
Buy winter dates, big sweet or small sweet? Fruit farmers: Keep in mind the "4 do not buy", each fresh and crisp sweet first point: look at the color of the second point: look at the size of the third point: pinch the preservation of soft and hard winter dates

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes

The time is really fast, in the blink of an eye has entered the autumn season, and this year's autumn seems to be faster than in previous years, not only cool morning and evening, but also a cool breeze blowing during the day, there is already a feeling of autumn high. The representative fruits of autumn have also been listed one after another, pears, apples, grapes, pomegranates... Of course, there are winter dates to share with you today, now the major supermarkets and fruit stores have begun to sell winter dates, a fresh winter dates look very tempting, the first two days did not bear to buy 2 pounds, it has been crisp and sweet.

Buy winter dates, big sweet or small sweet? Fruit farmers: Keep in mind the "4 do not buy", each fresh and crisp sweet first point: look at the color of the second point: look at the size of the third point: pinch the preservation of soft and hard winter dates

Winter jujube is a very typical autumn seasonal fruit, remember when I was a child in our hometown village there are many jujube trees, spring blooming green flowers, flowers after the fall of the tree full of fruit, absorbing the spring, summer and autumn three seasons of sunshine and rain dew, a winter jujube in the mouth and crisp and sweet. Every day on the way to school, I have to find a long stick to beat down a few, put them in my pocket and eat slowly. Looking back now, I miss not only the taste of winter dates, but also the fun of beating winter dates with a stick and falling all over the ground.

Buy winter dates, big sweet or small sweet? Fruit farmers: Keep in mind the "4 do not buy", each fresh and crisp sweet first point: look at the color of the second point: look at the size of the third point: pinch the preservation of soft and hard winter dates

Fresh winter jujube flesh crisp, sweet and juicy, each bite is full of nutrients, which contains 19 kinds of amino acids, and contains a variety of vitamins, especially the content of vitamin C is very high, and also contains potassium, iron, copper and other trace elements, is a rare fresh fruit in autumn.

Winter dates are delicious and nutritious, but many people do not know how to choose when buying, specially selected large or red to buy, and the results are often not ideal, and it is not very sweet to eat. Therefore, buying winter dates still requires some small skills. My neighbors in my hometown have been planting winter dates over the years, about the selection of winter dates, he summed up with me at 4 o'clock, today I will share with you, let's take a look at it

Buy winter dates, big sweet or small sweet? Fruit farmers: Keep in mind the "4 do not buy", each fresh and crisp sweet first point: look at the color of the second point: look at the size of the third point: pinch the preservation of soft and hard winter dates

When buying winter dates, our most intuitive point is to look at the color of winter dates, many people will directly choose the color of red and red, thinking that such sweetness. In fact, in the whole process of winter jujube growth, it is from green to yellow and then to red, so if it is a naturally mature winter jujube, due to the uneven illumination on its surface, it will generally show these 3 colors on its surface, and there will be a natural transition.

Buy winter dates, big sweet or small sweet? Fruit farmers: Keep in mind the "4 do not buy", each fresh and crisp sweet first point: look at the color of the second point: look at the size of the third point: pinch the preservation of soft and hard winter dates

Therefore, the more yellow and red parts mean that the light is more abundant and the taste will be sweeter. If the green part is more, it means that the light is insufficient and the sweetness is low.

If the whole date is red, it means that the light time is too long, the water loss is more, or it is caused by manual intervention.

Buy winter dates, big sweet or small sweet? Fruit farmers: Keep in mind the "4 do not buy", each fresh and crisp sweet first point: look at the color of the second point: look at the size of the third point: pinch the preservation of soft and hard winter dates

When buying winter dates, the winter dates we encounter are often large and small, and the winter dates grown under natural conditions will be somewhat different, but they will not be very large. Therefore, when we buy winter dates, we should choose a uniform size, so that it is safer to buy home.

Generally speaking, the size is obviously larger, the sweetness of eating is often lower, the taste will be relatively dull, and it may be inflated. If the size is obviously small, it means that the growth is not sufficient, the taste will not be very crisp, and the sweetness is low.

Buy winter dates, big sweet or small sweet? Fruit farmers: Keep in mind the "4 do not buy", each fresh and crisp sweet first point: look at the color of the second point: look at the size of the third point: pinch the preservation of soft and hard winter dates

The above two points are mainly to help everyone pick out the sweet winter dates, and this is to help everyone choose fresh winter dates. First of all, we must pay attention to the observation of the epidermis of winter dates, and be sure to choose a smooth and complete epidermis, without folds and spots. Then also pay attention to a pinch with your hand, the fresh winter dates are full and hard to pinch, so that the winter dates are full of moisture and have a crisp taste. If it is soft to pinch, then it means that there is more water loss, and it is also a softer taste to eat, and the sweetness will be worse.

Buy winter dates, big sweet or small sweet? Fruit farmers: Keep in mind the "4 do not buy", each fresh and crisp sweet first point: look at the color of the second point: look at the size of the third point: pinch the preservation of soft and hard winter dates

Fourth point: taste one

When choosing winter dates, you must not forget to try one, the winter dates grown under natural conditions will obviously emit the fragrance of dates, and it is very sweet to eat from the peel to the flesh. And if it can be clearly felt that only the peel is sweet, the flesh is dull or sour, then it is likely that the merchant has intervened manually, then we should not buy it.

Buy winter dates, big sweet or small sweet? Fruit farmers: Keep in mind the "4 do not buy", each fresh and crisp sweet first point: look at the color of the second point: look at the size of the third point: pinch the preservation of soft and hard winter dates

In summary, when we buy winter dates, we encounter the following 4 kinds of winter dates not to buy:

1. The color of winter dates is more bluish green or the whole is red;

2. The size of the winter jujube is obviously larger or smaller;

3. If there are fold spots or insect eyes on the surface, it is soft to pinch up;

4, taste only the jujube skin is sweet, the flesh is dull or sour.

The winter dates bought home often cannot be eaten at once, so if they are not properly preserved, it is likely to cause the loss of moisture of the winter dates, resulting in a softer taste and loss of nutrients. Therefore, we can't eat the winter dates best into the plastic bag, and then put several pieces of absorbent paper in the plastic bag at the same time, and then tie the plastic bag tightly, put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration and preservation, low temperature drying can extend the storage time of winter dates, so that the winter dates can generally be kept fresh for about 2 weeks.

Buy winter dates, big sweet or small sweet? Fruit farmers: Keep in mind the "4 do not buy", each fresh and crisp sweet first point: look at the color of the second point: look at the size of the third point: pinch the preservation of soft and hard winter dates
It's the season of eating winter dates again, and today I shared with you the selection and preservation methods of winter dates, hoping to help you. This article is the original of The Little Jasmine Food Record, the code word is not easy, and it is strictly forbidden to copy and carry it from bad self-media. Everyone is welcome to like, bookmark and retweet! Thank you for your support!

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