
Dust Archives No. 52: Smashing the "Operation Lapa Festival"

author:Abnormal human encyclopedia

Abnormal Human Encyclopedia: To be fair, this plan of the Kuomintang agents to let go of the mad dog is still very distinctive, but it is a pity to meet a more powerful opponent

Smashing the "Lapa Festival"

A murder case

  January 12, 1950, Nanning City, Guangxi Province.

  This murder occurred quite unexpectedly: a husband who was usually afraid of his wife like a tiger actually stabbed this strong woman who was stronger than him in terms of size, strength, and skills.

  The word "strongman" has always referred to robbers in ancient times, and "strong women" is "female robbers". It wasn't until about thirty years ago that the word was given a very different meaning. Since the case we are talking about occurred in the early 1950s, I will use the ancient meaning. This strong woman was named Lan Xiu when she was not married, and after marriage, she was renamed Wei Lanxiu according to customs, twenty-eight years old, born in a boat family, and her father Lan Dazhu was famous in the rivers and lakes, nicknamed "Mixed River Rat", and was "eating water rice" on the YongJiang River. The "water meal" here is not fishing and catching shrimp, nor is it engaged in transportation, but a kind of business under the guise of carrying people and transporting goods, and when it reaches the heart of the river, it is done to enthusiastically solicit the wishes of guests and ask whether to eat plate knife noodles or eat wontons" to make a living. Those who engage in this profession must have several basic conditions: one is water-based, the other is flexible, and some fist and foot kung fu are skilled; third, they are bold and dark-hearted, and their psychological quality is good. Wei Lanxiu was such a female figure before he got married, although he did not make a name for himself in the jianghu, but the operation of "plate knife noodles" and "wontons" was definitely not a raw hand.

  What kind of role will such a strong woman play after marriage? It depends on what kind of person the husband she marries is, if it is a bandit, or although it is not a bandit, it is a martial arts master, or although it does not know martial arts, it has the wealth of the Wanguan family, then Wei Lanxiu cannot make any waves. However, the husband who Wei Lanxiu married could not match the above conditions at all, the man was named Wei Rushan, short, with a roe deer," a sharp-billed monkey cheek, seven years older than Wei Lanxiu, and his profession was a bit special: dog dealer, this profession decided that he was not a rich master. In such a role, it is quite difficult to marry a wife. However, Wei Rushan married Wei Lanxiu, and at the same time, he also received three grass huts and a wooden boat on the yong river given by his daughter-in-law.

  The reason for this puzzling fact is that Wei Rushan once rescued the "Mixed River Rat". That was more than a decade ago. On November 24, 1939, the Japanese Army's independent mixed 23rd Brigade and 5th Division captured Nanning. Some local people with patriotic enthusiasm in Nanning resisted and attacked the invaders in various ways, and Lan Dazhu, the "mixed river rat", was one of them. Once, the guerrillas in which the "Mixed River Rats" participated were chased and killed after attacking the Japanese army, and they ran east and west. After being injured, the "Mixed River Rat" was unconscious, and just happened to meet Wei Rushan passing by, reached out to help, and escaped the search of the Japanese Kou. After recovering from his injuries, the "Mixed River Rat" fled to Vietnam with the help of Wei Rushan. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the "Mixed River Rat" returned to Nanning, and in order to repay Wei Rushan's life-saving grace, he married his daughter to Wei Rushan. With the personality of "Mixed River Rat", of course, it is said that even if Wei Lanxiu is reluctant to do so, he is helpless, and he only obediently obeys his orders.

  It is understandable that when Wei Lanxiu married such a nest husband as Wei Rushan, he must have held his breath in his heart, and this breath came out of her husband. Wei Rushan soon found that the person he married home was a tigress, as long as he did not pay attention and did not understand her meaning, from a long-lasting high-decibel curse to a heavy fist and foot, and a combination of sticks and sticks. Although Wei Rushan's appearance is not proud, he is also a man who has broken through the three passes and six docks, and has also risked being killed by the Japanese to rescue the "mixed river rat", and has also tried to resist his wife's domestic violence, but every time he is suppressed by Wei Lanxiu, who is tall and has practiced boxing. After a little longer, Wei Rushan only had the share of subservience.

  However, it is such a character who actually killed the wife of a strong woman at this moment! What causes this? It's up to the police to investigate.

  Nanning was liberated on December 4, 1949, and the next day the Nanning Municipal Provisional Public Security Committee was established to deal with the city's public order. On December 22, the Nanning Municipal Military Control Commission was established, and the Provisional Public Security Commission was abolished. The Military and Political Takeover Group under the Municipal Military Control Commission took over the Kuomintang Nanning Police Station and its subordinate agencies, and immediately established the Public Security Bureau, but it was listed after the municipal people's congress of all walks of life was held in late January 1950. At the time of this case, the Nanning Municipal Public Security Bureau had already begun to carry out normal police work on the basis of the working bodies of the former Kuomintang Police Station and its subordinate organs that it had taken over, and had already set up a working group of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and its subordinate organs, only to wait for the first people's congress of all walks of life in Nanning City to be listed. After the occurrence of this case, the Water Branch of the Nanning Municipal Public Security Bureau, which had been set up and was only waiting to be listed, immediately assigned four investigators to the scene to investigate as soon as it received the report.

  The scene of the crime was in the couple's home, which were three grass rooms: used as a guest hall, bedroom, and kitchen, and a kennel was built next to the east side to raise Wei Rushan's upside-down dog. After the Wei couple got married, they had twin sons, wei Lanxiu's mother Lan Shi was very lonely because her husband "Mixed River Rat" was secretly calculated three years ago, so she took an exodus to live with her, and the Wei couple was also happy to worry. However, this also gave Wei Lanxiu plenty of time and energy to engage in Hedong lion roar activities, often issuing incomprehensible instructions to her husband. Dog dealer Wei Rushan has been smoothed out by strong women, and has never had the share of honest obedience.

  This morning, Lan Shi, who lived three miles away, brought his grandson to bring fresh fish to his daughter, the door was hidden, and the two children shouted "Mother" to push the door in, but what they saw was Wei Lan's stiff body lying in a pool of dried blood, with a dagger in his chest. Lan Shi is also good at "plate knife face" and "wonton" characters, for such tragedies have turned a blind eye, but at the moment facing the body of his daughter, it is inevitable that tears will fall. The cries of the three grandchildren alarmed the nearby residents, and when they came to take a look, they were surprised. When the chief heard the news, he immediately sent someone to report to the sub-bureau.

  Investigators surveyed the scene and found that there were traces of struggle at the time of the murder, but it was not intense. There were some small scattered short hairs on the ground, which were collected exactly as a bunch, and it seemed that Wei Lanxiu had ripped them from Wei Rushan's head. The investigator deduced that Wei Rushan, who might have had his hair torn off, couldn't bear it in pain, so he pulled out his dagger and stabbed Wei Lanxiu in the chest. This knife was in the heart position, and Wei Lanxiu fell to the ground at that time, his feet twitched several times, and he cried out for his life. After Wei Rushan killed people, he dipped his fingers in his wife's blood on the table in the guest hall and wrote a few words: Weak husband kills barbarian wife! Then, escape.

  The investigators learned from several neighbors what might have been the cause of the murder: Yesterday afternoon, one of Wei Lanxiu's cousins came to visit and brought some gifts. Wei Lanxiu felt too careless to go and wanted to return the gift, but he couldn't get anything out in a hurry, so he went to the kennel and caught a dog and gave it to his cousin. This situation had happened many times before, Wei Lanxiu had long been accustomed to it, she had always thought that this home was her decision, and she could do whatever she wanted. Who knows, after Wei Rushan came back from outside a while and learned about the situation, he was furious, and then ran out without waiting for his wife to react and pull out her leg. Where to go? Go to Wei Lanxiu's cousin's house. Do? To get the dog back. However, it was already one step too late. When Wei Rushan arrived, the dog had already chopped into several pieces and put them into a pot with large ingredients and was boiling.

  Wei Rushan did not say a word and returned home to quarrel with his wife, saying that this batch of goods was a total of ten dogs, that was ordered by a customer, not an ordinary earth dog, but a hunting dog purchased from the mountains at a high price, tomorrow is the day of delivery, according to the pre-agreement, one less he not only can not get the commission, but also has to compensate fifty oceans. Wei Lanxiu was also stunned when he listened, fifty oceans was a huge amount of money for this family, even if he sold three grass houses, he couldn't make it together. Wei Lanxiu knew that being the empress of the family would also cause great trouble, she was not a woman who could think very well, and she was blindsided at the moment, allowing her husband to scold. Neighbors who lived nearby heard the scolding, came to see the liveliness, and were surprised by Wei Lanxiu's unprecedented weakness, and after understanding the situation, they were persuaded. Wei Rushan was in a hurry like an ant on a hot pot, and he went out with the last stomp. Several neighbors accompanied Wei Lanxiu for a while, and after some persuasion, they also left.

  The houses here are all boat owners, and they all live in straw huts. At that time, there was no "illegal construction", the boatman chose a location on the riverside to build, the amount of land occupied by themselves is determined, you have money to buy building materials to build it. Everyone built in groups of three or five, but each family habitually set aside tens of meters of distance between each other for repairing boats and nets, drying fishing gear, planting vegetables, and leaving room for further construction and expansion of the area in the future. Therefore, the neighbors did not know when Wei Rushan would return after he went out, nor did they hear the couple quarrel again or even develop into a human life case.

  The investigator then went to the kennel next to him and checked, but did not see the dog. I went to check the location of the boat by the river, and I didn't see the small boat that Wei Lanxiu had married. It seems that after Wei Rushan killed the people, he loaded the remaining nine dogs into the boat and slipped away from the waterway. The investigators took photographs of the scene and extracted physical evidence such as daggers. Then summoned the chief of the armor and the chief of the bao (at the beginning of the liberation of Nanning, the system of armor protection was still implemented, but the chief of the armor was replaced by a progressive masses), and ordered him to assist the family of the deceased in handling the funeral, pay more attention to the people who came to mourn, and immediately report the suspicious situation to the police.

  After the four investigators returned to the Shuishui Substation, they immediately reported the investigation situation to the department leaders and proposed a plan for investigation: First, the extracted daggers and other physical evidence were sent to the city bureau for technical appraisal, and second, they immediately arranged for the pursuit of Wei Rushan. The leader deeply believed that this was a murder case, not a family dispute that was generally noisy, and that we should set up an investigation team to investigate the case. I immediately reported to the head of the substation.

  With the approval of the leaders of the sub-bureau, it was decided that four investigators who went to investigate the scene, Qin Junjun, Huang Baisen, Deng Jie, and Xiao He, would form a special case team, with Qin Junjun as the leader.

  The task force made an analysis: Wei Rushan was an orphan, with no relatives, only friends, but he was obviously not suitable for hiding from friends with nine dogs. Therefore, it is estimated that Wei Rushan's first action after escaping was to dispose of the nine dogs first. How to deal with it? Judging from the content of the oral contract that the buyer and Wei Rushan entered into, the other party is a very powerful object, and this strength is not only in the economic aspect, but also in a certain social force. Dog dealers like Wei Rushan did not dare to offend each other. Although Wei Rushan had decided to go to the rivers and lakes after killing people, he might not be afraid of the police, but he did not dare to offend such an object. Therefore, Wei Rushan had to hurry up and send the remaining nine dogs to the buyer, and as for the one he still owed, he could find an excuse to prevaricate. After prevarication and then slip on the foot, the nature of the dispute with the other party changes, not to run away without keeping the credit, but to owe the other party fifty oceans and not to pay back, there is a difference between criminal and civil. In this way, it is expected that the other party will not go to great lengths for fifty oceans to do anything to him.

  The special case group then decided to immediately issue an emergency investigation order in the name of the sub-bureau to the four checkpoints under the jurisdiction of the sub-bureau, namely, the north station, the pavilion, the upper section of the water, and the upper and lower section of the water, and at the same time to go out separately to investigate the whereabouts of the fugitive Wei Rushan along the direction of the upper and lower reaches of the Yongjiang River.

  That evening, the special case team received the technical appraisal conclusion from the municipal bureau: the fingerprints left on the handle of the dagger that stabbed Wei Lanxiu were the same as the fingerprint comparison marks on several tools sent for inspection that were believed to definitely have Wei Rushan's fingerprints. The special case team thus had reason to determine that the murderer of Wei Lanxiu was indeed Wei Rushan.

  However, the search for fugitives has not yielded any results. Police officers at all four checkpoints recalled the vessels that had passed through the checkpoints at the checkpoint from the time of the homicide to the time of the killing, and no one had ever noticed such a small boat passing through the checkpoint. Some of the police officers at these checkpoints knew Wei Rushan, and they knew about this short dog dealer, so it should be said that this kind of recollection is relatively reliable.

  The visits conducted by the four investigators of the special case team themselves also had little effect. They separately visited a number of boat families on the Yongjiang River and the families who lived in grass huts or shacks by the river like Wei Rushan and Wei Lanxiu, and said that they had never seen Wei Rushan. After analyzing, it is estimated that it may be a time relationship, Wei Rushan is a person who killed at night, after the killing, he quietly fled the scene in a small boat, there were no boats on the river surface, and the residents on the riverside had closed their doors and rested, so no one saw it.

  However, the police officers at the water checkpoint were on duty twenty-four hours a day and night, and even if Wei Rushan passed the checkpoint in the middle of the night, they would still see it, and perhaps summon the boat to check it out. The reality is that none of the four checkpoints found Wei Rushan passing by. What does this mean? This shows that the place where Wei Rushan went was located within the range between his house and the checkpoint.

  The task force then decided to conduct an investigation in this area. However, at this time, Wei Rushan suddenly appeared on his own.

Second, who is the murderer

  It was the morning of the third day, and a fisherman named Chen Ximu rowed a small boat to the water checkpoint of the water substation and told a police officer that he had asked to see Mr. Station Master. This police officer was an old police retainer of the former Kuomintang Nanning Police Station's Water Substation, and he was originally very impatient with this kind of poor fisherman who exuded a fishy smell, but now that it is a new society, he does not dare to put up the old policeman's set, so he has to show a little smile to receive Chen Ximu and ask you what is the matter, the station manager will go to the substation for a meeting at this time, you either tell me or come back in the afternoon.

  Chen Ximu said that the things I want to say are still a bit big, but it is not my own business, it is someone else who wants me to say it on his behalf, he said that only the station master has done the Lord. Just when he said this, Huang Baisen, an investigator of the special case team, happened to come to this checkpoint to understand the situation. The old policeman pointed to Huang Baisen, who was wearing a People's Liberation Army costume and wearing a red armband of the Military Control Commission, and said to Chen Ximu, This is a comrade of the Military Control Commission who came down from the substation, and you have something to reflect to him.

  Huang Baisen, who was confused, did not know what Chen Ximu had just said, but it was inconvenient to push it, so he had to nod his head, beckon Chen to sit down, and kindly ask his fellow villagers what you have, I am from the sub-bureau, you can tell me. As soon as Chen Ximu opened his mouth, Huang Baisen was secretly surprised--"I was entrusted by Wei Rushan to report the situation to you!"

  Huang Baisen jumped up: "What? Wei Rushan? Which Wei Rushan? ”

  Chen Ximu said, "It's that dog seller Wei Rushan." ”

  "Oh! Where is he now? ”

  "He's on my boat and he's having a high fever right now."

