
Make a thorough ingredient - goose paws! Sauce fragrant goose paw fishing vermicelli crispy stewed goose paw stew boy goose paw

author:Catering pioneer
Make a thorough ingredient - goose paws! Sauce fragrant goose paw fishing vermicelli crispy stewed goose paw stew boy goose paw

The biggest feature of this dish is the blending of sauces, which combine Cantonese sauces with flavor sauces to make the taste more complex and flavorful.

Ingredients: 10 goose paws.

Seasoning: 100 grams each of seafood sauce and grilled meat sauce, 50 grams of tomato sauce, 3 grass fruits, 3 grams of star anise, 4 pieces of fragrant leaves, 2 grams of cinnamon, salt and beautiful fresh chicken powder, 10 grams each of green onion, ginger, red yeast juice, cooking wine, 1 gram each of pepper and sugar, 1 kilogram of broth, 50 grams of salad oil.


1: After washing the goose paws, put them in boiling water, add cooking wine and cook for 2 minutes to drain the water.

2: Heat the salad oil until it is 70% hot, then fry the drained goose paws until the surface is golden brown.

3, another clean pot, under the remaining seasoning seasoning, and then put in the goose paw, with a high heat to boil, change the low heat simmer for about 25 minutes, when mature, change to high heat to collect the juice, see the sauce color red, drizzle the oil can be out of the pot.

Make a thorough ingredient - goose paws! Sauce fragrant goose paw fishing vermicelli crispy stewed goose paw stew boy goose paw

Clear hemp goose paws

Make a thorough ingredient - goose paws! Sauce fragrant goose paw fishing vermicelli crispy stewed goose paw stew boy goose paw

Ingredients Duck palm 250 g Enoki mushroom 100 g

Excipients Green line pepper 150 g

Ingredients 50 grams of chopped chives 30 grams of minced garlic

Seasoning Rapeseed oil 30 g Refreshing fresh sesame juice 75 g

Cooking steps

1. After boiling the boneless duck palm in the bag, cook with green onion and ginger, fragrant leaves, star anise, salt for 30 minutes to remove the fishy smell and have a basic bottom flavor, and then put the duck palm on the bottom of the boiling water of the enoki mushroom.

2. Put 70g of vegetable oil in the pot, add the accessories and seasonings and stir-fry the fragrant pepper sauce on the duck paw, and then pour the refreshing fresh sesame juice on the side of the goose paw.

Refreshing fresh sesame sauce Spicy fresh sauce 85 grams Steamed fish soy sauce 25 grams Sugar 3 grams Teng pepper oil 25 grams. Concentrate chicken juice 9g to make a mixture. It is recommended to warm up slightly before use so as not to affect the heat of the dish.

Make a thorough ingredient - goose paws! Sauce fragrant goose paw fishing vermicelli crispy stewed goose paw stew boy goose paw
Make a thorough ingredient - goose paws! Sauce fragrant goose paw fishing vermicelli crispy stewed goose paw stew boy goose paw

Ingredients: goose paws, vermicelli, ginger pieces, coriander, oyster sauce, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, white wine, broth, as well as star anise, fragrant leaves and other spices


1. First of all, the main raw materials should be processed for primary processing.

The goose paws are processed and cleaned one by one, and after boiling water, they are fished out and drained. Soak the vermicelli in a basin of warm water, set aside, and cut the shallots into chopped green onions.

2. Secondly, cook the goose paws in the pot beforehand. Pour the broth into the cauldron, add the appropriate amount of ginger, coriander, oyster sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, white wine, and spices such as star anise and fragrant leaves, boil on high heat and then put in the watered goose paws, simmer until the goose paws are soft, turn off the heat and beat the slag in the cauldron, scoop the goose paws with soup into the casserole (4 goose paws in each casserole, weighing about 300 grams), and send them to the freezer for refrigeration.

3. Again, it is cooked on the stove before the table. When it's time to serve, simply remove the casserole from the crisper, set it on the fire, and when the soup in the pot is boiling, add the pre-soaked vermicelli.

4. In the meantime, use long wooden chopsticks to fish out and mix the ingredients in the casserole.

5: Soak the soup of the boiled goose paws into the vermicelli.

