahorse tree snake vampire deer cassowara blue bliss bird lowland striped Man island hedgehog

author:Seek nature

Nature is vast and fertile with all sorts of strange creatures. On every land and sea, all kinds of creatures survive from time to time. Natural selection, survival of the fittest, cruel laws of nature, forcing generations of creatures to evolve or perish, constitute today's colorful nature. Let's enjoy these amazing creatures together!

magical! Have you really seen these animals? Sea bottle Indian purple frog Bo's new hot plover crested ibises large belly seahorse tree snake vampire deer cassowara blue bliss bird lowland striped Man island hedgehog

A dinosaur skeleton that has perished

  The shape of the body varies according to the species, generally barrel-shaped, the outermost part of the body wall is the sac layer, and the inner layer is the mantle membrane. The indumentum is transparent and the internal structure can be seen through the indumentum. There are 8 to 9 muscle bands under the cyst that surround the body, and because the muscles contract rhythmically from front to back, the body is moved, and the water is circulated in and out, and breathing and ingesting food are carried out. This is a very eco-friendly animal! It eats the carbon in the water, which is then compressed into tiny carbon particles and settles on the ocean floor. Can improve the greenhouse effect. (Hahaha, isn't that amazing!) )

magical! Have you really seen these animals? Sea bottle Indian purple frog Bo's new hot plover crested ibises large belly seahorse tree snake vampire deer cassowara blue bliss bird lowland striped Man island hedgehog

  It is distinguished by its pointed snout, which belongs to a frog that only exists in the Seychelles. The Seychelles separated from India about 100 million years ago. Species have evolved over millions of years with little change. The frog spends most of the year underground at depths of 4 metres, only to be discovered by scientists in 2003 in the western Ghats of Kerala, India. This frog belongs to a branch of a special type of frog that lived during the ancient dinosaur period. (Is it so fat ah ~~)

magical! Have you really seen these animals? Sea bottle Indian purple frog Bo's new hot plover crested ibises large belly seahorse tree snake vampire deer cassowara blue bliss bird lowland striped Man island hedgehog

  When young fish, their appearance and posture are similar to those of long-printed fish, and they swim with large fish and so on. As larger, the pattern on its body fades and it is a diurnal carnivorous migratory fish that feeds on fish and crustaceans. The waters of activity are extremely wide, and in addition to the mainland shed areas, they can also be found in the ocean. Its personality is as fierce as its appearance, usually hiding under the shelter of the seabed, with a strong sense of territory, and it is a full of raw seafood. (Hey, it's really fierce~)

magical! Have you really seen these animals? Sea bottle Indian purple frog Bo's new hot plover crested ibises large belly seahorse tree snake vampire deer cassowara blue bliss bird lowland striped Man island hedgehog

  In ancient times, it was called the vermilion heron and the red crested heron, which is endemic to East Asia. Medium-sized, white body feathers, long willow-leaf-shaped crown at the back of the occipital area, bare skin from the forehead to the cheeks, bright red, and the gray pigment secreted from the neck muscles is continuously pecked by the beak during the breeding period, and applied to the head, neck, upper back and wings feathers, making it gray-black.

Crested ibises often inhabit the sparse forest area at an altitude of 1200-1400 meters, wading in nearby streams, swamps and rice fields, strolling and foraging for aquatic animals such as small fish, crabs, frogs, snails, etc., and eating insects; resting and sleeping overnight on tall trees; staying birds, wandering in small groups of low mountains and plains in autumn and winter; starting to build nests in April and May, breeding a nest every year, laying 2-4 eggs per clutch, hatched and brooded by both parents, the incubation period is about 30 days, 40 days away from the nest, sexual maturity is 3 years old, and the longest lifespan is recorded at 37 years.

