
The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world

author:See the world of fish

Without further ado, let's get to know these wonderful water elves written by the great gods!

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world


Egyptian gods

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world

The scientific name of the Egyptian fairy (Pterophyllum aitum), also known as the Egyptian swallowfish, is a freshwater fish of the order Perch, Cichlididae, and the angelfish is a freshwater fish. Egyptian gods are distributed in the middle reaches of the Orinoco River in Venezuela and Colombia in South America and the upper reaches of the Nigro River in Brazil, with beautiful colors and elegant temperament, which can be used as ornamental fish.

The Egyptian immortal is the most prestigious species of the angelfish family, and its claim to be the king of the angelfish is by no means casual. Its domineering body, flamboyant fins and wild swimming posture make it look different, and more importantly, this fish is extremely difficult to raise, which is a difficult obstacle for all fish lovers to challenge, and artificial breeding is even more out of reach (there are indeed successful examples, but it can only be regarded as a case).

The basic conditions that Egyptian angelfish need, it is similar to other angelfish, dissolved oxygen rich in weak acidic soft water, water temperature 24 ~ 30 ° C, pH 5.5 ~ 6.5, hardness 5 ~ 13 ° dH; sometimes even do not have to be so strict, such as transportation is changed to mineral water, pH can reach 8, it still comes alive, but this fish always says dead in your inadvertent moment, I want to deliberately give you some color to see, no way, so cool. In fact, the delicacy of the Egyptian gods stems from its poor resistance to fluctuations in the water environment, so the most important step in raising Egyptian gods is to fix the water. If you must raise, then it is best to let the fish merchant owner help you order the water first, the price must be much higher, but after all, the picture is assured, and even so, the Egyptian gods who bought home should be re-fixed for at least 2 hours, and placed in a separate quarantine tank. Quarantine for at least a month if possible, wait for water mold or other sudden diseases to occur, if everything is OK, then let it enter your fish tank, and then in the days to come - just resign yourself to fate.



Goldfish originated in China, also known as "golden crucian carp", similar to cyprinus carp (Cyprinus carpio) but it has no whiskers, is an ornamental fish evolved from crucian carp. There are many varieties of goldfish, the colors are red, orange, purple, blue, ink, silver white, five flowers, etc., divided into four major strains: literary species, grass species, dragon species and egg species. In the 12th century, the genetic research of goldfish homeization began, after a long period of breeding, the variety was continuously optimized, and now the goldfish in various countries in the world are directly or indirectly introduced by China.

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world

In the history of human civilization, Chinese goldfish have accompanied human beings for more than ten centuries and are the earliest species in the history of ornamental fish in the world. The goldfish is easy to raise, it has a strange posture, brilliant colors, generally golden yellow, beautiful shape. Goldfish can beautify the environment, is very popular with people, and is an ornamental fish with Chinese characteristics. Chinese goldfish are mainly developed on crucian carp. The colorful carp was introduced to Japan and received great attention.

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world

With the efforts of generations of goldfish farmers, Chinese goldfish still interpret the legend of beauty between movement and still in the world. There is another saying of goldfish in China's folk: when the New Year comes, the family buys two goldfish to offer, which means that in the next year, the gold and jade are full of halls and there is more than enough every year.

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world


Peacock fish

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world
The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world

Peacock medaka (Poecilia reticulata)[1], commonly known as peacock fish, also known as anchovies, rainbow medaka, rainbow medaka, gubi fish, etc., is a tropical fish of the genus Medaka in the family Medaka, the size and color of male and female fish are larger, adult males are thin, 3-4 cm in length, colorful and beautiful in body color; adult females are about 5 cm long, and their tail stalks and tail fins account for more than 1/3 of the whole body, and each fin is shorter than that of males. It is much inferior to that of males.

The peacock medaka is an omnivorous small fish species. They are very adaptable to the environment, distributed in the lower reaches of rivers and lakes and ditches in some tropical areas, and their wild habitats are diverse, mainly inhabiting freshwater basins and limnies. It can withstand dirty water bodies and is clustered. Widely distributed. Native to South America in Venezuela, Guyana, the West Indies, northern Brazil, etc.,

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world

The peacock medaka is introduced to countries around the world as an ornamental fish. Mild temperament, can be mixed with mild to medium and small tropical fish, usually lively and active, short lifespan. Under artificial cultivation, the peacock medaka produced many strains, the most representative of which are dress, grass tail, metal, snake king, lace, galaxy, Medusa and other strains.

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world


Chinese Natives--páng pí

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Páng pí fish, commonly known as cow dung crucian carp, red crucian carp, gourd slice, northwest region commonly known as color flakes (scientific name: fighting fish). The body length is 5-8 cm, and the lifespan is 3-4 years. The eyes have a colored luster, the back is pale green, with a slight blue shimmer, and the ventral surface is silvery white. The males during the breeding season are brilliant in color. Living in freshwater, omnivorous, eating aquatic plants as well as aquatic organisms, eggs are laid in live river mussels. I love to eat fresh foods such as widowhood.

The suitable water temperature is 14 - 28 ° C, and the water quality is not picky. This fish has a mild temperament, often swims in groups to feed, and prefers clean tanks with aquatic plants.

