
Complete records of diagnosis and treatment of minor diseases of dogs (exclusive original)

author:Home in Hebei

Title: Xiao Bai is good

A good word cost me so much time, energy and money.

A whole week has passed since the onset of the disease, and the time of this week, for me, seems to have passed a century, and it is really like a year, and it is very torturous.

Some people say that it is not a small broken dog, dead and then want, in fact, for emotional people, just like Mao Zedong, nostalgic for the old, li Yinqiao, who was originally an Anping man who later became his guard chief, said: An old horse, refusing to change, an old wooden stick, unwilling to throw it away.

Although I am thousands of miles away from the great man, but I am also nostalgic, I remember when I was young, I spent 10 yuan from the Wugongji to buy a cat, fed it for a while, unfortunately ate rat poison, looking at the dying cat that fell to the ground, I was extremely sad, and I quickly took three steps and made two steps to go to the village veterinarian Dale home to get the injection, but it was too late.

Xiao Bai, suffering from this disease is really fatal, do not look at the will die, when the center road of the unlicensed animal clinic people, with the test strip to detect is a fine hour, and said that this disease to spend thousands of yuan, and not good, I hesitated, for the income of the original Weibo, is it to see or not to see it? Not to see means to die, but, looking at the day and night with me for more than three months, a snow-white puppy, looks like a very much Labrador, although it is not, but in my heart is incomparably precious, I do not want to see the death of the life of the living and jumping, Mo Daoqun life is small, general flesh and bones like skin, persuade Jun Mo to beat the branch head bird, the son in the nest to look forward to the mother.

When I resolutely decided to show it, it was so resolute and decisive, although I later changed to a licensed animal hospital, the results of the examination were still small, and I was determined to accompany my family through the difficulties.

In fact, the small disease, is canine plague, rabid dogs outside of the most difficult to treat one of the three diseases, is an acute infectious disease, the countryside is also called turning the intestines, first fever, oblique, do not eat, and then vomiting more than once, is white foam, the stomach shrugged back and forth, showing a very uncomfortable look, followed by blood pulling, convulsions, death is only a week, if it is myocardial type, that is, the onset of illness to death for two or three days.

Complete records of diagnosis and treatment of minor diseases of dogs (exclusive original)

Treatment of this disease, there is no special medicine, to epidemic prevention and control-based, before Xiao Bai first took four or five injections at once, vomiting stopped, but more damning is that this disease needs to be fasted and fasted, some are 24 hours, some are 48 hours, some doctors are full of fasting, in their own unprofessional field, or listen to the doctor's bar, although after returning home I turned over the small information about Baidu.

In fact, the dog is really not a person, it does not know that this is to treat it, especially this little white dog in my family, is a full snack goods, usually everything that can be eaten under the stomach, after arriving home, I put all the dog food basins clean, the water in the bucket is poured out, the garbage that can be swept away in the house is swept out, and then the little white is locked in the inner room, in fact, this can be bitter to our big dog.

Puppy, only a little better, just look for food everywhere, drill here, where to turn over, I am really worried, because before it and the big dog have hidden a lot of food, sometimes see its mouth clutching do not know what it is, quickly open its mouth, pull out hard, during the day is better, that is, at night, I am afraid of it cold, this disease to keep warm, so, put it into the quilt to sleep, but it is hungry to sleep, lick a breath, I put it down, gently stroke its belly, Make a child-like sound: white, sleep, the cat is coming, the dog is coming, scared XiaoBai is asleep, nagging over and over again, sometimes coaxing for a while, I am sleepy, it is very happy, chewing and biting, I also have angry time, put it in the cage in a breath, it will scream, I am afraid of it cold, wait a while and put it in from the cage, so toss it until more than ten o'clock, it is helpless to fall asleep, when it is asleep, sometimes the mouth is still chirping, I think it must have dreamed of eating delicious food.

When the sky was not yet bright, it woke up, and then came out of the bed, and began to look for things under the bed, sometimes looking at the place, to a bubble of urine, the ground also peed, the son's bed also peed, although the son was at home when he was tired and crooked, I said it was still small, when it was a little older, I must have trained it, this time it was sick, could not go to the yard to train, just let it.