  Huang Baisen didn't care to ask what situation he wanted to report, and hurriedly said: "Good! Good! Good! Fellow, please lead me to your ship at once. ”

  Huang Baisen then asked the checkpoint to send two police officers as temporary assistants to follow Chen Ximu to the fishing boat mooring. The fishing boat stopped in a small river bend a mile away, and Huang Baisen went to the boat to take a look, and in the tail cabin covered by the shack, there was a patient with a dark yellow face and closed eyes, wrapped in a broken quilt that was exposed, and carefully identified, and vaguely recognized that it was indeed Wei Rushan.

  Chen Ximu said to Wei Rushan, "Brother Shan, I have invited the military management comrades of the sub-bureau!"

  Wei Rushan opened his eyes, and when he saw Huang Baisen's dress, his face suddenly showed a look of excitement, and he struggled to sit up: "Comrade Dajun, you have to be the master of me!"

  Confused, Huang Baisen was a little stunned to hear: Wei Rushan is a murderer, but in more than a day, how did he become like this? And he offered to give him the master, what is the matter? Thinking like this in my heart, of course, I must make a clear statement on my mouth: "Fellow, if you have anything to say, please feel free to say it, I will listen." ”

  Wei Rushan closed his eyes and gasped for breath, unable to open his mouth for a moment. Huang Baisen asked Chen If there was boiling water on the boat, and asked Wei Rushan to drink some water first. Chen Said there was no boiling water, but it could be burned. Huang Baisen asked him to send the casserole to the shore, and asked the two police officers to find some dead branches to boil some boiling water first. When boiling water, Chen Xiaomu said that I should talk about it first. Huang Baisen thought that after hearing Wei Rushan's statement, he would definitely have to listen to Chen Ximu, so he let him say it first, so he nodded: "Okay, then listen to you first." ”

  Chen Ximu then made the following statement: He and Wei Rushan were brothers, and Wei Rushan was four years older than him, and the elder was a brother. That was seven or eight years ago, and although we had contact with each other after that, we didn't spend much time together. Because the two are doing different things, Wei Rushan is a dog dealer, he is a fisherman, and each has become a family. Sometimes boats are paddling over the river, and it's just a hello.

  Chen Ximu, like Wei Rushan, also built a shore dwelling on the riverside, but he was poor and built a shack, which was only a stone's throw away from the current mooring place. In the middle of the night before yesterday, when he was sleeping heavily, he was woken up by his wife and whispered that there was something strange going on outside. Chen Ximu rolled over and got out of bed, grabbed a fishing fork and stomped to the door, listening to it in his ear, there was indeed a strange noise outside the door, it was a slight irregular "tuk tuk" sound, which he had never heard before. Just as I was about to distinguish carefully, the bamboo door of the shack was knocked on, and the rhythm was also irregular, as if an old man of seven or eighty was trembling and tapping. Chen Ximu then asked, "Who?" ”

  Although the answer coming from outside the door was slight, Chen Ximu could still hear that it was Wei Rushan's voice. Frightened, he hurried to open the door, only to see Wei Rushan's body soaked and shivering with cold--Chen Xiaomu only then understood: The sound of "tuk tuk" just now turned out to be Wei Rushan's teeth bumping against each other.

  Chen Xiaomu quickly summoned his wife and helped Wei Rushan in. He boiled hot water to wipe himself and cooked ginger soup to feed him to get rid of the cold. When Wei Rushan was wrapped in the bed and no longer trembled, he asked him what was going on. However, no matter how the couple inquired, Wei Rushan did not make a sound. Finally, Wei Rushan said, "Brother, someone killed me." If you are willing to save me and hide me in your boat, you will still go down to the river to fish. ”

  Chen Ximu is a man who is preachy and righteous, and he agrees to the next mouthful. Immediately, he sent Wei Rushan to his small fishing boat all night, and he stayed on the boat himself, regardless of whether he could catch the fish at this moment, and chose a sheltered river bay to lay a few rows of fishing hooks. After dawn, Wei Rushan began to have a fever and poured ginger soup again, which was useless. In the afternoon, Chen Ximu asked his wife to go to the chinese medicine shop on the street to buy some herbs for sweating and fever reduction, and fried them for Wei Rushan to drink. The fever subsided for a few hours and then went up again.

  This morning, although Wei Rushan drank the medicine again, the heat was even higher. Chen Ximu was helpless, but his wife hurried to summon him to the shore and quietly told him: I heard that Wei Rushan killed his wife and absconded, and now the police are arresting him! Chen Ximu was horrified, so he woke up Wei Rushan, who was burning confused, and asked him whether the rumors of killing his wife were true or false. Wei Rushan did not answer and asked Chen Ximu where the ship was moored. Chen Ximu said that it was near my house, Wei Rushan said that it should not be far from the checkpoint of the water substation, and the elder brother troubled you to go to the checkpoint to run, saying that someone asked to see the station manager and reported that there was something. Chen Ximu thought that there must be a reason for this, so he rushed to the checkpoint.

  After Chen Ximu finished speaking, Wei Rushan had already drunk a bowl of hot boiling water. However, when Huang Baisen was expecting him to be able to say something, he suddenly changed his mind and asked to meet with the leader of the substation. In this way, Huang Baisen will not insist, saying that it is better, and you two will follow me to the substation. So he asked Chen Xiaomu to get Wei Rushan to the shore with a frame and carry it away. The boat was paddled by the marine police to the checkpoint and put away.

  The other three investigators of the special case team were naturally overjoyed by Wei Rushan's arrival, and the leader of the group, Qin Junjun, heard that Wei Rushan was having a high fever and said that he would first ask Lang Zhong to take a look. So I invited a Chinese medicine doctor, and after some looking and asking, I diagnosed that Wei Rushan's problem was caused by the cold and was extremely frightened, so I prescribed a Chinese medicine to dispel the cold, saying that it would recover in two or three days.

  The special case team also asked the gang room to lay a bowl of egg noodles, sprinkle more pepper, and give Wei Rushan to eat, and suddenly felt cheered. So let's talk and tell us what happened to you over the past two days.

  Wei Rushan's account surprised the investigators quite unexpectedly——

  Wei Rushan is engaged in dog trafficking, people in the Liangguang area are addicted to animals, dog meat is very popular, so dog trading is a long-standing profession. Wei Rushan's father and grandfather were both from dog traders, and in his generation, he would inherit his father's business. Since last spring, due to the situation of the times, those who can afford to eat dogs have no heart to taste dog meat delicacies, Wei Rushan's dog trading business has plummeted, insisting on a dismal operation until the liberation of Nanning last month, originally thinking that after the situation was calmed, the business could be improved somewhat, but the situation was more pessimistic. On New Year's Day, Wei Rushan sent his wife Wei Lanxiu to her mother's house to rub rice, and he was embarrassed to stay there and follow the rubbing, so he had to slowly shake the boat and wander aimlessly along the Yongjiang River.

  Wei Rushan returned to his grass hut with an empty stomach, and when he boiled a pot of salted fish porridge and was about to drink a bowl, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and a hoarse voice called: "Is this Boss Wei's home?" Is there anyone in the house? ”

  Although Wei Rushan had some friends, he had moved around less in recent years, and there was almost no contact after liberation. Therefore, he was particularly surprised by this visitor with a strange voice, and the first thing that flashed through his mind was: this person has found the wrong door! So I didn't say a word, just bowed my head and drank porridge. The one outside the door called out twice, simply pushed the door open, and poked his head in: "Is there anyone in the house... Oh, someone!"

  Wei Rushan then turned his face to watch, and sure enough, it was a strange face. He did not search and identify whether this face had been archived in his brain or not, because his attention had been attracted by the four gifts of pork legs, cigarettes, wine, and pastries carried by the other party, and he stood up and did not open his mouth, and the other party had already spoken: "Are you Boss Wei?" ”

  "Boss Wei? Hey hey, there are many miles in this area with the surname Wei called the boss!"

  "Oh, I'm going to visit Wei Rushan, a famous dog dealer in Nanning."

  Wei Rushan hurriedly surrendered, "Oh! That's right underneath. I don't know what you call sir? What do you think in the next? ”

  The other party claimed to be surnamed Cheng, named Mengbiao, and said that he had come to visit and wanted to talk to Boss Wei about a business, and asked Wei Rushan if he was interested. Wei Rushan almost suspected that something was wrong with his ears, so he nodded his head and bowed his hand, "I would like to listen to Mr. Advice!"

  Cheng Mengbiao said that he was from Guangdong and was entrusted by someone to come to Nanning to buy hunting dogs, and asked Wei Rushan if he could acquire ten elite hunting dogs for him within eight days; as for the cost, he could use the method of contracting for purchasing, that is, after the two sides negotiated how much each hunting dog was, the other party paid it off on the spot, and Wei Rushan did not care what method and price to use after taking this money, as long as he handed over the qualified goods at that time. This kind of cooperation is Wei Rushan's most reluctant, because he can get the most profit from this operation. So Wei Rushan said that if the price is right, the business can be cooperative; however, the time may be a little tight, because the elite hounds are the beloved things of hunters, and they usually refuse to sell, so the time should be more generous.

  Cheng Mengbiao asked, "Does Boss Wei mean a few days of grace?" ”

  "I think it would probably be enough if the delivery was delivered on January 12."

  Cheng Mengbiao smiled faintly, coughed, and came in from outside the door, a big man in the shape of a biao, did not look at Wei Rushan, Chong Cheng Mengbiao stooped: "Sir!" Cheng Mengbiao did not open his mouth, but just made a gesture. The big man took a heavy box from his arms and opened it on the table. Wei Rushan was shocked: on the purple satin lining in the box, there were five gold bars!

  Cheng Mengbiao said: "This is fifteen two gold, 24K foot red gold." Buying a hound for one or two gold shouldn't be a problem, right? The remaining five or two is to give you the commission of Boss Wei. You've certainly never encountered this kind of business before, and you'll never encounter it again. Therefore, I hope boss Wei will not give up. As for the time, it must be delivered on the morning of January 12 at the latest!"

  It can be imagined that in this case, Wei Rushan naturally only has the share of frequent nods. Although at this time he had already faintly felt from the tone of the other party that this was an unidentified and very threatening figure, as a small businessman, Wei Rushan believed in profit and profit, and the rest would not be considered. So he took the deal.

  Cheng Mengbiao asked Wei Rushan if he could read, and Wei Rushan said that he had been studying private school for several months. Cheng Mengbiao said that's it, you give me a receipt. I also have one condition: if you can't deliver the goods by then, in addition to returning the gold, you will have to compensate me for fifty oceans—hear you clearly, it's the ocean, not the banknotes. This condition, you write in the receipt. As he spoke, he placed a pen and a notebook in front of Wei Rushan.

  Wei Rushan nodded, but did not move his pen. Because he had a concern: What if these fifteen or two golds were fake? What happens once the receipt is signed? Wei Rushan was a person who had seen the world, so he had to explain this concern to the other party clearly. As soon as he said that, Cheng Mengbiao nodded, "Boss Wei, your worries are not unreasonable!" Well, I'll accompany you to the city, and you'll choose a bank or a gold shop and a silver building, and ask them to check it out, okay? ”

  Wei Rushan was also an old jianghu, and he proposed not to go to the bank or the gold shop and silver building, but to the pawn shop, saying that the court there had the ability to identify gold and the staff of the bank, the gold shop, and the silver building had the qualifications to be compared. Cheng Mengbiao said that there was no problem, let Wei Rushan immediately go to the city with them, and choose a pawn shop by himself to ask others to identify, if people take the fee, it can be paid by Cheng Mengbiao, because it is Cheng Mengbiao's gold.

  Wei Rushan then stopped eating the salted fish porridge, and immediately followed Cheng Mengbiao and the two of them to the "blessing pawn" in the city where he had been a thing, and asked ChaoFeng to identify the authenticity of the gold. As a result of the identification, gold is real. So the three of them went into a nearby tea house and signed a contract.

  After Wei Rushan signed a contract with Cheng Mengbiao, Cheng Mengbiao gave him a contact address in Nanning City, asking him to contact him if he had something to do, and after the goods were collected, he could go to the notice and he would send someone there to pick it up. Wei Rushan then went home to make some preparations, and the next morning he shook his wooden boat and went out to buy hunting dogs. Due to the tight time, he didn't even tell his wife, but just asked the neighbor to hand over the gifts brought by Cheng Mengbiao after Wei Lanxiu returned home.

  Next, Wei Rushan ran for ten days, first going up against the current, all the way to Long'an. Then he moved to the Zuojiang River Valley, where he slept open and stayed overnight, and did not return to his home in Nanning until the evening of January 10, and finally acquired ten hunting dogs that met Cheng Mengbiao's requirements. Coincidentally, on the day Wei Rushan returned home, his wife happened to go to her mother's house again, so he did not see Wei Lanxiu that day, which was also one of the reasons why Wei Lanxiu gave the dog he bought to his cousin the next day, because Wei Lanxiu did not know what kind of deal her husband had taken.

  After Wei Rushan returned home, he put ten hounds in the kennel. Counting that there was still a day before the delivery, he decided to use the ancestral secret method to raise the hounds well, so as not to let the owner of the goods look at the hounds and feel that the hounds are not mental enough and have other words. The Wei family has been selling dogs for a living for generations, and has a set of secret methods for raising dogs, which is estimated to be a quick-acting way of taking stimulants and other fast-acting supplements, of course, using Chinese herbal medicine. Wei Rushan prepared the medicine and fed it in the feed.

  The next day, Wei Rushan saw that the dog was more energetic than yesterday, and he had to keep this state alive, so he went outside to collect medicine. Before Wei Rushan left home, Wei Lanxiu returned from his mother's house, he did not expect what would happen later, because of the urgency of time, he took care of his wife and asked him to pay attention to the kennel and not let the dog escape, so he hurried out. At that time, the idea was to inform his wife of the situation at night, so that she would have an unexpected surprise. I didn't expect my cousin to suddenly come, and I didn't expect Wei Lanxiu to make the decision to send one of the dogs he bought to my cousin.

  When Wei Rushan returned from collecting medicine and learned of the situation, he rushed to his cousin's house in a panic, but the wood was already in a boat, and the hunting dog had already got off the pot. He returned home and started the first fire on his wife since he started a family, and went out the door in a huff. Thinking about it so far, the only way to see Cheng Mengbiao is to deliver the nine hounds first, and then set off overnight to buy them. If the other party refuses to forgive, there is no way.

  Wei Rushan entered the city and went to the door according to the address that Cheng Mengbiao had left for him that day. It was a house on Blacksmith Street, a separate courtyard with a banyan tree in front of it. After knocking on the door, the person who came to open the door was the big man who was Cheng Mengbiao's class that day. The big Han led Wei Rushan in, and Cheng Mengbiao saw Wei Rushan show a very happy look, saying that Boss Wei you are coming, I am thinking about you, today is the 11th, can you deliver on time tomorrow morning? Wei Rushan recounted the situation with a weeping face, and bent down: "Please Mr. Cheng for a day or two, I will give you the nine dogs first, and then go out overnight, and the good guys will also get another dog, even if they steal it, they have to steal it." ”

  Cheng Mengbiao listened without saying a word, paused slightly, and smiled slightly: "It will be late at this time, Boss Wei, you probably haven't eaten dinner yet, right?" Turning his face and instructing the big man, "The noodle restaurant in the alley in front of you has not yet closed the door, you take the boss to eat something first, and when we come back, we will see how to deal with this situation." ”

  When Wei Rushan returned from eating a bowl of noodles with a heavy heart, there was already one more person in the room, that is, a twenty-seven or eight-year-old man, who knew at a glance that he was a capable man, and he showed the posture of a family member between his hands and feet. Cheng Mengbiao said to Wei Rushan with a calm face, "Then do as the boss wants, we will go with you at this time, first take back the nine dogs, and one can be forgiven for a few days." ”

  At the moment, Wei Rushan took Cheng Mengbiao and the three of them to the house. What happened next made Wei Rushan unbearable: after he showed the other party the nine hounds in the kennel, he returned to the grass hut and ordered his wife to boil water to make tea for guests. Only to hear Cheng Mengbiao's "haha", "boom" a sound on his head, and then did not know anything.