It was once widely distributed in one of the species in the eastern part of China, and then due to human activities and other factors, its population declined rapidly. At present, the biggest threat to crested ibises comes from human hunting.

magical! Have you really seen these animals? Sea bottle Indian purple frog Bo's new hot plover crested ibises large belly seahorse tree snake vampire deer cassowara blue bliss bird lowland striped Man island hedgehog

  Also known as the puffed-bellied seahorse, it is one of the seahorse species of the family Aeolopeaceae, the largest of all known seahorses, distributed in the waters of Australia and New Zealand in the southwest Pacific Region, and inhabits depths of up to 109 m. Inhabiting the reef area, swimming with seagrass, it is carnivorous, feeding on small crustaceans, and is oviparous.

magical! Have you really seen these animals? Sea bottle Indian purple frog Bo's new hot plover crested ibises large belly seahorse tree snake vampire deer cassowara blue bliss bird lowland striped Man island hedgehog

  Most of them belong to the green trees in northern South America, with slender bodies and a broad head. Tree snakes are mostly distributed in tropical Americas, all of which live arboreal; poisonous fangs are particularly slender, mostly growing inside the mouth; mostly straight bodies in the shape of I-beams, traveling between branches. Flying snakes, cat-eyed snakes and whip snakes are also often referred to as tree snakes. It often attacks people and is a very dangerous animal.

magical! Have you really seen these animals? Sea bottle Indian purple frog Bo's new hot plover crested ibises large belly seahorse tree snake vampire deer cassowara blue bliss bird lowland striped Man island hedgehog

  Scientific name Kashmiri musk deer, is a small deer species of the even-ungulate deer family. The male deer is 60 cm tall and has sharp canine teeth that curve downwards, and is known as the "vampire deer" because of its cruel appearance. But this endangered species is not blood-sucking and is very rare, mainly found in Kashmir.

magical! Have you really seen these animals? Sea bottle Indian purple frog Bo's new hot plover crested ibises large belly seahorse tree snake vampire deer cassowara blue bliss bird lowland striped Man island hedgehog

  The scientific name is the crane ostrich, which existed before humans appeared, so its wings were severely degraded, earlier than the wings of the ostrich, so there was a pair of wings in the air, but it could not fly at all. And the key to their ferocity lies in their daunting sharp claws. This pair of large claws is 12 cm long and each has three forward toes, and the innermost of the three toes has a long dagger-like nail, which is unusually sharp. Its sharp claws, combined with its powerful legs, can easily rip humans and hook out their internal organs; against animals such as dogs and pigs, it can kill people with just one blow.

magical! Have you really seen these animals? Sea bottle Indian purple frog Bo's new hot plover crested ibises large belly seahorse tree snake vampire deer cassowara blue bliss bird lowland striped Man island hedgehog

  It is about 30 cm long and is a small and stout dark bird of paradise. The beak is blue-white and the eye circles are white. Males have blue wings , back and tail. The female's lower body is chestnut-brown. The male's black feathers, combined with its blue tail feathers and two slender tail bands, are particularly eye-catching.

magical! Have you really seen these animals? Sea bottle Indian purple frog Bo's new hot plover crested ibises large belly seahorse tree snake vampire deer cassowara blue bliss bird lowland striped Man island hedgehog

  The Isle of Man hedgehogs come from Ranumafana National Park on the island of Madagascar, home to many strange creatures, including finger monkeys (aye-aye) and lemurs. This creature is a very peculiar-looking member of the African hedgehog order and similar shrews and hedgehogs, and it is like a combination of shrews and hedgehogs, with a long snout.

magical! Have you really seen these animals? Sea bottle Indian purple frog Bo's new hot plover crested ibises large belly seahorse tree snake vampire deer cassowara blue bliss bird lowland striped Man island hedgehog
magical! Have you really seen these animals? Sea bottle Indian purple frog Bo's new hot plover crested ibises large belly seahorse tree snake vampire deer cassowara blue bliss bird lowland striped Man island hedgehog
magical! Have you really seen these animals? Sea bottle Indian purple frog Bo's new hot plover crested ibises large belly seahorse tree snake vampire deer cassowara blue bliss bird lowland striped Man island hedgehog