At dawn, I hurried up, and I stopped eating, so I drove the electric tricycle, put it down in the cage, covered it with a small quilt, and hurried to the animal hospital located on the south side of Central Road.

This animal hospital, located in the west of the road, is a small two-story building, the first floor is the north of the consultation room, and the south is the ward. Two doctors, one old bar first, more than 50 years old, speaking softly and slowly, with kind eyes; the other in his 30s, tall, thin face, narrow bones, hair somewhat thin, that time saw him cut the hair of a big black dog, casually talking, knowing that he was a dog lover, the dog that was shearing hair, it was because of the small, the owner felt that the cost of treatment was high and abandoned, he said that this is a life, but also his friend, how can he say give up on it, he said that his surname is Zhai, and there are several stray dogs at home.

Eighteen of me were relieved to hand over the dog to such a kind-hearted person for diagnosis and treatment, and I saw that on the wall of the examination room hung a pennant sent by the families of more than a dozen sick dogs, and the content was the words of benevolence and magic.

Complete records of diagnosis and treatment of minor diseases of dogs (exclusive original)

There are also two young people in their 20s, who according to them are graduates of animal husbandry and veterinary school, and have come here for an internship.

Give the dog treatment, after the diagnosis, the first step is to measure the body temperature, and people are not the same, is to insert the temperature meter into the dog's anus, the dog will often snort a few times, the body shrugged, into your arms, the dog's body temperature, and people are not the same, generally about 38-39 degrees, the puppy is higher, my dog burned a little for the first time, 39 degrees more, I did not hear too clearly.

There is a little girl, with a white haired bear (I thought it was Hiromi), also came to see the patient, and a young man in his 30s, with a black Labrador to see the patient, he said the day before yesterday bought, today is sick, a test is also a small disease, after a day, the other one is also infected with a small virus.

After measuring the body temperature and dispensing the medicine, I carried Xiao Bai into the treatment room on the south side, where there were eight or nine compartments with infusion detection instruments, some with cages, some without cages, and inside, there was a yellow dog in a cage infusion.

The most unpleasant thing is the needle, the puppy, often some fear, I pressed the head of the puppy, a young man of the internship, first shaved a little hair on the leg, and then put the needle into the dog's blood vessels, and then look at the flow of medicine, sure to tie well? If it does not flow, but also to tie again, tie it well with tape wrapped well, look at my family's small white innocent eyes, I am very distressed about it, and there is no way, the liquid is infused, but also two injections on the neck, probably not painful, when the injection it did not struggle.

But it is not used to closing the cage, or is a little afraid of the unfamiliar environment, always has to scream for a while, sometimes I hide out for a while, sneak a few glances at it, sometimes it finds me, like seeing its own relatives, and screams a few times, while the dog next to it does not respond.

Complete records of diagnosis and treatment of minor diseases of dogs (exclusive original)

Sometimes, you find out how beautiful life is, let alone a faithful companion who accompanies you day and night, and how unbearable it is to leave!

On the first day, the writer's friend Tian Xinyan came from Baoding, I chose the dumpling restaurant next to the animal hospital, on the one hand, dumpling wine, good friends, in fact, I can't put down my little white, I have the heart to listen to Tian Jie talk about her novel and creative experience, I am more worried about my puppy, from time to time to get up to see it, at 12 o'clock, I excused myself to be busy in the afternoon, early to hold the infusion of Xiao Bai, sent Tian Jie and Ze Min brother to the station, I hurried back home, I think the opportunity to meet in life is always there If my family Xiao bai is not sick, I must have a good chat with Sister Tian, but Xiao Bai is suffering from such a serious illness!


In fact, this does not eat or drink for three days and three nights, Xiao Bai is simply hungry and crazy, but also put me enough to choke, my big dog, probably see I alienated it, eat and drink can not take care of it, also listless, sometimes go to sleep in his wife's bed, to find the warmth and beauty of the past, sometimes follow me at night, motionless, even pull urine does not go, because I blocked the board at the door, the door does not look, it is really difficult for one person to take care of two dogs.