  I don't know how long later, when Wei Rushan woke up, he heard the sound of babbling water, and he knew that it was on the sailing ship. When I was holding back my headache and trying to remember what had just happened, I heard someone talking, it was the voice of the big man: "Mr. Cheng, how does this guy send it?" ”

  "Follow the plan."

  Wei Rushan felt that this conversation was very bad when he heard it, and only then did he realize that the bang in his ear before was probably hit hard by the other party. When I was thinking about what the "plan" was going on, my body had already been lifted up. Cheng Mengbiao ordered: "Tie this stone to his waist, let him sink at the bottom of the river to feed the fish, save the corpse from floating up and ruining our business." ”

  Wei Rushan knew that the so-called "plan" was to entertain him to eat "wontons", and he forced himself to continue to remain in a coma. For Wei Rushan, throwing a stone into the river around his waist would not be fatal, and if the other party found that he had woken up, he might stab him casually and really kill him.

  In this way, Wei Rushan threw himself into the river. Wei Rushan was proficient in water, and the winter in Nanning was not as cold as in the north, which could freeze people. Most importantly, his leggings were also fitted with a three-inch knife for self-defense. After being thrown into the river, he immediately drew his knife with bated breath, cut the rope that bound the stone, and his legs surfaced silently as soon as he stepped on it. The wooden boat carrying people and dogs had already gone down the river, and Wei Rushan immediately swam to the shore. After coming ashore, the cold wind blew, which made me feel cold. Wei Rushan has been wandering around this area since he was a child, and he is familiar with the terrain as if he knew the lines of his palms. At the moment, after turning around a few times in the same place, he identified his location called SanfenWan, which was five miles away from his home. At this moment, he could not bear the cold and insist on walking home, even if he could go home, he did not dare, who knew if Cheng Mengbiao would go and return to a return carbine? Only then do you find a house to burn a fire and dry your clothes. Suddenly remembering that his brother Chen Xiaomu's shack was not far in front, he decided to go to the Chen family. Running wildly all the way, when he was about to arrive, he did not pay attention to the stone and stumbled, sprained his foot, and had to crawl for a hundred meters, and finally arrived at the Chen family.

  After Wei Rushan finished saying the above words, he was already sweating, even coughing and panting, and his breathing was uneven. Qin Junjun took the opportunity to hand him a towel to wipe his sweat, inspected his head, and found that there was indeed a little hair missing from the left side of his forehead, which was consistent with the judgment that the investigators found that the scattered hair on the ground was pulled down by Wei Lanxiu when the two sides fought.

  Was Wei Rushan the murderer of Wei Lanxiu? The special case team immediately discussed: judging from the fingerprints on the murder weapon and the hair at the scene, Wei Rushan was suspected of committing a crime; however, what Wei Rushan said just now did not look like it was fabricated. How exactly? It seems that this needs to be investigated.

  Of course, an action must be taken before the investigation is made.

Third, clues

  This action is to go to the side of the iron street to meet Cheng Mengbiao and other three people. Regardless of whether Wei Lanxiu was killed by Wei Rushan or not, Wei Rushan's allegations that Cheng Mengbiao's three people murdered him needed to be clarified first.

  In view of the possible danger of Cheng Mengbiao's three people, after the special case team reported to the leaders, three investigators were temporarily mobilized, and all seven of them changed into civilian clothes and carried pistols and quietly went to the iron street.

  The investigators first went to the police station of the management section of the target area, expressed their intentions, and asked for a peripheral investigation of the residents of the site. The police station felt strange when it sounded, saying that the house with a banyan tree in front of the door was an empty house that no one lived in, how could anyone live there? Or is it the landlord Boss Kim who rented out the house?

  Qin Junjun, the leader of the special case team, felt suspicious when he heard it, so he decided to go and check it out immediately. It was, as Wei Rushan said, an independent courtyard. The investigators first sent one person to knock on the door, but there was no response inside. When he was about to climb the wall, the frightened neighbor came over, because he saw that the person was wearing plain clothes, he did not think about the "police", only that he was a person with ulterior motives, so he said what are you doing, why do you climb the wall? Further down, when he saw the old season of the pipe section policeman emerging from the corner, he knew that there must be a reason and bit his tongue. Old Ji asked before, Fang knew that the reason why the gate was tied from the inside was because there was another small door in the back, the knock could not be opened, that is, there was no one inside, and the occupants inside left through the small door behind the door.

  The investigator then asked: Why didn't anyone live there? There were still people here the other day!

  The neighbor said that there had been people living there, but it seemed that no one had come in since the day before yesterday.

  It seems like? This doesn't seem to be very secure, so let's go and investigate with boss Jin.

  Boss Jin is a wooden shop, and there are two houses in the ancestral tradition, one for his own family and one for rent. But the rental of the blacksmith street this house to the previous year had some problems, there was a pair of tenants from Guilin eloped over the young man and woman, the woman was pregnant but could not get the recognition of the families of both sides, the two then martyred and died, since then, the legend that this house has become a murderous house, more than one tenant has seen or heard the image and movement of the two in the middle of the night. Nanning was not big at that time, and news like this spread very quickly, and soon no one came to rent a house to live. Boss Jin had no choice but to rent it to the Kuomintang army at a low price as a quartermaster warehouse. More than two months ago, the People's Liberation Army pressed the border, the Kuomintang quartermaster warehouse was withdrawn, and the house was empty. On the day of the winter solstice last month (December 1949), suddenly someone went to the wooden shop to discuss with Boss Jin, saying that they were from out of town, wanted to do some business in Nanning, and wanted to rent his house. Of course, Boss Jin was willing, but he felt the need to explain the legend of the "murderous house" to the other party clearly, so as not to rip it off later. As soon as he said it, the other party did not think so, saying that it did not matter, even if there were really ghosts, they were not afraid, and if people could not fight ghosts, it was better to die and do ghosts. Therefore, the two sides agreed to rent for three months at the rent of eight oceans per month, and twenty-four oceans to be paid in one lump sum.

  After the other party moved in, Boss Jin didn't care about the house, anyway, the rent had been collected, and the house could not be moved away with them. If it weren't for the police coming to the door today, Boss Jin wouldn't have known that the house was empty.

  Boss Jin said, took out the rental contract originally signed by the two parties, and sure enough, it was as he said. There was also a business card in the contract, that is, Cheng Mengbiao, who called Wei Rushan "Boss Wei", and it said that he was a shareholder of Guangzhou Lei Yuantang Medicinal Materials Wholesale Bank.

  The investigators then asked Boss Jin to go to the house with him, and there was almost no change from when Boss Jin rented it to them last month, as if no one had ever lived there, but every day someone came to clean it, clean, deserted, and gloomy. The investigators surveyed it and found no suspicious signs, not even a single piece of shredded paper. It seems that when Cheng Mengbiao and the others left, they did some processing to eliminate the traces.

  The visit to the "murderous house" confirmed part of what Wei Rushan said. However, if Wei Rushan's suspicion of murder is ruled out from this, it will be too hasty. After all, the only fingerprint evidence on the murder weapon currently in hand belongs to Wei Rushan, and in general, this should be a relatively ironclad evidence. After discussion, the special case team believes that if Wei Rushan is to be excluded as the murderer, then the following points should be investigated -

  1. Find the rope that tied the stone from Wei Rushan's waist, and verify that there is indeed a cut on it that matches the three-inch sharp knife of Wei Rushan's leggings (which has been handed over to the police by Chen Xiaomu);

  2. Conduct a technical appraisal of the words "weak husband kills the barbarian wife" left on the table at the murder scene and Wei Rushan's handwriting, and confirm that there are obviously different characteristics between the two, and it is not from the hands of the same person;

  Third, go to the murder scene again, use the method of postural reduction to restore the short struggle between the victim and the hypothetical murderer Wei Rushan at that time, and analyze what happened to the hair at the scene.

The investigator went to Chen Ximu's shack, and Chen's wife was a conscientious and careful woman, and she washed and dried the clothes that Wei Rushan had changed, along with the rope, and put them well. The three-inch sharp knife with the Wei Rushan leggings brine that Chen Xiaomu handed over tried, and the cut marks at the broken point of the rope matched the cut marks of the three-inch sharp knife.

  The investigators also asked Wei Rushan to write some words and sent them to the Municipal Bureau for forensic technical appraisal, and concluded that the words written by Wei Rushan and the blood characters on the desktop at the scene had obvious different characteristics of the pen, and it could be determined that this was not written by the same person.

  The investigation of the hair has some small twists and turns: the investigators believe that the random hair collected at the murder scene was ripped from Wei Rushan's head, judging from the reduction of the fighting scene from the position of the scene, it is also believed that Wei Lanxiu ripped it from Wei Rushan's head, and Wei Lanxiu did have this fierceness and strength. Originally, this could have been concluded, but the investigator Huang Baisen raised a question: Is Wei Lanxiu left-handed? If it was left-handed, the position standing was not right, and Wei Lanxiu could not use his right hand, which was not good at using, to tear off the hair on the right side of her husband's head. So the three of them went to visit Wei Lanxiu's mother, Lan Shi, and confirmed that Huang Baisen's idea was right, and Wei Lanxiu was indeed left-handed. Therefore, the third point is also excluded.

  After the investigation results, the task force believes that Wei Rushan can be ruled out as the murderer.

  Then, how to explain that the only fingerprint on the handle of the dagger that killed Wei Lanxiu was Wei Rushan? Based on Wei Rushan's account and the situation of the on-site investigation, the investigators made the following inferences: After Wei Rushan led Cheng Mengbiao and the three of them to the kennel to hand over the nine hounds, when he returned to the grass house to let Wei Lanxiu boil water and make tea to entertain the guests, he was hit the head and fell unconscious. At the same time, the other party took control of Wei Lanxiu, who may have been stunned. Then, another person pulled out the dagger in Wei Rushan's arms, wiped the end of the handle clean, and stuffed it into the unconscious Wei Rushan's hand, grabbing his hand and killing Wei Lanxiu with a knife. He also pulled a handful of hair from Wei Rushan's head and scattered it on the ground, falsifying the scene of the fight.

  At this point, regarding Wei Lanxiu's murder, it should be said that it is basically clear.

  However, new questions have also arisen: why should Cheng Mengbiao and others do this? That is, what was their motive for committing the crime?

  From the analysis of the situation that the special case team has mastered in this case, this case should be an ordinary sales dispute, here Cheng Mengbiao and Wei Rushan are respectively referred to as Party A and Party B: Party A has made a fee to ask Party B to acquire ten hounds, which is economically of the nature of the bag, Party A gives Party B fifteen or two gold, and Party B can deliver on time. If Party B cannot deliver the goods on time, it will be liable for breach of contract, and the liability for breach of contract is that Party B pays Party A fifty silver oceans. This contract is made in duplicate, one for each party. However, the contract of Party B is gone. Wei Rushan, the party B, was a person with some experience in the jianghu, and he hid the contract on his body all the time. However, that day, when he escaped from the bottom of the river and came ashore to Chen Ximu's house, Chen's wife did not find this contract when she dealt with the wet clothes he had changed. It is estimated that Party A has taken the contract from Wei Rushan after knocking Wei Rushan unconscious and killing Wei Lanxiu.

  Let's get back to the main topic: since the two parties have a contract, then, when Party B defaults, Party A only needs to pursue the other party's liability for breach of contract according to the pre-agreed agreement, so why take extreme measures to harm two people in a row? Even if Party B did not have the ability to pay fifty ocean liquidated damages, it would not kill people without saying a word, and kill two people at once. Isn't that extremely abnormal? In this way, the sale itself is very problematic. What's the problem? On why Party A kills people. The object of being deprived of life by Party A is ostensibly a couple, but for Party A, it does not seem to matter whether they are a couple or not, what is important is that Wei Rushan and Wei Lanxiu are both insiders of this transaction. The real purpose of their killings should be to silence those in the know forever.

  Therefore, Cheng Mengbiao's motive for killing people was to kill his mouth!

  The special case team analyzed here, and all the investigators were excited: extinguish the mouth! Why did they use such an extreme method as extermination to keep the secret of the acquisition of ten hound dogs? It seems that there is only one answer: there is some ulterior conspiracy behind this transaction!

  The investigators immediately looked at each other, and their meaning was all in words: It seems that this case is not solvable!

  Qin Junjun, the leader of the special case team, opened his mouth and said that when this case was investigated, we should report to the leader, how to investigate down, and listen to the instructions of the leader.

  Qin Junjun then reported the case to the department leader, and the department leader was also secretly surprised when he heard it, saying that the case was very complicated, and he did not know how deep the water behind it was, and I had to quickly report to the leader of the sub-bureau.

  As soon as the leaders of the water sub-bureau listened to the report from this side, they received a call from the municipal bureau, saying that they would ask the main leaders of the sub-bureau to go to the municipal bureau for a meeting. Therefore, the leader of the sub-bureau asked this side to stay still for the time being, and after he returned from the meeting of the city bureau, he would discuss how to deal with the case.

  The Nanning Municipal Public Security Bureau convened a meeting of the leaders of the sub-bureaus, and it was the leaders of the municipal bureaus who wanted to listen to the reports of the sub-bureaus on the recent situation of public order. According to an internal decision, he has been appointed director of the Guangxi Public Security Department and director of the Nanning Municipal Public Security Bureau, and the latter decision will be officially announced to the public after the end of the first people's congress in Nanning from January 25 to 28, 1950, and the previous decision will be officially announced after the end of the first people's congress of Guangxi held later (February 4). Although Qin Yingji did not explain to the participants the intention of this briefing meeting, the leaders of the sub-bureaus attending the meeting knew that this must be related to the upcoming convening of people's congresses from all walks of life. These two meetings are a major event in the political life of the people in Guangxi and are also a primary measure taken by the CPC to establish people's power in Guangxi, so it is necessary to ensure the safety of the meeting. Therefore, the leaders of various sub-bureaus were very serious when reporting, and the leaders of the municipal bureaus who listened to the reports were also very attentive, and Qin Yingji himself also asked questions from time to time, and immediately recorded some situations in the book.