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world

Living in freshwater lakes and swamps, the catfish is small and has a beautiful appearance: its silver-gray body is inlaid with orange and blue-green markings, which are bright and colorful. During the spawning season, they are often accompanied by male and female, looking for habitats in the water for river mussels. Once the river mussel is found, the female sticks out the spawning tube and inserts it into the river mussel's water hole, laying the eggs in the coat cavity of the river mussel. Subsequently, the male also ejaculates near the water hole of the mussel, causing the sperm to flow into the mantle cavity with the water to fertilize the egg. The fertilized eggs attach to the mussel gills for development. Due to the constant absorption of water by the river mussels, the supply of sufficient oxygen, and the protection of the shells, the fertilized eggs of the eels grow and develop carefree inside the mussel shells until they hatch into juveniles.

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world


Thai Fighting Fish

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Thai fighting fish, scientifically known as Betta splendens Regan, belongs to the order Perciformes, Climbing perch (Anabantoidei), and Belontiidae. Originally grown in the tropical region of the lake swamp, rice paddies and other slow-flowing waters, the individual is small, there is no brilliant color. It is mainly produced in Thailand, Southeast Asia, and what is surprising is its aggressive characteristics, in order to grab the land and compete for mates, the male fish often "fight", and even "spill blood on the beachhead". It is also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, Fighting Fish, Fighting Fish, Fighting Fish and Colorful Finches. Like other fighting fish species, the environment is very adaptable, the appearance is gorgeous and exaggerated, and it is one of the easier ornamental fish to raise

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world

Thai fighting fish prefer to live in water at 22 to 24 °C, but not below 20 °C. The pH and hardness of the water are not demanding, with auxiliary respiratory organs - fold gills, when the water is dehydrated, you can swim to the surface of the water with the folds to swallow oxygen in the air, so generally will not occur due to lack of oxygen in the water and suffocation death. Loves to eat. Thai fighting fish are known for their aggressiveness, and when the two males meet, they must come to a duel, open the gills when they fight, shake the fins, and wait for the opportunity to attack and bite each other, until the other party's beautiful fin bites into a broken flag and kills Fang Xiu. Those who have survived the war will also be devastated and lose their original glory. The victors were also scarred, with cracked fins and scales. Therefore, in breeding, more than 2 adult males cannot be stocked in a tank. But they do not compete with other fish and can be polycultured with other tropical fish. Female fighting fish do not fight each other, and can be kept in a tank

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world


Three Lakes Cichlids – six rooms

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world

The six scientific names are Cypriotilapia frontosa (in addition to Cyphotilapia gibberosa and

Cyphotilapia sp. The names '6-bars frontosa' will be elaborated in the next part, "In the Name of the Six Houses - Advanced Part").

Cyphotilapia is a combination of Greek kyphos + Bushmanic Tilapia, kyphos = curved, curved, Tilapia = non-crucian carp, tilapia; frontosa means "forehead" in Latin. The literal translation Chinese scientific name is "elbow tilapia" or "elbow non-crucian carp". The meaning is directly related to the protruding "head camel" on the back of this species. The "six rooms" is a common name for domestic aquatic tribes, which means the characteristics related to the 6 vertical markings on the body of this species.

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world

Due to the wide distribution of the six in the whole lake, the morphological characteristics between regions are not much different, and it is not easy to distinguish between the many six variants among the aquarium players, whether it is an ordinary player or an experienced veteran.

There are many charts on the Internet about the distribution of the six classifications, the most authoritative, concise and widely circulated ones

In 2005, dr. Ad. Konings collaborated with the world-renowned cichlid forum, Crystall-Forum, on the "Map of Six Varieties".

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world

Six rooms are excerpted from ifish


Alien Fish - Panda Alien (No. L046)

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The panda variant was discovered in 1989 and named Hypancistrus Zebra in 1991. L046 is produced in the Xingu River, located between Altamira and Belo Monte. The river is located in the southern Amazon, and its riverbed is mostly dark and porous volcanic rock. Suitable for different sizes of special-shaped hiding places. Panda heteromorphs are banned from fishing and exporting because they are classified as endangered animals.

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world

Round dark bottom sand is recommended, and one or two caves should be created for each L46 in the tank to fit its size. Caves can be made in-house with flaky rock and silicone, and sunken wood is also a good choice. The location is preferably close to the filter outlet. L46 does not gnaw on plants, so grass can be planted inside the aquarium. But if the light is too strong, the L46 will hide in the cave all day. To avoid frequent water changes, it is recommended to raise 4 L46s in water bodies of 80 L or more. For safety reasons, two water pumps and a heater built into the filter are recommended. Larger-capacity filtering is recommended. Change the water a quarter every week.

Water quality requirements


KH: Less than 13

GH: Less than 16

Feeding temperature: 26-28

Propagation temperature: 28-30

Plant-based feeds are less interesting, but they are still omnivorous

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world
The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world

Biography: Xu Xiaojun

Net name False Monk, jxseng,

Friends in the aquarium circle call me "monk"

Peking Man

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world

Aquaria lovers

Peacock Fish player

Vice President of China Peacock Fish Association,

The Beauty of Aquarium Culture - The Exquisite Works of Aquarium Masters Follow the hand-drawn works of well-known players to learn about these beautiful elves in the aquarium world

In addition to the aquarium, he also loves painting and carving

He has won a number of grand prizes in ornamental fish competitions

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