Xiao Bai, hungry crazy, very hungry, smelling everywhere, where to sniff, sometimes pick up a piece of toilet paper on the ground to eat, I quickly get out of its mouth, sometimes the hard pieces of cake that fell under the bed before are also chewed in the mouth, I quickly pull out of its mouth, sometimes there are occasionally one or two pieces of apple peel on the ground, dry and dry, it also has to eat, and also quickly pick up and throw it out. In short, for 72 hours, I fought with it in a race against the clock.

The big dog seemed to be unable to look at it anymore, and threw his own food violently to his own child, and I threw the big dog's vomit out with lightning speed.

Xiao Bai screamed and cried, tears flowing, probably saying why the master didn't give me food, this is going to starve me to death.

In fact, listening to its cry, how can I not be as heartbroken as a knife, but, thinking of the doctor's words, thinking of letting it eat, drink, is to drive it to the edge of death, because the small virus is to break the dog's gastrointestinal system, let it even eat a little, drink a little, it will vomit badly, it will give up, in vain spent money and lost its life, such a deal I can not do, it is true, it occasionally picked up a little cake residue to eat, in the middle of the night to hear the sound of its stomach arching and arching, When it was bright, it spat out two pieces of apple pomace.

Sometimes, it gets into the quilt, licks you desperately, pleases you, just wants to eat a little, but if you want to save it, you have to be fierce.

Sometimes, when is this a head, when can it eat something? It can eat something, and I can relax a little when I get used to it.

Day 1, Day 2, Day 3... Minute by minute, looking, looking, boiling, frying...

Complete records of diagnosis and treatment of minor diseases of dogs (exclusive original)

In this way, went for three days, I and the young man who watched Labrador also became friends, telling each other's voices, sometimes and the veteran veterinarian saw that he was not busy when he chatted for two sentences, only to know that he also loved to write, used to write some popular science articles such as tofu blocks in Hebei Science and Technology Newspaper, the conversation knew that he was Huangcheng, as a veterinarian for more than thirty years, when he heard that I was Raoyang, he said that Raoyang did this more, I said more pigs, he said that he had dealt with the Raoyang Animal Husbandry Bureau several times, invited him to see the horse, I saw on the wall that the Organizer of the Anping Race had given him a certificate, and from these, I could see that he was an experienced doctor.

Complete records of diagnosis and treatment of minor diseases of dogs (exclusive original)


By Thursday, I had given Xiao Bai an infusion for three days and four days for seeing a doctor, although the money in the red envelope was gradually decreasing, and each transfer was a small two hundred, but I was still very happy to see Xiao Bai's happy appearance every day.

In fact, dr. Zhai at the beginning saw that I am not a rich man, the dog is not a noble dog, the small illness is still in the early stage, once suggested that I say injections, but, thinking of fasting and water, Xiao Bai is only 3 months of puppy dog, really can't afford to toss, and then hungry three long and two short, and white toss, the next day I advocate infusion.

The fluid infused, there are therapeutic drugs, there are nutritional drugs, that is, one or two days do not eat, and hunger is not bad.

In the evening, my son came back from vacation, I had more helpers to watch over Xiao Bai, I said to my son that there was a door panel blocking the door when I entered the house, Xiao Bai also urinated in the house, to see that it was sick, and small, just bear with it, the son also loves dogs very much, I think that my little stupid dog was killed by someone, my son's tears are so uncomfortable, this is also the reason why my wife bought a second dog.

With my son to manage for me, I am much more relieved, and sometimes I can go out and untie my hands for a while.

However, thinking that these two days the big dog does not like to eat, do not love to move, I thought to myself, what is this? Although the doctor told me that the probability of infection in the average one-year-old dog is very low and low, don't worry, but it is not in a good mood, I asked my son to take it out, buy it some ham sausage, it is in good spirits, go out and run, just don't eat.

Thinking that tomorrow my wife will drive back, if not, take the big dog to see.

At dawn, I said to my son, let's take Xiao Bai to see first, at noon your mother came back and then picked up Xiao Bai, the son said good, I and my son did not eat, so I rode a tricycle with Xiao Bai to see a doctor.