  Qin Yingji is an old revolutionary and an old qualified intelligence and security expert. Born in November 1915 in Donglan County, Guangxi, he joined the revolutionary work in the spring of 1929, joined the Communist Youth League of China in the same year, and joined the Communist Party of China in August 1931. As early as the early 1930s, when Qin Yingji was serving as a company commander of the Red Army, he was transferred to the Red Third Army Security Bureau as an investigator, and soon after went to the State Protection Bureau to study, and then successively served as a political instructor of the reconnaissance company of the Fifth Division of the Red Third Army, a political instructor of the reconnaissance company of the 13th Regiment, a deputy commissioner of the 13th Regiment Battalion, the head of the reconnaissance team of the Second Bureau of the General Headquarters of the Red Army, the leader of the inspection team of the Security Department of the Red First Army, and the chief of the second section. After Qin Yingji participated in the famous Long March, he successively served as the head of the field intelligence group of the Staff Office of the Eighth Route Army Headquarters, the leader of the reconnaissance team of the Eighth Route Army Headquarters, the chief of the reconnaissance section, the deputy director of the Public Security Department of the Taihang Taiyue Administrative Joint Office, the secretary and director of the General Public Security Bureau of the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Border Region, the deputy director of the Ji'nan Public Security Bureau, and the deputy director of the Jiluyu Public Security Bureau. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he successively served as director of the Ji'nan Public Security Bureau, director of the Social Department and director of the Public Security Bureau of the Party Committee of Ji'nan District, director of the Hebei Provincial Public Security Department and director of the Social Department of the Hebei Provincial CPC Committee. After the liberation of Guangxi, he was transferred to the Guangxi Social Department of the CPC and director of the Guangxi Public Security Department, the political commissar of the Guangxi Public Security Column, and the director of the Nanning Municipal Public Security Bureau. I believe that people who are knowledgeable or do not know how to do it, after reading the above resume, will definitely associate words such as "close" and "insider" for the relationship between Qin Yingji and the public security front.

  Therefore, it is understandable that when Qin Yingji listened to the leader of the Water Sub-bureau report on the "Murder Case of Wei Rushan and His Wife", the vigilance flashed in his mind. But Qin Yingji didn't say anything at that time, and even his expression was no different. After the debriefing meeting, he quietly summoned the leader of the Shuishui Substation who attended the meeting, and after some conversation, issued a brief order: Immediately notify the four investigators of the "Wei Rushan and His Wife Murder Case" special case team to come to the city bureau, and he will listen to their reports in person.

  Qin Junjun, Huang Baisen, Deng Jie, and Xiao He received the call and immediately ran to the city bureau. Qin Yingji spent an hour talking with the members of the special case team, mainly to listen to the face-to-face reports of the investigators, and sometimes to ask questions. Finally, Qin Yingji asked the investigators, "What do you think of this case?" ”

  Qin Junjun replied on behalf of the special case team: "We are discussing it, and we always feel that this case is really too strange and very unreasonable, so I suspect that there is a problem behind it, but I can't deduce what is hidden for a while." ”

  "Do you know the news that we are going to convene the People's Congress of all walks of life in Nanning City on January 25 and the People's Congress of all walks of life in Guangxi City in early February?"

  "The leadership has already communicated to us."

  Qin Yingji said: "We have the heavy responsibility of ensuring the safe convening of these two meetings on our shoulders, which is also the overriding task of the city bureau in the recent stage." Therefore, all anomalous cases, whether on the face of them economic or political or of any other nature, must be taken seriously, since it is very likely that one of these cases is related to a conspiracy of the enemy. You feel strange about this murder case that you are handling at the moment, and I feel the same way, and I can't think of anything when I hear it. Therefore, it seems necessary to focus on the investigation of the case. This work should be done quickly, because there are no more days left before the people's congresses of all walks of life in the city are convened. Considering that the investigation workload of this case is certainly very large, and the four of you may not be competent, I have just discussed with the leaders of your sub-bureau and decided to send additional personnel to the special case group, an additional comrade to the water sub-bureau, and two comrades to the city bureau, which is actually to form a new special case group. The case is now directly grasped by the Municipal Bureau, and if you have any problems or difficulties that need to be solved, you can directly raise them with the Municipal Bureau. I wish you all the best in your mission!"

  Qin Junjun and others suddenly realized the weight of this mission, and with Qin Yingji's position, sitting down with ordinary investigators like them to smoke and talk, it can be seen how strong the premonition of the harm in the "Murder case of Wei Rushan and his wife" in the chief's mind is, and how high hopes are placed on them. The scouts immediately jumped up and saluted in unison.

  The new special case group is composed of Dong Yingqiang, consultant of the Second Section (Reconnaissance Section) of the Municipal Bureau, Lang Jingui, an investigator, Lao Xu, an investigator of the Shuishang Branch Bureau, and four members of the original special case group, with Dong Yingqiang as the leader of the group and Qin Junjun, the former leader of the group, as the deputy group leader. Dong Yingqiang was an old subordinate of Qin Yingji when he was serving in the Ji'nan Public Security Bureau, and had just been transferred from the Hebei Provincial Public Security Department by name; he was a member of the Communist Party of China, politically reliable, and quite proficient in investigation business, and presided over the cracking of some suspicious and strange cases. Qin Yingji brought him to Guangxi in preparation for arranging for him to play the role of the backbone of the investigation in the Public Security Department, and at this moment there was such a case, so he asked him to preside over the investigation of the special case with the false title of adviser of the second section of the municipal bureau.

  When the seven members of the task force met, it was already the evening of the same day. Seven meals were served from the city bureau canteen, and seven investigators held a case analysis meeting while eating. Among the investigators present, except for Dong Yingqiang, the rest of them had not undertaken a case personally issued by a senior police leader like Qin Yingji, and they did not have a bottom in their hearts about the case, so it was inevitable that they would be nervous. Dong Yingqiang said that everyone does not have to be nervous, nor do we have any box-like thinking about this case, we will treat this case as an ordinary criminal homicide case to investigate, as for what the case will look like in the end after investigation, there is no need to consider it at the moment.

  The case analysis meeting lasted for more than five hours and did not end until the middle of the night. How the meeting is going, put it aside first, and then explain it later. Let's shift the perspective to look at the situation of the object on the other side.

Four secret agents shot

  Qin Yingji is indeed powerful, and his intuition about the "Murder of Wei Rushan and His Wife" is very in place, and behind this case is indeed a conspiracy against the first people's congress of Nanning City, which will be held on January 25.

  The person who carried out this conspiracy we already know is Cheng Mengbiao, who has already appeared before. However, everyone is still unclear about the identity background of this person, and it is necessary to make an introduction here -

  Cheng Mengbiao, real name Nong Jingzhi, thirty-nine years old, Zhuang ethnicity, Guangxi Gongcheng people's clan, born in a former Qing dynasty low-level military attaché family, the first Chinese, before the age of twenty as a primary school teacher, shop clerk, twenty years old to Nanjing, through the introduction of relatives into the National Government Capital Police Department as a policeman, two years later admitted to the National Government Central Police Officers School, graduation because of excellent results, by Dai Kasa presided over the Revival Society secret service, recruited as a secret agent. The name of the Revival Society in society at that time was "Blue Clothing Society", which was later the infamous "Military Command Bureau". Therefore, it should be said that Cheng Mengbiao is an old agent of the "military command." However, Cheng Mengbiao's luck was not very good, because more than six years of his ten-year secret service career was spent in prison. Of course, as an experience, he is entitled to brag to people. When he was drinking with his confidants, he often hung on his lips with the opening sentence: "When my brother was in prison in Hanoi..." Please note that Cheng Mengbiao was in prison in Hanoi, Vietnam, not somewhere in China.

  How can a "military command" agent go to a foreign prison? This involves a period of history, because it has nothing to do with this article, and it will be mentioned here: On December 19, 1938, Wang Jingwei led Chen Bijun, Zeng Zhongming, Zhou Fohai, Tao Xisheng and more than ten other people to flee Kunming by plane, flew to Hanoi, Vietnam, and threw themselves into Japan. Chiang Kai-shek was furious and ordered Dai to send agents to Hanoi to assassinate Wang Jingwei. Among the operational agents sent by the "military command" to Hanoi to assassinate Wang Jingwei was Cheng Mengbiao, a guangxi man. The assassination operation was unsuccessful, and the agent killed the wrong person and killed Zeng Zhongming. Cheng Mengbiao, who was acting as a cover at the time, escaped a step slower and was taken down by the Hanoi police. Cheng Mengbiao was imprisoned in Hanoi until August 1945, when Japan announced its surrender, when he was released and returned to China.

  After Cheng Mengbiao returned to China, he went to report to the "Military Command Bureau." After Dai Kasa heard about it, it was not easy to think about Cheng Mengbiao's experience, after all, the prison was not a guest house, eating a lawsuit was not eating alcohol, and it was also a meritorious person, so he signed an appointment to promote Cheng Mengbiao, who was originally only a lieutenant, to lieutenant colonel. Of course, lieutenant colonel is only a military rank, the specific position has not changed, or an action agent, "military command" internally called "action officer". This situation is not uncommon in the "military command" and "central unification", they not only have school-level operators, intelligence officers, but also major generals or intelligence officers.

  Although Cheng Mengbiao had the rank of lieutenant colonel, his skills did not grow, and he did not make any achievements, and this mediocre role would not be favored in the "Military Command Bureau". Therefore, for three years from 1946 to the first half of 1949, Cheng Mengbiao was basically sitting on the cold bench. There was no work to do, no cross-stalls to fish for, only a salary, and his life was very unsatisfactory, but there was no way.

  It was not until half a year ago that Cheng Mengbiao, who had fled to Guangzhou, suddenly received the attention of Shangfeng. A deputy director of the Operations Division of the former "Military Command bureau," who had been renamed the "Secrecy Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense," flew from Taiwan and personally talked to him, first cordially inquired about his living conditions, and then kindly learned what he thought about the future. Finally, the deputy director of the major general announced that Cheng Mengbiao would be promoted to colonel in the army and ordered him to form the "Guangxi Provincial Special Operations Center of the Secrecy Bureau", and after the establishment of the organization, Cheng Mengbiao would serve as the "director". Shangfeng also promised that in the near future, due to the participation of US allies, the situation in China will definitely change, and when Cheng Mengbiao can move from underground to above ground to make public appearances, he will be a major general.

  In this way, Cheng Mengbiao began to set up the "Guangxi Provincial Special Operations Center of the Secrecy Bureau", and Shangfeng gave him two assistants, namely the Biao-shaped Han and another Hanzi that Wei Rushan had seen and thrown into the Yongjiang River as "wontons". Those two, the big man named Ou Fugen, and the other named Ningshan, were both from the Guangxi clan. Don't look at it, it also has a military rank, all of them are army captains. The two knew Cheng Mengbiao's experience, respected him as a "senior", and paid great respect to Cheng Mengbiao.

  Cheng Mengbiao was an action agent, but after all, he was a policeman, and he had culture (at that time, the first Chinese was already a literate class), and the seven years of prison in Hanoi were not white squatting, so he did not act recklessly, and his mind was still a little meticulous. After receiving the activity funds, contact information, codebooks, forged documents, seals, and weapons and equipment of the action agents from Shangfeng, he quietly left Guangzhou with Ou and Ning and disguised themselves as businessmen and went to Nanning to lurk.

  We cannot but look at Cheng Mengbiao's work and thinking with astonishment; in the eyes of others, if he is ordered to form some kind of "center," then he should hurry up and recruit troops while Nanning is still in the hands of the Kuomintang. However, Cheng Mengbiao did not think so, and he believed that those who did this line of action paid attention to practical results, not the number of personnel. The so-called "operations" of the secret service are nothing more than assassinations, explosions, poisoning, riots, etc., and such work is not carried out by the number of operatives, but by the quality of the operatives, and in this respect the quantity and quality are not proportional. This "disproportionate" concept is also reflected in the targets of action, such as assassination operations: it is better to assassinate several ordinary members of the Communist Party than to solve one cadre. In the future, when the results of the work are tested, it will not be calculated by how many members have been developed, but by how many actions have been carried out. In addition, in this situation of imminent change of rulers, if new members are recruited, its reliability is highly questionable; moreover, the large number of people also means that the mouth is mixed and it is easy to expose. Cheng Mengbiao was already familiar with the prison and knew that it was definitely not a good place, so he didn't want to revisit the old place, let alone get a pass to hell from the Communist Party.

  Therefore, after Cheng Mengbiao and his two assistants lurked in nanning city, they did not have contact with anyone from the party, government, military, and police special departments of the Kuomintang regime who were still in a commanding position, and really talked to people in the name of "Lei Yuantang Medicinal Materials Wholesale" in Guangzhou. Of course, he also began to investigate some information that may be used in the Nanning area in the future, and his understanding of Wei Rushan, a famous dog dealer, was completed through this investigation.

  On December 4, 1949, Nanning was captured by the People's Liberation Army without any suspense. On the same day, Cheng Mengbiao suddenly received a secret letter, which turned out to be that Liu Jie(whether it was his real name or pseudonym) who had been appointed by the "Secrecy Bureau" did not know what means had been used to drop it into his residence. The content of the letter surprised Cheng Mengbiao, who went so far as to list some of the non-agent activities of the three of them since they arrived in Nanning. Liu Jie's understanding of "action" is obviously different from Cheng Mengbiao's, and he is quite accusatory of Cheng Mengbiao for not developing spies but only doing a good job of lurking work; after the accusation, the conversation has turned sharply, and Cheng Mengbiao and the three of them are ready to accept orders and start preparing to carry out sabotage operations against the new Communist regime.

  Cheng Mengbiao knew that he, an old secret agent of the senior level, had fallen behind, and he had been being stared at without even knowing it. Liu Jie's mizha still gave him a little face, and did not give any warning. However, judging from the activities of the non-agents enumerated, their "center" is closely monitored, so there should be no negative and sluggish thoughts.

  Cheng Mengbiao was really calmed by this secret letter, he himself was an action, knowing that if Shangfeng wanted to "secretly cut" him, he would be very easy to do, and he would be killed unconsciously, and the service was in place, and he would kill and bury it, so as not to trouble the Communist Party's public security personnel. Therefore, Cheng Mengbiao conveyed Shangfeng's instructions to his two assistants, Ou Fugen and Ning Shan, saying that everyone should have a mental preparation and fully implement them after Shangfeng issued the instructions. Ou Fugen and Ning Shan two small spies self-confidence martial arts can also be, the marksmanship is also accurate, originally some "three years of beginners, the sky goes down" strength, nothing should be the same thing, now listen to Cheng Mengbiao said that they have always been secretly monitored by Shangfeng, see Cheng Mengbiao such a predecessor who went to Hanoi to assassinate Wang Jingwei's tone is a little strange, the heart is quite afraid, at the moment there is only a promise.

  After more than half a month, there was nothing to do, and on the day of the winter solstice, Cheng Mengbiao received a flat letter normally delivered through the post office. As soon as he looked at the stamp on the outside of the envelope, he knew that it was the secret of the upper peak. After dismantling it, it was revealed in a secret letter to display the contents of the potion, and it was indeed an instruction issued by Liu Jie, saying that according to intelligence reveals, after the Communists occupied Nanning, they were ready to hold a people's congress of all walks of life in late January, so that the "center" began to prepare for the sabotage activities against this meeting, demanding that it must play a role of "great impact and considerable lethality." It ordered the "center" to come up with a plan within three days, saying that it would be reported to the headquarters of Taiwan's "Secrecy Bureau" for the record, as the basis for the implementation of the reward according to merit after the event was completed.

  Cheng Mengbiao and the three of them did not dare to be contemptuous, and immediately discussed formulating an action plan. However, this matter seems to be a bit like a blind man touching an elephant at this moment. When and where will the people's congresses of all walks of life, which are targeted for action, how many people will attend, how many important people will be in them, what kind of security measures will be adopted, and so on. They don't know anything about what they have to know, so how do they develop an action plan? Ou Fugen and Ning Shan were stunned on the spot, and turned back to say how did Lao Cheng do this job? Otherwise, we will send a letter to the contact point, ask for corresponding information from the peak, and we will make plans based on the intelligence, and we will also create something to make a sensation.