6: When the ingredients are cooked, drizzle in the appropriate amount of sesame oil and mix well

7. Finally sprinkle some green onions, you can take the casserole pot and put it on the stone slab and serve it.

Spicy Sichuan-style goose paws

Make a thorough ingredient - goose paws! Sauce fragrant goose paw fishing vermicelli crispy stewed goose paw stew boy goose paw

Ingredients 600 g of goose paws

Seasonings Concentrated brine juice 1000 g Chicken fat 150 g Lard 150 g Cooked rapeseed oil 150 g Sugar 200 g Peppercorns 100 g Chili 150 g

1. Wash the main ingredients first, divide the water, remove the excess blood stains and odors and set aside;

2. 200 grams of sugar plus 30 grams of oil, 160 degrees to boil into caramel color, add 9000 grams of water, add brine juice and spices to mix and boil evenly;

3. After flying water, the main ingredient is added to the brine and cooked, and then fished out of the cold and cold knife plate to be produced.

Make a thorough ingredient - goose paws! Sauce fragrant goose paw fishing vermicelli crispy stewed goose paw stew boy goose paw
Make a thorough ingredient - goose paws! Sauce fragrant goose paw fishing vermicelli crispy stewed goose paw stew boy goose paw

Ingredients: 5 stainless blood-free goose paws imported from the United States.

Accessories: 250 grams of minced pork, 250 grams of vegetable gall, minced ginger and shallots, pickled pepper knots, sprouts a little each.

Seasoning: 4 grams of salt, 10 grams of chicken essence, 5 grams of sesame oil, 100 grams of old oil, 1 gram of pepper, 2 grams of sugar, 10 grams of oyster sauce.


1, goose paws remove the large bones and claws, correct the neat flush, then color, fry in the frying pan until the skin is white, fish out, add the broth, seasoning, steam in the steaming cabinet until soft and sticky, set aside.

2: Sauté the minced pork and set aside.

3: Stir-fry the vegetable galls in the water, add a little salt and stir-fry and place on the plate.

4, finally, the wok is cooked, add the old oil, ginger and garlic, sprouts, oyster sauce and stir-fry, then add the pickled pepper festival, goose paw, broth, seasoning and stir-frying, you can put it out of the pot.

Features: goose paw sticky, crispy and crispy.

Make a thorough ingredient - goose paws! Sauce fragrant goose paw fishing vermicelli crispy stewed goose paw stew boy goose paw

Spicy sauce to remove bone goose paws

Make a thorough ingredient - goose paws! Sauce fragrant goose paw fishing vermicelli crispy stewed goose paw stew boy goose paw

Ingredients Boneless goosefoot 250 g

Accessories: 2 cherry radishes, 1 Japanese cucumber

Seasoning 25 grams of spicy fresh sauce 120 grams of Jiale Haihuang stir-fry sauce 25 grams of balsamic vinegar 8 grams of sugar 50 grams of pepper oil 50 grams of cooked sesame seeds 15 grams of chicken essence 20 grams

1. Add a small amount of fragrant leaves and star anise fruits in water, boil the ginger and green onion, add people to the boneless goose paw for about 20 minutes, fish out and add ice water to ice for 20 minutes;

2. Mix all the seasonings into a spicy sauce. Add 100 grams to the paws and set aside in the crisper;

3. Cut the cucumber into strips, cut the cherry radish into thin slices and rinse and set aside;

4. Shredded cucumber on the bottom, cherry radish slices around the edges, add goose paws and drizzle with 50g of spicy sauce.

Cooking points Goose paws should be mixed in advance to taste.

Make a thorough ingredient - goose paws! Sauce fragrant goose paw fishing vermicelli crispy stewed goose paw stew boy goose paw
Make a thorough ingredient - goose paws! Sauce fragrant goose paw fishing vermicelli crispy stewed goose paw stew boy goose paw

1: First clean the goose palms, put the Sichuan-style brine pot into the brine, fish out and set aside. Put the potato chips in a pot of boiling water and fish them out in a cup of water.

2: Heat the pot and put the oil on the heat, first add ginger slices and garlic slices to simmer, then pour potato chips and add compound spicy sauce to fry until fragrant, and put them in a hot casserole with dried shallots. Wash the pan and put in the oil, add the marinated goose paws and stir-fry the spicy sauce, put it on the potato chips, and sprinkle with green onions and coriander festivals.

Features: This dish highlights the spicy sauce flavor, goose paw sticky, sauce slightly spicy.

Make a thorough ingredient - goose paws! Sauce fragrant goose paw fishing vermicelli crispy stewed goose paw stew boy goose paw