
The leaves of the fruit tree have a white net, which is this pest, and the control effect is very good with these methods

author:Zongfu fruit cultivation

The macular long-winged leaf curling moth, also known as the macular leaf curling moth and the peach macular leaf curling moth, is a species of the family Cyperaceae. Spawning begins in mid-April and is laid near branches or buds, and the larvae hatch and eat the buds and curl their leaves. Later adults mostly lay eggs on the leaves, more on the front and less on the back, and the hatched larvae are all curled leaves.

The leaves of the fruit tree have a white net, which is this pest, and the control effect is very good with these methods

Macular long-winged leaf curl moth: adult

★ Distribution and host

Foreign distribution in: Russia, Japan and other countries; domestic mainly distributed in the northeast, north China, east China, northwest provinces. The larvae prefer peach trees, and the main host plants are apple trees, peach trees, plum trees, almond trees, hawthorn trees and other fruit trees.

The leaves of the fruit tree have a white net, which is this pest, and the control effect is very good with these methods

Macular long-winged leaf curler: larvae

★ for harm

The larvae spit silk to connect the leaves or feed on the leaves along the frontal fold between the main veins, hiding in them for pests and pupae, and when there is fruit, the larvae eat the epidermis of the fruit, which seriously affects the quality of the fruit and loses the value of the commodity.

The leaves of the fruit tree have a white net, which is this pest, and the control effect is very good with these methods

Macular long-winged leaf curl moth: Spit silk is about to cocoon

★ Morphological characteristics

Adults are 7–9 mm long and have a wingspan of 17–20 mm. In summer, adults have golden-yellow forewings, scattered with silvery-white protruding scales, and the hindwings are off-white and compound-eyed red. In winter, adults have dark brown forewings, greyish brown hindwings, and black compound eyes.

The eggs are oblate oval, 0.8 mm long in diameter and 0.6 mm in diameter. Eggs laid by adults in winter are initially white, then pale yellow, and red near hatching; eggs laid by adults in summer are pale green at first, yellowish green the next day, and dark yellow near hatching.

The leaves of the fruit tree have a white net, which is this pest, and the control effect is very good with these methods

Macular long-winged leaf curl moth: larvae with cocoons

The larvae are 22 mm long, the young larvae are milky white, and the head, dorsal plate of the forebreast and pectoral feet are black-brown. The 2nd-3rd instar larvae are yellowish-green in color , and the head , dorsal plate of the forebreast and thorax feet are still dark brown. The heads, dorsal plates of the forebreast and thorax feet of 4-5 instars turn pale greenish-brown. The precursors of the old mature larva pupae are yellowish-green. The head is dark brown in the monocular area, with 6 single eyes. The pupa is dark brown with a finger-like protrusion at the apex that curves back. From the back, there are also two large protrusions on each side of the base of the phalange, the ends are flush and wide, curved to the ventral surface, and there is a horned spike on each side of the end, and only the dorsal bending of the phalanges is obvious from the side.

The leaves of the fruit tree have a white net, which is this pest, and the control effect is very good with these methods

Macular long-winged leaf curl moth: cocooned

★ Habits of life

In the western Henan region, 4 generations occur in one year, and adult insects overwinter in weeds and leaves in winter. In early March of the following year, the overwintering adults sting as soon as the apple blossom buds germinate and lay their eggs next to the branches and buds. In summer, adults mainly lay eggs on the leaves, mostly on the back of the old leaves. The first generation occurs in early June, the second generation from late July to early August, the third generation from late August to early September, and the fourth generation overwinters in mid-October.

In the orchard, the occurrence of insects in the first generation is relatively neat, and the generations overlap later. The larvae are inactive (easily distinguishable from the apple leaf curl larvae), have a leaf-turning habit, 1 skin transfer per molt, 4 times the larva molt, and the old mature larvae fold the leaves flat and internalize the pupa.

The leaves of the fruit tree have a white net, which is this pest, and the control effect is very good with these methods

The leaves are endangered by the macular long-winged leaf curl moth

★ Prevention and control methods

1. Clear the garden in winter.

(1) Use Baumedo 3%-5% stone sulfur compound spray to spray the whole park, and paint the trunk white;

(2) Cut off diseased branches, remove weeds and fallen leaves from orchards, and burn them intensively so that adult insects cannot hide from wintering.

2. In the first generation of egg incubation (early to mid-April) and the second generation of egg incubation (mid-June), spraying control of hatching larvae. Spray 25% urea 2000 times liquid or 20% bellicidal suspension 8000 times liquid. Permethrin insecticides such as 2.5% cypermethrin emulsion or 20% cypermethrin emulsion 3000 times liquid can also be used.

The leaves of the fruit tree have a white net, which is this pest, and the control effect is very good with these methods

Citrus leaves are endangered by the macular long-winged leaf curl moth

★ Summary

Any fruit tree focuses on management, one species, nine divisions, with early prevention as the mainstay and comprehensive prevention as the supplement. This year a certain pest appeared at a certain time, next year appeared almost the same time, the experience is accumulated over time, the longer the time I believe you will also become a planting expert.

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