  Cheng Mengbiao said that you two boys are simply a matter of less, this is to buy vegetables in the market, you can bargain, do you not talk about goodbye? Military orders are like mountains! Get it? The orders issued by Shangfeng, regardless of whether there are conditions for implementation, must be done, and the result is two: one is to be done, and the other is to be martyred! Well, don't say anything, let's concentrate on how to start, and within three days we must develop a plan that meets the requirements of the upper peak and is easy to implement. Of course, the house we rented here is a bit long, we should change places, I have found a house on the other side of the blacksmith street, let's move over there first.

  In this way, the three people moved to the "murderous house" of the gold boss of the iron street. Once inside, start discussing how to execute the instructions for the upper peak. They have thought of no less than seven or eight plans for how to act, nothing more than assassination, explosion, poisoning and the like, but not to mention the specific implementation, even thinking about it behind closed doors in the house feels difficult, it is all on paper.

  First of all, it is unrealistic to want to assassinate the leader-level object, the three of them don't even want to get close to the body of the leading cadre, and even if you look at it from a distance, you have no idea whether there are plainclothes eyes staring at you when you are looking at people.

  Speaking of explosions, it is certainly impossible to throw explosives on the spot, not to mention the agents who carry explosives on this occasion, even the authentic people who go to offer treasures with a national treasure-level antique will also be blocked. Even if you try your best to get a chance to sneak into the venue, how can you throw a bomb and then retreat? So consider placing a time bomb in advance? This also seems to be the plot of the novel. For a veteran operation agent like Cheng Mengbiao, it is really familiar to the security prevention work on such occasions. On the eve of such an important congress, there must be a very thorough inspection by sappers with detection instruments, and after the possibility of dangerous goods is ruled out, it is inspected day and night by the most reliable guard units, and no outsiders are allowed to enter, and insiders are allowed to enter, but they must undergo security checks before entering. What loopholes can be exploited by such strict and thoughtful security measures?

  Looking at poisoning, in addition to the usual meaning of putting poison in food and drinking water, poisoning here also includes placing chemical poisons or radioactive substances on the scene, but the latter type of things, like explosives, is obviously impossible to bring into the scene, and this is directly excluded. Looking at the previous category of things, this set of tricks is not easy to play. Because the personnel preparing the meals for the Congress have undergone strict political scrutiny, let alone the possibility of buying and plotting rebellion, even if there is, it is too late to do such work in such a short period of time. Because Cheng Mengbiao's side had no idea where this important meeting was going to be held. When do you know? That depends on Liu Jie's ability, and he will inform this side after he has collected relevant intelligence. I'm afraid that by then, the broccoli will be cold.

  After talking like this for most of the day, Cheng Mengbiao and the three of them frowned one by one. Cheng Mengbiao said that his head hurt, don't talk about it, put it to the side first, and then turn around. Xiao Ou you go to buy two bottles of wine, and we will drink and talk again in the evening. Anyway, Liu Jie's orders cannot be violated, and it is better to get a plan out, and when the time comes, it will not be no wonder that we cannot implement it.

  Xiao Ou is the big man Ou Fugen that Wei Rushan said, don't look at this master who looks five big and three thick, usually makes people think that the brain of a person with developed limbs must be simple, in fact, this kind of person's mind will sometimes flash in the mind. This time, Ofugen flashed once. Cheng Mengbiao asked him to buy wine, he just went out not long after he hurried back, when Cheng Mengbiao was feeling dizzy and sore and playing tai chi in the courtyard, just moved his hands and feet, he was interrupted by Ou Fugen's excited voice: "Old Cheng, there is!" There you have it!"

  Cheng Mengbiao did not say a word, and threw an inquiring look at him: What is there?

  "Mad Dog! Mad Dog!" It turned out that Ou Fugen had not gone far before he heard passers-by shouting "mad dog", and a group of citizens armed with sticks and shovels were surrounding a mad dog. The mad dog was forced into a recessed corner, with nowhere to escape, and turned back to fight the trapped beast, but the people did not give it such a chance, and the man in front of his head shoveled it, and it was inserted in the mouth of the dog that had been opened wide, and it was firmly stuck, and the other two did not say a word, and beat him to death on the spot. The crowd dug a deep pit on the spot and buried the mad dog.

  The aura in Ofugen's mind flashed after watching the whole process above: if you prepare a number of mad dogs, when the time comes, take them to the periphery of the scene, and wait for the delegates to enter the field and release them!

  Eufugen was so excited that he stopped buying wine and pulled his leg and ran back. At the moment, as soon as Cheng Mengbiao heard the word "mad dog", he understood the meaning of Ou Fugen. He put away his fists and feet, put a finger to his mouth and "booed", pointing to the courtyard wall, which means "the partition wall has ears". Ou Fugen stopped talking and followed Cheng Mengbiao into the house to speak.

  Cheng Mengbiao immediately decided that this was an absolutely prudent idea, and the three of them made a plan of action that night: prepare ten strong and flexible hounds in advance, calculate the incubation period of rabies, and inject the dogs with rabies before the meeting, and then transport these hounds who were about to attack rabies to the outskirts of the venue and wait for the opportunity to release them. As you can imagine, there must have been a greatly unexpected chaos on the scene at that time, so the executors had no problem taking advantage of the chaos. Rabies is a disease that can only be prevented and cannot be cured, and everyone who is bitten or scratched and torn by a mad dog will die.

  Cheng Mengbiao turned over the information obtained from his "social investigation" some time ago and found Wei Rushan, so he decided to entrust this dog dealer to buy ten hunting dogs. Of course, after the goods are delivered, the life of this person and his family (if he has a small family) is over.

  Therefore, Cheng Mengbiao formulated an action plan and sent it to the contact point. Thirty-six hours later, Cheng Mengbiao received a secret reply from Shangfeng. Liu Jie praised this plan, so that the "Operation Center" immediately began to make preparations, as for the rabies virus, as well as related animal domestication personnel, he will be transferred. In addition, once he obtains information on when and where the people's congresses from all walks of life in Nanning City will be convened, he will notify Cheng Mengbiao at the first time.

  Next, what Cheng Mengbiao and the three of them did was to check Wei Rushan's address and give gifts when they were ready to visit. On New Year's Day, Cheng Mengbiao took Ou Fugen to visit Wei Rushan. This is actually a veritable weasel giving the chicken a New Year's greeting, but the chicken does not know, so Wei Rushan is easily deceived by Cheng Mengbiao, who has no reason to doubt.

  For Cheng Mengbiao, even if Wei Rushan delivered on time according to the contract, he still wanted to result in Wei Rushan's life, which was a link in the pre-planning. Not only Wei Rushan, but also Wei Rushan's wife Wei Lanxiu had also pre-signed a pass to hell from the "Action Center". Originally, after receiving the goods, they threw the couple drunk and thrown into the Yongjiang River for "ravioli". However, unexpectedly, due to Wei Lanxiu's own initiative, the scheduled ten hounds became nine, and Wei Rushan hurriedly came to the door like ants on a hot pot to ask for delayed delivery. In fact, for Cheng Mengbiao's side, there is no obstacle to the difference between a hunting dog, not to mention that nine mad dogs have attacked at the same time, even five is enough to make the scene into a pot of boiling porridge. At that time, Cheng Mengbiao had already received information from Liu Jie and knew that the First People's Congress of Nanning City was scheduled to be held on January 25. Therefore, in terms of time, it is impossible to allow Wei Rushan to backorder delivery. The first thought that came up in Cheng Mengbiao's mind was to have one less dog, and to kill Wei Rushan and his wife. However, before Cheng Mengbiao could invite Wei Rushan and his wife to dinner, Wei Rushan said something, which made Cheng Mengbiao change the way he started.

  What Wei Rushan said was: Since I got married, I have never said a word to my wife, even if my wife scolded me and even punched and kicked me, I put up with it, but today I had a big quarrel with her for this matter, if it were not for the neighbors to persuade me, maybe I would have started.

  Cheng Mengbiao listened with a smile on his face, and another action plan had risen in his heart. What happened next, everyone already knows. Cheng Mengbiao's purpose in doing so was to make Wei Lanxiu's death and Wei Rushan's disappearance logical. Let the Communist police investigate the "murderer" Wei Rushan. This boy had sunk at the bottom of the river, and before the rope that tied the stone broke, the body had already been chewed by the fish and only a skeleton was left, and the bones could not float, so Wei Rushan disappeared from this world forever.

  After Cheng Mengbiao and the three of them committed the crime, they used Wei Rushan's wooden boat to carry the nine hounds and went directly to the second den that had been pre-found. The next morning, Cheng Mengbiao sent Ou Fugen and Ning Shan back to Boss Jin's "murderous mansion", cleaned up their things, eliminated the traces that might be tracked as suspicious points, and then said goodbye there.

  However, Cheng Mengbiao did not expect that although the ballast stone tied to Wei Rushan's waist weighed twenty or thirty kilograms, Wei Rushan actually had a way to escape. And this kind of escape from death for the three "action centers" may mean that the catastrophe is coming!

5. The Rabies Program

  Now, let's turn our perspective back to the task force —

  The new task force chaired by Dong Yingqiang held its first case analysis meeting, and the analysis of the case was not so clear, after all, they were human beings and not gods, so it was impossible to quickly detect the true motives of the enemy elements. The task force did spend a lot of time analyzing the motives for the crime, and indeed decided that the case was extremely strange, believing that there was another conspiracy behind it. However, they could not link Cheng Mengbiao's acquisition of hounds to a conspiracy to create multiple deaths and have huge political repercussions.

  When the special case team found that it was impossible to make a breakthrough in exploring the motives of Cheng Mengbiao and others, it resolutely decided to change the focus of the discussion, first find a breakthrough in the case, and make an entry point.

  So there were clues worth pursuing: the business card of Cheng Mengbiao handed over by the landlord Boss Jin, as well as the conversation between Cheng Mengbiao and others with Boss Jin, and the description of the daily activities of Cheng Mengbiao and others by the neighbors of the "murderous house" where Cheng Mengbiao had stayed. Dong Yingqiang believes that if you stare at these three clues and continue to investigate, it is very likely that you will find the clues of the criminals.

  Then do it! Therefore, there was a division of labor, and the soldiers were divided into three roads: The first road, Deng Jie was responsible for contacting the Guangzhou side, conducting a preliminary verification of the "Guangzhou Leiyuantang Medicinal Materials Wholesale" on Cheng Mengbiao's business card, and if there was indeed anyone who was doing it, then immediately rushed to Guangzhou to investigate. On the second way, Qin Junjun and Lang Jingui went to Find Boss Jin and asked him to recall the situation of dealing with Cheng Mengbiao, the more detailed the better. On the third road, Lao Xu and Xiao He went to visit the neighbors of the "murder house", and their conversation methods and purposes were no different from the communication between the second road and Boss Jin.

  After deng jie accepted the task, he immediately drafted a telegram and sent it to the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau to check the existence of the "Guangzhou Leiyuantang Medicinal Materials Wholesale" and the shareholder Cheng Mengbiao. After receiving the urgent telegram, the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau immediately arranged for someone to verify it with the Health Bureau, and more than three hours later, the verification results were also sent in the form of an urgent telegram: there was no wholesale distribution of this medicinal material in Guangzhou - of course, there was no way to investigate the existence or non-existence of the "shareholder" Cheng Mengbiao. This is the result of the first investigation.

  The situation of the second investigation is the same as that of the first road, and Boss Jin wants to come and go, and he can't provide more content than when he first talked to the investigator. Qin Junjun and Lang Jingui had to tell him to think again, and if he remembered anything, he could contact the special case team at any time.

  Looking at the third road, the scouts bumped into good luck and finally had a harvest.

  These two of the third road are really not elite generals among the scouts. Lao Xu was a native, thirty-two years old, a fisherman who had rescued the wounded of communist guerrillas during the War of Resistance Against Japan. Three years after the victory of the War of Resistance, the wounded man who was rescued found Lao Xu, and Lao Xu realized that the other party was still a guerrilla instructor. The instructor had gone underground and was doing intelligence work. He came to Lao Xu to develop him into a peripheral member of the underground party intelligence organization, and asked Lao Xu if he would like to enter the Kuomintang Nanning City Police Station Water Branch as a white-skinned and red-hearted policeman. Therefore, the underground party introduced Lao Xu to the water sub-bureau as a marine policeman through social relations. However, to be fair, Lao Xu did not provide any information to the underground party, but only transmitted supplies a few times. After liberation, Lao Xu received the attention of the organization as a reliable element, joined the party in less than a month, and transferred to the work department to become an investigator. Understandably, he, the scout, can only run the dragon set at the moment.

  Looking at another Xiao He, this twenty-year-old boy is even less worth talking about. He was originally a primary school teacher, and with enthusiasm, he quietly joined the underground regiment organization; on the eve of the liberation of Nanning, he posted leaflets, sent warning letters, and participated in the organization of activities to welcome the People's Liberation Army into the city. After liberation, according to the organizational arrangement, he changed his career to become a policeman and was assigned to the water substation as an investigator. Xiao Hegan's investigator's time was only a month, so he could only run the dragon set for Lao Xu.

  In this way, if the two dragon set investigators were left in the hands of a relatively mediocre task force leader, they might really have to run away from the dragon set. However, this time, Xu and He were in the hands of such a very high-level leader as Dong Yingqiang, so there was an opportunity to give play to their strengths. What are their strengths? They are all natives of Nanning, familiar with local customs and customs, easy to talk to locals, and easy to communicate with, that is, easy to communicate. And an investigation like the third way requires communication. At the beginning of the first case analysis meeting, Dong Yingqiang first asked everyone to introduce themselves. He listened to the introduction of Lao Xu and Xiao He, and already had a foundation in his heart about how to use them and give full play to their advantages and strengths, so when he finally assigned the work, he asked Xu and He to investigate the neighbors of the "murderous house" where Cheng Mengbiao and others had lived.

  Lao Xu and Xiao He went for half a day, gave full play to their advantages, and contacted some neighbors, men, women and children, and chatted very well. While chatting with the last respondent, the housewife on the right side of the "Murderous House", Wang Dajie, luck came and learned a valuable detail.

  This detail is the scene where Cheng Mengbiao, as we have already mentioned, asked Ou Fugen to buy wine, and he went out to meet passers-by to surround and annihilate the mad dog, so he flashed his mind and rushed back to report to Cheng Mengbiao. At that time, the old secret agent Cheng Mengbiao was going to be alert, and immediately put up a finger to signal that "the partition wall has ears", so the two went into the house to say. What I didn't expect was that the partition wall really had ears, and the sister-in-law Wang in the next yard was collecting and drying out the rice noodles, and heard Ou Fugen shouting all the way in, and there was no association at that time. But because the tone of Ou Fugen's broken gong voice really did not dare to compliment, it was simply making super noise, so it left a deep impression on Wang Dajie. Now, the investigators came to visit and asked to recall the situation of the three neighbors who had lived next door, and what they recalled reflected, large and small. Sister-in-law Wang then remembered the scene of "making noise" and casually said to Lao Xu and Xiao He.