Xiao Bai, these two days are probably hungry panic, always blind bite, the infusion tube also bit twice, had to re-inject, and every time the needle, looking at the bright red blood flowing from its veins, I am distressed money (soft needle 20 one bar) At the same time, also hurt it, but there is no way, who let it get sick and not honest!

This dog infusion, the time is not short, two bottles of liquid medicine, to more than 3 hours, sometimes I stay in the clinic for a while, to see that there are a lot of owners with dogs to see the disease, some are skin diseases, some are canine plague, and there is a big black dog was carried into the treatment room by the owner, it turned out that I accidentally ate pesticides ...

Complete records of diagnosis and treatment of minor diseases of dogs (exclusive original)

But 3 hours, the time is not short, more people are choosing to do something else, after the infusion and then go back to pick up the dog, think about me and my son did not eat, the big dog did not eat, we left the animal hospital, first went to the station near the bun and tofu brain, and then went home.

I saw that the big dog didn't eat either, so I told him to go out for a walk.

Although it has not eaten for two days, but the mental state is very good, it is running in the field, sometimes it is with its tail upright, just in the middle of the road, suddenly the big dog vomited, I looked over, it was yellow foam, ah, my heart is tight, Mo is really infected with a parvovirus, my God, don't be.

However, worried about what is coming, just when the wife is driving back, we go to pick up the puppy, take the puppy to check along the way, afraid of what is coming, the big dog is also a small virus. (The next article details the course of treatment).

Big dogs and puppies have to see, puppies, it is already the fourth day of infusion, according to my Baidu treatment process, this disease is generally treated 5 to 7 days of treatment, from the onset of the disease to the treatment of good (or not cured) is generally seven days, longer 15 days also have, but rare, today, look at the puppy has been very lively, yesterday to it boiled millet porridge, put on the egg yolk, it saw the food, like a hungry ghost, has opened its teeth and claws, my egg yolk has not been peeled out, it jumped hard and bit me a hand, Fortunately, it is not serious, and I blame me for not paying much attention.

This puppy must have the genes of a Labrador, looks like, temperament is also like, is a snack that can never be eaten, but, just resumed diet, I can not eat more, and must be easy to digest millet porridge and other things.

The doctor said that after four days of fluids, today the injection, feeding, look at it.

After two injections, the doctor also gave three bags of gastrointestinal treasure and three small red pills, I thought it did not like to eat, who knew that as soon as the medicine was put into the bowl, it had not yet been put into the water, and it would lick the light.

In the past two days, watching Xiao Bai eat is very happy, and I don't throw up, it is really good, and I put my heart at ease.

I think that two dogs have a small disease, which may be related to three aspects, these days, when there is nothing to do in the afternoon, I often take them out to the field to walk around, they smell this, that sniff, is it licking the feces with the parvovirus? The second is that I bought them a chicken rack, they not only love to eat meat, but also love to gnaw bones, violating the common sense that puppies cannot eat bones, hurting the stomach; the third is mainly that there is no vaccination, one is far from the pet hospital, the other is afraid of spending money, in fact, I want my wife to drive with two dogs, she is not willing to go, I also feel that riding a three-wheeled dog is not good, the result? Saved salt, sour sauce, saved firewood to sleep in the pit, spent less than a hundred and ten dollars, spent thousands of dollars more, the dog suffered, he also paid the cost of time, energy, money, and slowly treated friends, bad mood, really not worth the loss!

The purpose of writing this text is to share with friends who raise dogs their own personal experience of treating small diseases, dogs with this disease, must not be afraid to spend money to abandon dogs, the second is to take out a certain amount of time, accompany the dog, money can still earn back, life is only once, as long as you have enough love, patience, the dog itself can feel the love of the owner, will definitely take out a hundred times the courage to fight the disease, even if you have made a hundred times the effort, but the final result is that the dog is gone, but, You are worthy of your loyal friend, you must say in your heart that I have tried my best, tried my best, the dog must say the master, in the next life we are still a family, but also to be your most loyal friend!

Finally, it is the season of minor disease attacks, in order to let more dogs get rid of the harm of this acute infectious disease, please pay attention to your dog safety!

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