  Dragon set investigators are also investigators, and their thinking is different from ordinary people. Lao Xu and Xiao He almost invariably linked the "mad dog" with the nine hunting dogs that Wei Rushan had acquired for Cheng The two returned to the site of the special case team of the municipal bureau and immediately reported the situation to Dong Yingqiang.

  Dong Yingqiang listened to a sudden excitement, he was an elite policeman with rich experience in investigative practice, and now he recalled the time when Cheng Mengbiao visited Wei Rushan, and compared it with the time when Wang Dajie heard Ou Fugen shouting "mad dog", he immediately concluded that Cheng Mengbiao's three motives were to use man-made hunting dogs infected with rabies to sabotage the upcoming First People's Congress of All Walks of Life.

  The special case team immediately held a second case analysis meeting, and after a thorough and meticulous analysis of the situation it had mastered, it unanimously confirmed that the motives of Cheng Mengbiao and the three people had been found.

  At this point in the analysis of the case, almost all the investigators of the special case group were particularly excited, and they began to talk about how to further investigate the problem, but only the leader of the group, Dong Yingqiang, did not say a word. He listened to the scout for a moment, then silently got up and walked out. Others thought he had gone to the toilet, but they didn't care, and when he returned, someone asked Lao Dong to talk about how to carry out the next step of the investigation.

  Dong Yingqiang opened his mouth, but instead of talking about any train of thought, he pointed at Deng Jie and Huang Baisen: "You two, go out for a trip, go out on a small errand." ”

  The two stood up and looked at Dong Yingqiang with puzzled eyes, with a question mark between their slightly moving lips: What went wrong?

  Dong Yingqiang said: "I have asked the secretary's office (equivalent to the later office) to contact an expert engaged in preventive medicine and ask him to come and tell us what it is like for mad dogs to spread rabies. This can also give us a scientific basis for the discussion just now, imagination can not replace reality, to prove that our imagination - that is, analytical inference - is accurate, it needs to be proved by scientific evidence. None of us who are cops can explain this analytical inference from the point of view of preventive medicine, so we need to consult experts. Lao Huang and Xiao Deng, you immediately went to the Xuanhua police station, and the secretary's office had already asked the comrades of the police station to invite the expert over and wait, and you must treat each other with the courtesy of a teacher and invite people warmly and respectfully. ”

  The expert's surname is Cai, his name is Yi Li, a native of Ningbo, Zhejiang, and he is a small old man in his fifties. He had already studied in France as early as the Beiyang government, first studying clinical medicine and later changing to preventive medicine. In China at that time, even if you asked the officials of the competent government departments, probably only one in ten people had heard of the term "preventive medicine", and it was basically until "heard". But Yili Tsai chose to learn this one, because he believed that it would be useful in the future, and that a strong country and a healthy people could not be separated from preventive medicine. With such ambitions, Yili Tsai studied hard and finally completed her studies and got her doctorate. However, after returning to China, there was no way to repay the service. He went to the health department of the National Government, and people heard that he was a doctor of medicine, which was very welcome, but the work assigned to him had nothing to do with preventive medicine. Enraged, Dr. Cai resigned and went to Shanghai, where he first took a job related to the prevention of infectious diseases at the Guangci Hospital in the French Concession, and then wrote to Chiang Kai-shek calling for attention to the establishment of the discipline of preventive medicine. Chiang Kai-shek personally replied with a letter of encouragement to Dr. Cai, but there was no substantive statement.

  Until the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, it is estimated that Chiang Kai-shek listened to the advice of foreign advisers and realized that if the Japanese army used germ weapons in the war (and did use them later), the consequences would certainly be very serious. Therefore, Chiang ordered Dr. Tsai Tory to come out of the mountain, directly conferred the rank of lieutenant colonel in the army, and participated in the study of measures to deal with the bacteriological warfare that the Japanese army might launch. Yili Tsai's research played a role in the later Chinese army and civilian response to the germ warfare waged by the Japanese army in several provinces and regions of China.

  After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Tsai yili received a medal and then sat on a cold bench in the corner. It was not until the death of Dai Kasa's plane crash and the reorganization of the "Military Command Bureau" into the "Secrecy Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense" that Mao Renfeng, director of the bureau, somehow suddenly became interested in Tsai Yili and warmly invited Dr. Cai to work in the technical department of the "Secrecy Bureau", promising not only to give preferential treatment, but also to immediately promote him to the rank of major general. At that time, Tsai Yili had already seen through the Kuomintang's set, and expected that there would be no good things to do here, and it must be the development of some secret agent weapons against the Communist Party, so he refused on the grounds that his wife was not in good health. Then, without waiting for Mao Renfeng to react, he accompanied his wife and children from Nanjing to his wife's hometown of Nanning and opened a small clinic to make a living.

  For nearly three years, no one in Nanning knew that this Dr. Cai had such a deep background. It was not until after liberation that Tsai Yili took the initiative to register as a "former pseudo-official in history" in accordance with the circular issued by the Nanning Municipal Military Control Commission of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, that the relevant department of the receiving group of the Military Control Commission (that is, the core team of the Nanning Municipal Public Security Bureau that was about to be listed) learned that there was still such a preventive medicine expert living in seclusion in Nanning, and that he wanted to leave a special record so that he could consult with him in the future. No, now the task force is going to ask Dr. Cai for advice.

  Dr. Cai gave an easy-to-understand explanation to the task force's consultation on the issue of rabies, to the effect that-

  Rabies, also known as hydrophobia, is an acute zoonotic infectious disease caused by the rabies virus invading the central nervous system and has a history of at least 4,000 years. Rabies virus is mainly present in the saliva of warm-blooded animals infected with the virus, and is generally transmitted to humans through the entry of skin or mucous membranes from bites and scratches into the human body. Therefore, in general, warm-blooded animals can be infected with rabies virus, of which dogs, cats, bats, foxes, wolves, mongooses, raccoons, skunks and rodents are all high-risk animals. Other animals, such as horses, pigs, monkeys, etc., can also cause rabies infection.

  Once a person is infected with the rabies virus, there will be an incubation period. The length of the incubation period varies, generally one to three months, individuals can be as short as a few days, as long as more than one year, and the incubation period is rare for more than a few years. The symptoms of typical rabies can be divided into three stages: prodromal stage, manic period and paralysis period. Early stages of infection (prodromal phase) usually have no specific symptoms, and in some cases there is pain or paresthesia at the site of the animal bite, or ant-walking sensation, and further laryngeal urgency, anorexia, and dysphagia. This phase is usually one to three days, sometimes seven days. The disease progresses further into the manic phase, and unique symptoms characteristic of rabies may occur, such as hydrophobia, paroxysmal mania, and salivating attacks. When the patient wants to drink water, it causes severe spasms in the pharynx, and it is difficult to breathe, which is very painful. Later, whenever you see water or hear the sound of water, or even think of water, you can cause reflex attacks, so it is also called "waterphobia", this stage is one to three days. The patient passes through the manic phase and becomes quiet, enters the paralytic phase, gradually stops spasticity, is unresponsive, and eventually dies of respiratory failure, which is shorter, usually fifteen to twenty hours.

  There are currently no specific drugs for the treatment of rabies, so patients who are infected with rabies virus are basically 100% dead. Before 1889, rabies was a fierce infectious disease that could not be dealt with at all. It was not until 1889, the founder of modern microbiology in the world, the French microbiologist and chemist Pasteur, invented a vaccine that could effectively prevent the onset of rabies, and human rabies mortality began to be curbed. However, this must be done on the premise of getting vaccinated as soon as possible after contracting the rabies virus.

  China has had the ability to produce rabies vaccines since the 1930s, but due to war and economic reasons, by the time of liberation, the pharmaceutical factories in China that had the conditions to produce rabies vaccines had basically stopped production. Therefore, at that time, there were few hospitals in China that stored rabies vaccines, and once there were infected people who needed and had the economic conditions to buy rabies vaccines, they usually purchased them urgently from Shanghai or Hong Kong.

  Investigators from the task force then discussed the "hypothetical" case with Dr. Chua, asking if there was a possibility of spreading rabies at a predetermined time if someone was in possession of several dogs. Tsai believes that this possibility is completely possible, and, in theory, it is almost difficult to operate, of course, it must have certain conditions. The main condition is to ensure that the living rabies virus with good viability and replication (reproduction) is injected into the body of those dogs that have been selected as vectors for the transmission of rabies virus.

  The investigator then asked: How can the rabies virus survive and have the ability to replicate (reproduce)?

  "The survival conditions for rabies viruses are refrigeration in an environment of 2 to 7 degrees Celsius," Tsai said. ”

  Tsai was sent away, and the task force continued to meet. Dong Yingqiang said that now we can conclude that our opponents can indeed carry out sabotage activities by spreading rabies, and then let us study how to use this as a clue to formulate a reconnaissance plan, find out the whereabouts of Cheng Mengbiao's three people as soon as possible, and take decisive action to nip the conspiracy of criminals in the bud.

  Through analysis, the investigators believe that if the perpetrators of this case want to commit premeditated criminal acts, they must have one primary condition: to have a living rabies virus. From Dr. Cai's introduction, in order for the rabies virus to live well, once it enters the body of a warm-blooded animal and can reproduce, it must be ensured that it always lives in conditions of 2 degrees Celsius to 7 degrees Celsius. So, the problem arises: Nanning is located south of the Tropic of Cancer, with plenty of sunshine, abundant rainfall, little frost and no snow, mild climate, long summer and short winter, and an average annual temperature of 21.6 degrees Celsius. January, the coldest winter, averaged 12.8 degrees Celsius, and although there have been records of freezing in history (extreme minimum temperatures of minus 2.1 degrees Celsius), that is an isolated case that opponents will not hope for. Therefore, if Cheng Mengbiao's class wants to save the rabies virus, it seems that they must have a refrigerator.

  At that time in Nanning, I had never heard of anyone who had a refrigerator, that is, those rich families, and they did not buy this thing. Because this is not only the trouble of needing to order a special order from overseas, the most important thing is that after buying a refrigerator, the power plant cannot guarantee that it will supply your home twenty-four hours a day, day and night. Artificial, or non-artificial, power outages are commonplace. Unless you buy a refrigerator at the same time, you also buy a set of household power generation equipment to put next to it, and immediately after the power outage, you can generate your own electricity. However, in this case, not only will the financial expenses increase greatly, but you will also have to be prepared to lose sleep by the noise.

  Therefore, more than half of the investigators in the special case team believe that as long as they stare at the clue of the refrigerator, they can find the clues of this case. However, there are also people who do not think so, that is, Dong Yingqiang, Lang Jingui and Huang Baisen. These three people are the backbone of the special case group on the investigation business, so they should consider the problem more deeply.

  On behalf of the minority, Huang Baisen first asked the majority a question: Then, did Cheng Mengbiao have to prepare a refrigerator and put a whole diesel generator next to it?

  The majority answer is: It can be done.

  So how to solve the noise problem? As soon as the generator starts, you have heard the sound, especially at night, it is earth-shattering, which is equivalent to telling others: The situation here is unusual!

  The majority asked: This... But in the blink of an eye, there is a reasonable explanation: you can also use the generator, because their refrigerators are designed to save the rabies virus, so they can be used to make ice cubes, and ice cubes are used to create a preservation environment of 2 degrees Celsius to 7 degrees Celsius. When the power goes out, there must be a lot of ready-made ice in the refrigerator, enough to last until the power is turned back on.

  At this time, Dong Yingqiang opened his mouth: In addition to using this way to solve the contradiction of not using a generator, is there any other way? Or even the way to not even use the refrigerator?

  Don't use a refrigerator? Is there still this way? Can it work? The task force leader's question not only made the majority faction cold and excited, but also the other two allies of the minority faction, and everyone stared at him in unison.

  There is such a thing. Since the conditions for preserving the virus can be achieved by making ice cubes, can it be imagined that after making a large number of ice cubes in a foreign refrigerator, the virus will be stored in a refrigerated container, and then quietly transported in, as soon as it is sent to the hands of Cheng Mengbiao in Nanning, it will be immediately injected into the body of the nine hounds. Isn't it even necessary to operate in this way?

  Dong Yingqiang said, took out a map, and pointed to the winding and curved Zuo River connecting Nanning and Vietnam: "From the Vietnamese border to Nanning, if you take the waterway, it is only more than 100 kilometers, and if the motor boat travels, it can be reached in one day; if you ride a horse overland, it will not take a day." Of course, if this difference were spread over my head, I would probably choose to take the waterway because it was safe. ”

  The scouts had to admit that this was probably also one of the options their opponents might choose. Therefore, in view of the above two different methods, we discussed two different investigation plans --

  The first solution: some investigators follow the hypothetical clues of the refrigerator to find out, the opponent may not be openly using the refrigerator, then it is only sneaky operation. This requires a lot of electricity, the general household electricity meter is certainly not OK, they will not be stupid enough to apply to the power plant to install a meter that can run the refrigerator, therefore, if the refrigerator is placed at home, it must be stealing electricity, that is, they secretly connect a wire on the public power line of the power plant outside. This situation is easier to check, as long as the employees of the power plant are invited to inspect the line together, anyway, the power range of Nanning at that time was concentrated in the Area along the Yongjiang River, Wanghuolou, Nanmen Vegetable Market, and Zhongshan Road, and the line was not long.

  It is also possible that the refrigerator is placed in a place where a manufacturer or hospital has the conditions to use high-power electrical appliances. In this case, it is not suitable to use the method of checking the line, because the opponent does not have to steal electricity, and there are high-power meters in that kind of place. But this is also difficult for investigators, who can invite the trade unions of various manufacturers, hospitals, etc. to investigate through the police stations of each jurisdiction.

  The second solution: the opponent can not use the refrigerator, of course, do not use the generator, then there is no noise and no electricity theft. However, there is one thing they cannot hide, and that is the barking of the dog. The nine hounds are usually free, running and playing in the mountains and fields, and now they are imprisoned, where is the consciousness to honestly obey the orders of the new master? Surely one is not right and barks wildly. And the habits of dogs are known to everyone, as long as one barks, other dogs will also have a seizure, and everything will bark. Moreover, it is simply not known how many times in a day this will happen. I don't know if they are called during the day or at night, but if they are called in the middle of the night, it will definitely attract more attention from neighbors. Therefore, the investigators in charge of this investigation only need to mobilize the masses to collect relevant reactions through the police station and the chief of the armor.

  The task force then arranged the work of the personnel according to the above two schemes, and then began to investigate separately.

6. The land where dogs are hidden

  The first investigation, in terms of the order of work, was carried out smoothly, and the power plant and the sub-bureau police stations were very cooperative, providing all assistance according to the requirements of the investigators. After an investigation, several cases of electricity theft were found, but they were all small fights, nothing more than pulling two electric lights, or bypassing the meter when using electricity at home to directly put the wire on the outdoor power line. For the power plant, this was a windfall, and the penalties for electricity theft were very severe at that time. However, it does not make much sense for the task force.

  Let's look at the situation of the second investigation. This investigation was led by the head of the special case team, Dong Yingqiang, who was a very careful investigator and had a good sense of order in his work. He sorted out the investigation of the second road and arranged them as follows: First, the key inspections were made, and the police stations of the substations of the city were asked to immediately arrange for the inspection of each of the various police stations, but all residents who had multiple conditions for raising dogs in a centralized manner, whether they had dogs or not, were quietly registered, and then they were inspected by the neighbors of these registered residents to find out whether there had been (or had) a group of dogs barking in recent days. The second is to conduct a general inspection, through the police station to mobilize the activists among the masses of all the people to conduct a thorough investigation of whether there are (or have been) dogs barking in the surrounding neighborhoods. The above two investigations are the responsibility of the city's four sub-bureaus and eight police stations according to the region, and must be completed within three days.

  Dong Yingqiang had two investigators, Lang Jingui and Xiao He, in addition to him, on this road, and at the same time, the three of them were not idle. At that time, there were five public security sub-bureaus in Nanning City, and all four sub-bureaus had been arranged by the special case group in the name of the municipal bureau, and there was also a water sub-bureau that had no reason to be idle; Dong Yingqiang took Lang and He to the sub-bureau and first asked the sub-bureau leaders to issue a telephone notice to the four water checkpoints under their jurisdiction: First, immediately inspect all passing ships, but all those who found dogs on the ship must register the owner's situation; if there are multiple dogs on the ship, they will be detained immediately without saying anything. The second is to recall whether the vessel passing through the checkpoint in the previous two weeks has more than one dog, and inquire about the passing vessels, and if you find clues in this regard, you should immediately contact the task force.

  Then, Dong Yingqiang and the three of them drove a motorboat and drove back and forth on the Yongjiang River, asking from time to time about the passing ships they encountered. This kind of inquiry is a bump, of course, I don't know how many disappointments I have experienced, but good luck is still patronized. Finally, when they asked a fisherman surnamed Yan on a fishing boat if they had found a boat overloaded with multiple dogs passing by, the couple said that they had encountered a fishing boat carrying dogs, of course, they did not see it specifically, because the front cabin of the boat was tightly covered with reeds, but they heard a burst of dog barking in the front cabin, and the sound was definitely not just one or two, not three or four.

  The investigator was suddenly energetic, and immediately stared at the question: What time? where? What kind of boat is it? What kind of people are on board? In which direction did the ship come from and in which direction did it go?

  The answer was: The exact time should be the twenty-fourth of November in the lunar calendar, and at about one o'clock in the morning that day, when the couple was shaking a boat in a place called "Fish Jumping Bay" on the Yongjiang River, they heard a dog barking from the river, which was the barking of multiple dogs, and then they saw a fishing boat coming from the direction of the Zuo River, the cabin was covered with reed mats, and the dog bark was coming from the cabin. The man who was rocking the boat was a man of great height, and because the dog barked so badly, he stomped the hatch twice with his foot and said in a rough voice: "Animals, barking again!"

  At this time, the fishing boat had already sailed to the surface of the water very close to the fishing boat of the Yan couple, only to hear the tail cabin ring, and another man emerged from under the lifted hatch, carrying a fishing lamp in his hand, muttering something to take a cloth bag from the side of the tail cabin, and lift the corner of the reed mat to the front hatch and throw the contents of the cloth bag into it. The dogs in the cabin were even more noisy, but they were quiet for a moment, thinking that they had all grabbed food. Then the boat drifted away.

  The investigators counted: the twenty-fourth day of November in the lunar calendar was January 12 in the solar calendar, which coincided with the time of the murder of Wei Rushan and his wife; moreover, the height of the man who rocked the boat was also consistent with the cheng Mengbiao and Ban Biao-shaped big man that Wei Rushan said! At the moment, he was overjoyed, so he asked, "What kind of fishing boat is that?" ”

  Lao Yan said, "It's just an ordinary fishing boat, the kind that is often seen on the Yongjiang and Zuojiang rivers." size? It is bigger than my boat, and it is estimated that it is not a problem to carry more than ten stones of rice to and fro. ”

  At that time, fishermen did not have the concept of "ton" for the load capacity of boats, and the most commonly used quantifier was the well-known "stone". The investigator calculated in his mind: one stone is one hundred and fifty pounds, and more than ten stones are about two thousand pounds to three thousand pounds, and the tonnage of the ship should seem to be between one ton and one and a half tons. So I couldn't help but move in my heart: Isn't this in line with the characteristics of the wooden boat that Wei Rushan was robbed by Cheng Mengbiao's three criminals that Wei Lanxiu married?

  Then ask, "Do you know the two men you saw on the ship?" ”

  "I don't know."

  "Have you ever seen it before?" Are the fishermen fishing on the rivers in this area? ”

  "I haven't seen them before, and I've never seen them on the river in this area."

  It seems that the other party can only provide these contents, and the investigators thanked the Yan couple and asked them to report to the patrolling marine police or to the checkpoint if they recalled anything or saw the boat. The investigators then drove the motorboat to the upper-water checkpoint of the sub-water substation, which was estimated to be the route through which the suspect vessel would pass. According to the regulations of the Municipal Military Control Commission, vessels passing through the water surface of the four checkpoints under the jurisdiction of the Nanning Municipal Public Security Bureau's Water Sub-bureau shall be inspected according to the circumstances during the day and registered at night. Therefore, there should be an inspection record of the wooden boat at the upper section of the water checkpoint. Just flip through the records, and the shipowner's situation, including what proof of possession is allowed to sail, will be shown on it.

  The upper water checkpoint has been notified by the substation that the station manager has just checked the records of the inspection vessels at the station in the past two weeks and is about to call the substation to report the results. Seeing that Dong Yingqiang and the three of them had passed, I would like to report the inspection situation to you in person. Dong Yingqiang said that the report is not dare to be taken seriously, and we hope to get the strong assistance of your station. The stationmaster informed the checkpoint of the registration records, saying that a total of five hundred and twenty-one vessels had been inspected during the two weeks, that none of them had been registered, and that none of them were carrying dogs; and that I had also asked the police officers who were currently on duty, and they recalled that there had been no dogs on the passing ships of the past two weeks.

  After the inspection station chief finished speaking, he saw that Dong Yingqiang's face showed a look that did not seem to dare to agree, so he smiled slightly and delivered the registration record book. Dong Yingqiang flipped over and handed it to Lang Jingui. According to the above date, Lang Jingui found the part of January 12, recorded the browsing one by one, and opened his mouth: "There is a situation I want to know: between 0:30 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. on January 12, which comrades were on duty at the checkpoint?" ”

  The station master took out the duty schedule and looked at it: "Coincidentally, the police team that was on duty at that time that day was this police group that was on duty during the day today." ”

  Dong Yingqiang asked, "How many comrades are there in total?" Who is leading the class? ”

  "There are six people in total, a small peasant with a class, he is the son of a martyr of the Red Army, he is a member of the regiment, and his work performance is very good."

  "Can you meet with him and have a chat?"

  The small farmer was summoned to the office by the station master, a young man with a thick face, but when answering the investigator's questions concisely and clearly, he could explain the situation clearly at once. According to him, on the 12th, it was their turn to work the night shift, that is, from 8 p.m. on the 11th to 8 o'clock in the morning on the 12th. Between 1:30 and 2:30 a.m., he and three police officers went out on patrol with a boat for about an hour and a half.

  The investigators then asked if they had encountered a wooden boat with a load of one ton to one and a half tons, and the cabin was covered with reed mats, and there might be dog barking inside. The small farmer said that he had not encountered it, saying that if such a boat was found on the river during this period, he usually had to stop the routine inspection.

  There is no tributary fork in the distance from the surface of the river where the fisherman Lao Yan and his wife met the wooden boat carrying the dog to this checkpoint, so the boat must have passed in front of this checkpoint, and according to the regulations of the municipal bureau, all boats passing through the checkpoint at night must stop for inspection, and the duty personnel should make a record of the inspection. So why didn't the police officers on duty inspect the ship? Or check it out and not take notes? Dong Yingqiang then asked xiaonong who were the two police officers who were left at the checkpoint at that time.

  The small farmer gave the names of two police officers, both of whom had a political outlook of the masses, one of whom was an old police retainer and the other, like him, a young activist who had joined the work after liberation. Dong Yingqiang said to the station master, then invite them over and let's talk.

  The two police officers listened to Dong Yingqiang ask what they were doing during the period of duty on January 12, and their faces were different. The station master knew that there must be a problem, and shouted angrily: "This is the project leader from the city bureau, and you must answer the question honestly!"

  The policeman surnamed Jing, who was about the same age as Xiaonong, immediately stood up and bowed his head, saying, "During the day that day, my family was repairing the house, and I was busy all day, and I was extremely tired." I was sleepy on duty at night, and when it was almost dawn, I couldn't hold on, and I fell asleep unconsciously, until the small farmers came back from their patrols and the sound of the steamboat horns woke me up. ”

  The station master turned to the policeman who had retained him: "Xiao Jing is sleeping, what about you?" ”

  The old policeman stood up: "Report sir, I'm sorry, I didn't hold on either, and I fell asleep." ”

  The station master was extremely angry, almost broke his mouth and scolded, endured and endured before biting his tongue, and said with hatred: "This matter must be seriously handled!" You two, stop working, go to the confinement room, and write down the situation one by one!"

  Dong Yingqiang's three people turned into soap bubbles with full hope, but they were indignant in vain but had nothing to say, so they had to go away disappointed.

  The three investigators drove small motorboats to continue to inspect passing ships on the Yongjiang River, hoping to bump into a boat house like the old Yan couple as before. But they were disappointed.

  At six o'clock in the afternoon, Dong Yingqiang, Lang Jingui, and Xiao He returned to the special case group of the municipal bureau, and the sub-bureaus had already reported the investigation results reported by the police station, and no objects that met the conditions for suspicion were found. That is to say, nanning has not found any residents with several dogs, let alone hunting dogs.

  At this point, all the princes of the special task force were dumbfounded. At this time, Director Qin Yingji called again to inquire about the investigation. After Dong Yingqiang briefly made a report, Qin Yingji said: "Now it is only more than thirty hours before the meeting is held, I believe in your ability to work, continue to work hard." Don't have other considerations, such as the heavy psychological burden, the fear that the case will not be solved and affect the assembly or something, you can grasp the conspiracy of the hostile elements to use mad dogs to carry out sabotage, which is already a credit. We have made sound arrangements for strengthening the security of the General Assembly, and even if the task force cannot solve the case at that time, the hostile elements will not want to put the mad dog into the circle of vigilance. ”

  The encouragement of the leaders gave all the investigators of the special case team a warmth and confidence. After conveying director Qin Yingji's phone call to everyone, Dong Yingqiang said: "Although the leadership is so tolerant, for us, if we can't solve the case, it is undoubtedly a lifelong regret and a dereliction of duty." It seems that tonight should be a sleepless night, and now everyone will rest for an hour, and then gather together to hold a case analysis meeting, discuss the new number of roads, and then we will go out overnight to investigate!"

  The investigators then scattered, each finding a corner to close his eyes. Dong Yingqiang went to the dormitory, said hello to the cook on duty, and curled up on the firewood pile under the stove to take a nap. But with such a heavy stone pressed against my heart, where can I sleep. He closed his eyes, but his mind kept saying: Where are these nine hounds hidden?

Seven, a net to exhaust

  There is a Shibu Town in the western suburbs of Nanning City, about thirty miles from the center of Nanning, which is now located on the map of Nanning City within the Ring Expressway, which is still a treasure land when developing real estate, but it was a remote countryside at the beginning of liberation. About two miles outside Shibu Town, there is a Sansheng Ancient Temple with an area of more than 1,000 square meters. Due to the chaos of the war, it has fallen into disrepair and has become a dilapidated scene, the red paint on the mountain gate has fallen off, and the surrounding pink walls have weathered out of the potholes. Due to the lack of incense, the mountain gate is usually closed except for the 15th day of the first month, which is usually closed. The nine hounds that were being nagged by the special case team leader Dong Yingqiang were hidden in this broken temple.

  As early as before the liberation of Nanning, he brought Ou Fugen and Ningshan from Guangzhou to form the "Guangxi Provincial Special Operation Center of the Secrecy Bureau", and he was already looking for a hidden den when he carried out the operation mission in the future, and the Three Holy Temples on the Shibu side was one of the places selected by Cheng Mengbiao. The reason for choosing this dilapidated ancient temple, in addition to its remote location and not close to the city, was that Cheng Mengbiao inadvertently learned that the abbot of this ancient temple, Puran monk, was a robber, and this old man from Foshan, Guangdong Province, was famous in the Liangguang River and Lake when he was young, specializing in the work of killing people and goods, and there was a nickname on the river and lake called "Buddha See Sorrow", and when Chen Jitang, the "King of the Southern Heavens" was in charge of the government of Guangdong, he issued three wanted warrants to buy his first rank and could not. Before the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the "Buddha saw sorrow" and came to Nanning, Guangxi, and out of some thought, he suddenly decided to "put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the ground", so he changed his name and surname to the Three Holy Temples, shaved his hair, and gave a Buddhist name puran. For more than a decade, this monk, who was born as a robber, became the abbot of the Three Holy Mosques, took charge of the temple's administration, and supervised the seven Buddhist disciples of the temple.

  After Cheng Mengbiao learned the details of the monk Puran, he quietly went to visit in early October 1949, first offering a rich incense gift, and then asking Puran whether he was literate. Puran was originally illiterate, and after becoming a monk, he consciously began to read illiteracy, and it was no longer a problem to read books and newspapers for more than ten years. Cheng Mengbiao then put a few copies of newspapers from the liberated big cities in China in front of Puran and asked him to read them a little. PuRan is an old jianghu, and he has been a monk for so many years, and his heart and eyes are exquisite and clear, and when he reads the newspaper content is about the people's government's reports on the punishment of the people's government for cleaning up bandits and opposing hegemony, he knows the meaning of the people who came. After the two sides exchanged words and two words, Cheng Mengbiao booked the Three Saints Temple as a safe den as if he had booked a private room in a hotel.

  On the evening of January 11, after Cheng Mengbiao and the three of them solved Wei Rushan and his wife, they moved to the Three Saints Temple with nine hunting dogs in the early morning of the 12th. Two days later, in the middle of the night, a ghostly black shadow quietly sneaked to the front of the ancient temple, and with the sound of his night owl, the mountain gate opened a slit, and the long-awaited Cheng Mengbiao and the three of them welcomed the visitors like the god of wealth.

  This ghostly guy was a technical agent sent by Liu Jie, the boss of the Guangxi Provincial Special Operations Center of the Secret Bureau, to assist in carrying out sabotage activities, named Qian Beibo. According to his account after his arrest, he was formerly a cadet in the police dog class of the Kuomintang Central Police Academy, and after graduation, he went to the "Military Command Bureau" headed by Dai Kasa and became a secret agent of the police dog team. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, members of the "Military Command" police dog team were assigned to the front line to assist the troops in military tasks. Qian Beibo was also sent to Tang Enbo's troops, which were stationed in Henan at the time, and were wounded and made meritorious contributions while participating in the operation. After the war, according to the merits of the reward, Qian Beibo got a major. But the work has not changed, after a period of idle time, I still go to deal with police dogs, but I am already an instructor in the "Defense Secrecy Bureau" police dog trainer training class.

  Eight months ago, Qian Beibo had been ordered to withdraw to Taiwan, but was ordered by Mao Renfeng to be imprisoned by the Military Justice Department for participating in smuggling. Just when Qian Beibo was worried and preparing to go to the military court to accept a military trial and possibly even move his head, someone came to talk to him and said that he could be given a chance, as long as he was willing to go to Guangxi Province for a walk, do his old business of dealing with dogs, and return to Taipei to be exempted from military law trial, or return to the "Secrecy Bureau" as his major. Qian Beibo was a person who could easily think straight, and he pondered at the moment: Even if I did not commit smuggling, I was still in the "Secrecy Bureau" as a major instructor or agent, and if Shangfeng sent such a trip to Guangxi Province on a business trip, he would not have to obediently obey the order, otherwise he would be secretly punished. Now in such an unfortunate situation, if you have such an opportunity and do not seize it quickly, it is really called brain water. So, busy with a mouthful of promises.

  In this way, Qian Beibo officially accepted this messenger who actually lost his head. Shangfeng confessed to him the mission: to carry the rabies virus to Nanning, inject it into the bodies of the nine hounds that had been prepared, and infect the hounds with rabies; and train these hounds intensively so that they could pounce on targets according to instructions. Then, according to Cheng Mengbiao's instructions, with the assistance of other operators at a specified time, the sick dogs were released from the cage and they were issued a bite instruction. After that, regardless of the effect, immediately take advantage of the chaos to retreat.

  After accepting the task, Qian Beibo carried the rabies virus in the same way as the task force estimated, took the rabies virus and a small amount of vaccines preserved by the refrigeration temperature control device with dry ice, and arrived in Qixi, a small town bordering Guangxi in Vietnam and Guangxi, through a secret channel prepared by the "Secrecy Bureau" for him. There, local smugglers who had been bribed by the "Secrecy Bureau" were already waiting for him to be sent into Guangxi by water. Then, Qian Beibo used forged documents to alternate overland by water and road, and finally arrived in Nanning smoothly. After Qian Beibo went to the secret service contact point to pick up his head, he immediately asked the other party to contact Cheng Mengbiao and hurried to the Three Holy Temples in Shibu.

  The reason why Qian Beibo was so anxious was because he was worried that the rabies virus he was carrying would die due to the increase in storage temperature. But when the Three Holy Mosques opened the sealing device to check, more than half of the dry ice had not melted. At present, qian Beibo, in accordance with the pre-formulated plan, first injected Cheng Mengbiao and the three people with rabies vaccine to prevent themselves from being infected with the rabies virus. The rabies virus was then injected into each hound's body.

  At this point, the Guangxi Provincial Special Operations Center of the Secrecy Bureau has completed most of the preparatory work for the sabotage operation. Cheng Mengbiao, in the name of the leader of the "Action Center", ordered to lurk in the Three Holy Mosques and was not allowed to appear without his instructions. Qian Beibo conducted a single attack training for hounds in the small courtyard every day, and the monks of the temple were controlled by the abbot of Puran to ensure safety.

  At midnight on January 23, when the task force held a case analysis meeting all night to urgently study the case, a table was set up in a room in the independent courtyard arranged by the abbot of the Three Holy Mosques for the agents, and Cheng Mengbiao made the final arrangements for the action. Cheng Mengbiao toasted to Qian Beibo, Ou Fugen, and Ning Shan, saying: According to the information sent by Liu Jie, the Communist Party's "People's Congress of All Walks of Life in Nanning City" is scheduled to be held from January 25 to 28 at the first branch of the Guinan Hotel on Minsheng Road in Nanning City. This operation, which is bound to go down in the annals of operations of the "Secret Service", should have a name, otherwise it will not be easy to spread in the future. I looked at the calendar, and January 25 happened to be the eighth day of the first lunar month, which was the eighth day of the lunar calendar, which was the eighth festival of Lapa, so I decided to officially name the action "Lapa Festival Action". Let us raise a toast to the successful implementation of the Lapa Festival!

  After a pause, Cheng Mengbiao's face changed and he said in another tone: It is now one o'clock in the morning of the 24th, and from now on, all members of this "center", including Mr. Qian Beibo, are not allowed to go out without authorization, and those who violate the law will be dealt with according to the defection to the enemy! At the same time, it is not allowed to contact any monks in the temple to prevent leakage of secrets.

  After three rounds of drinking, Cheng Mengbiao toasted a glass of wine to Qian Beibo alone: "Mr. Qian, you are the technical expert of this operation, in a sense, the success of the 'Lapa Festival Action' lies in your excellency." It has been ten days since these nine hounds injected liquefied poison needles, and I have just observed it, how come they have not been infected with the virus? I'm a little worried!"

  Qian Beibo said: "The infection time of rabies virus is generally 30 days to 90 days, and the longest is one year. The virus I injected the hounds this time was produced in the United States, and it was repeatedly tested by experts in advance, and there was absolutely no problem. I arrived after the injection looked at the temperature gauge inside the storage container before the injection, kept at a very ideal temperature, therefore, the virus is certainly no problem. I've done a rigorous calculation when I do the dosage for the hounds to make sure they're definitely infected with rabies, but, given our own safety — even though we've all been vaccinated, it's not a joke if it happens — so it's unlikely that they'll develop rabies on January 25. However, for subjects who are bitten or scratched by them, it is certain that they will be infected with the rabies virus. So, please rest assured That Mr. Cheng is. ”

  Cheng Mengbiao listened frequently and nodded. After a pause, he made arrangements for how to carry out the "Lapa Festival Action": according to the arrangement, the Monk Puran had already hired a carriage for us, and on the morning of the 25th, the coachman would come to the Three Holy Mosques to pick up the "goods". In advance, Mr. Qian was asked to put a muzzle on each hound dog and prevent them from barking. Then, put in a prepared bamboo cage and covered with straw. After entering the city, the carriage will go to the "Jingting Tea House" diagonally opposite the Guinan Hotel where the venue is located, and enter the backyard through the back door of the tea house located on another road. Before the delegates began to enter the venue, Mr. Qian should take the cage out of the straw pile and remove the mouth seal for the hounds. Together, we carried the cage containing the dog into the teahouse, and if anyone stopped using a dagger or a silent pistol, we would solve it on the spot. Then, release the hounds and Mr. Qian will issue an attack order. Nine hunting dogs trained in attack were released together, and who could resist it before they could catch their breath? There must have been armed guards of the communists on the scene, but I can guarantee that they will not shoot, because first, they are stunned by this sudden and terrible scene, and second, what are the consequences of shooting in such chaos? Bullets cannot hit fast-moving hounds, but only injure innocents by mistake. We were able to take advantage of the chaos to evacuate the scene smoothly.

  Qian Beibo, Ou Fugen, and Ning Shan listened to Cheng Mengbiao's arrangement and felt that it would not be difficult to implement this major action that was bound to cause a sensation at home and abroad. They did not expect that at this moment, the special case team had ended the case analysis meeting, and the investigation tentacles would reach out to all sides of Nanning City, and finally be located in the Three Holy Temples.

  The breakthrough in the investigation was discovered by Qin Junjun, the former leader of the special case group and the current deputy group leader. When everyone repeatedly reviewed the case and tried to find a breakthrough in the investigation, he suddenly bumped into a wall, and suddenly came up in his mind the four gifts that Wei Rushan said he had given when Cheng Mengbiao came to the door on New Year's Day, and he couldn't help but be excited: Can you try to find clues to the perpetrators from the gifts? When Qin Junjun said it, everyone thought it was deeply believed.

  So Dong Yingqiang made an investigation and division of labor, and the four gifts were: a fresh pork leg, a "red double happiness" cigarette, two bottles of "Huanglong shochu" and two boxes of "big eight pieces" pastries. "Huanglong Shochu" is a medium-priced liquor produced by a small workshop owned by a local boss surnamed Yan, and is sold by Wu Zhongjin, The Brother-in-law of Boss Yan. Therefore, it is estimated that tobacco and alcohol are purchased from the "Dafu Tobacco Shop", and this road can send an investigator to investigate; "big eight" pastries, Nanning only "Junfeng Tea Shop" some sell, Cheng Mengbiao has no choice, so he can also go to an investigator; fresh pig legs are sold in the market, not only are there shops for sale, butchers' self-slaughtered pigs are set up in the street to shout, push a cart along the street to sell, anyway, there is no industry and commerce, urban management interference, how to sell, so, The remaining five investigators investigated the source of the pig's leg separately, asking the perpetrator whether he had inadvertently leaked any clues when he purchased it.

  Of course, the most time-consuming and laborious of these three investigations is the one that investigates the "pig's leg", but the five investigators on this road have not gained anything; the way to investigate tobacco and alcohol is also fruitless. Instead, Deng Jie, an investigator who went to the "Junfeng Tea Shop" to investigate, got a clue: according to the owner of the tea shop Guo, not long after his shop opened on New Year's Day, the first business was ushered in, and two men came in to buy pastries for gifts. Because this is the first stubble of the new year's business, Boss Guo received a particularly warm and polite reception, according to the old rules of business, this business must be done well, otherwise it may not go well for a year. Both customers were in their twenties, one was a big man and the other was thin and lean. They picked two boxes of "big eight pieces", when paying, Boss Guo said that today is New Year's Day, the first day of 1950, you two are the first patrons of our reception, it should be preferential, the original price on a 20% discount. The big man listened and said thank you boss, then I will buy another box. When Boss Guo turned back to pick up the goods at the counter, he heard the big man say to his companions: "I told Lao Cheng that I want to visit my uncle, he is very ill, and he buys a box of pastries as a gift." The tough man asked, "Where does your uncle live?" The big man replied, "His family opens an incense candle shop, right in Hele Street." ”

  When Deng Jie heard it, he immediately connected the physical characteristics of the two murderers who had gone to his house as Wei Rushan had talked about, and there was also Lao Cheng--wasn't that the Cheng Mengbiao on the business card? I couldn't help but snicker, asked some more questions, and quickly returned to the city bureau to report to Dong Yingqiang.

  Dong Yingqiang said happily: "Good! Immediately go to Hele Street to find a target who opens an incense candle shop and is sick on New Year's Day!"

  The four investigators immediately rushed to Hele Street, turned around, found only one incense candle shop, and concluded that it was this one. So I came to the door and asked, "Which is your boss?" ”

  They were received by an old clerk, wearing a pair of glasses with extremely thick lenses, who kept looking at the investigator and carefully asked, "You are..."

  The investigator showed his id: "We are the investigators of the Military Control Commission, and we want to meet your boss for something." ”

  The old clerk sighed, "I'm sorry! You won't see him anymore!"


  It turned out that the owner of the incense candle shop had died two weeks ago. Boss surname Zhang, born of tuberculosis, this problem was called "tuberculosis" at that time, in addition to penicillin (that is, penicillin) is no other drug to take it, but penicillin is not only expensive, and only overseas, ordinary patients are not blessed to inject, so who suffers from tuberculosis is equivalent to receiving a paper hell pass, the hour to the whole package is not discussed. After the death of Boss Zhang, the management of the incense candle shop was temporarily run by his son.

  As he was speaking, the little boss Zhang came out from behind, and the investigator asked him if there was such a relative. He said yes, it was his cousin Ofugen, who had visited his uncle on New Year's Day. So, what did Eufugen say when he came? Boss Xiao Zhang said that I didn't know, because I was busy in the front shop at the time, and he talked to my parents at the back of the house, sat for a little while and left.

  In this way, the investigator asked to meet with Zhang Oushi, the mother of Xiao Zhang's boss. Zhang Oushi said that Ou Fugen was her nephew, who had been in the field before, and did not know what to do to make a living, and returned three or four months before the liberation of Nanning, and heard that he was doing business behind a Guangzhou boss. On New Year's Day, he came to visit his uncle. I sat for a short while and didn't say anything other than my condition. To keep him for dinner, he said he was busy and wouldn't eat.

  oh! So, did he come back?

  afterward? No. When my husband died, he wanted to report his funeral, but he didn't do so—he didn't know where he lived.

  Originally, perhaps that was the end of the investigation. Although it is already known that one of the suspects is named Ofugen, where to go to visit this house for a while? But then with the appearance of a man, the end of Eufugen arrived.

  This person was the youngest son of the late Boss Zhang, who worked as a postman at the post and telecommunications office, and happened to be resting at home on this day. When the investigator talked to his mother, he was playing with the golden silk bird under the eaves outside the door, and the conversation in the house was naturally heard. Then he suddenly came in and said that he had met his cousin yesterday.

  The investigator was overjoyed and immediately inquired about the situation. According to the postman, yesterday afternoon when he rode his bicycle to deliver a letter through Sanyuan Street, he saw his cousin buying a jar of wine at a sauce shop and tying it to his bicycle. So, I got out of the car and greeted my cousin. When the cousin saw that he was wearing filial piety, he was shocked to know that his uncle had died, and seemed to blame himself: I have been in the countryside these days and have not entered the city, so I have not gone to see you. Well, you go back and say hello to your aunt, ask her to take care of her grief, and I'll visit in a few days. With that, my cousin said goodbye to him and rode west.

  The investigators immediately went straight to Sanyuan Street, found the oil sauce shop, and confirmed that Zhang Postman's words were not false under questioning.

  This was a major discovery, and the task force immediately got together to discuss the situation. From what Ofugen said to his postman cousin and the direction in which he went, it can be judged that the gang of criminals was hidden in the countryside of the western suburbs. The special case team immediately decided: ask the leaders to send ten additional police officers, together with the six members of the special case team (Dong Yingqiang remained in the command of the city bureau), to go to the western suburbs in disguise and investigate the clues of the criminals separately.

  At eleven o'clock in the afternoon, sixteen scouts divided into six groups and went out of the city to investigate the countryside in the western suburbs. Three hours later, investigator Robertson Wong finally found the suspect's trail outside the Three Holy Mosques—the barking of dogs was heard from time to time inside the temple. Huang Baisen immediately assigned Xiao He to Shibu Town to find a place to call dong Yingqiang, who was sitting in the office of the special case group of the municipal bureau, to report the situation.

  Dong Yingqiang immediately reported the situation to the leaders and decided to act immediately. At this time, the other investigators of the special case group were still scattered in the countryside to investigate, and before they could be transferred back, they dispatched some other police officers, along with the two squads of the People's Liberation Army who were dispatched by the leaders, and rushed to the Three Holy Mosques.

  The next process was neither tortuous nor suspenseful, and the "Guangxi Provincial Special Operations Center of the Secrecy Bureau" was taken down along with the monks of the Three Holy Mosques. The nine hounds, fearing rabies, were killed at gunpoint on the spot.

  After Cheng Mengbiao and other agents were arrested, they confessed to the contact point in Nanning City, and the special case group Immediately dispatched to arrest three latent agents of the contact point, but also accidentally cracked an underground radio station of the "Secret Bureau." However, Liu Jie, shangfeng of the Guangxi Provincial Special Operations Center of the Secrecy Bureau, was not arrested, and none of the arrested agents had ever seen him, and of course they did not know where the master lived. After interrogation, the special case team analyzed the confession and believed that Liu Jie was remotely directing the secret service activities of the "Guangxi Provincial Special Operations Center of the Secrecy Bureau" through radio outside the country.

  The next day, on January 25, 1950, the People's Congress of All Walks of Life in Nanning City was held, and by the end of the 28th, a total of 189 delegates from all walks of life attended, and the meeting passed seven resolutions, including the "Resolution on Eliminating Bandits and Consolidating Public Security", "The Resolution on Restoring Industry, Commerce and Transportation", and "The Resolution on Banning Silver Dollars and Supporting the Renminbi".

  Three months later, on the eve of Labor Day, Cheng Mengbiao, Ou Fugen, Ningshan, and Qian Beibo, agents of the Guangxi Provincial Special Operations Center of the Secrecy Bureau, together with the five criminals of Puran, the abbot of the Sansheng Temple, were sentenced to death by the Nanning Municipal Military Control Commission and executed immediately