
Turkish pearl mullet encounters enemies, migratory spawning scramble to save their lives, netizens: fast and furious

Summer is here, and the annual animal kingdom edition of Fast and Furious begins in Van, Turkey.

Turkish pearl mullet encounters enemies, migratory spawning scramble to save their lives, netizens: fast and furious

The protagonists of this "Fast & Furious" are migratory spawning Turkish pearl mullet and seagulls. Mullet is also known as mullet. The mullet meat is tender and delicious. Fish roe can also be eaten as caviar.

Turkish pearl mullet encounters enemies, migratory spawning scramble to save their lives, netizens: fast and furious

These Turkish pearl mullet migrate to spawn during the summer months. When they return to their habitat in freshwater lakes, they tend to attract a large flock of seagulls to hunt.

Turkish pearl mullet encounters enemies, migratory spawning scramble to save their lives, netizens: fast and furious

These Turkish pearl mullets are delicious in the eyes of seagulls! The picture shows seagulls flying to the sea to enjoy the "fish hot pot".

Turkish pearl mullet encounters enemies, migratory spawning scramble to save their lives, netizens: fast and furious

Do you netizens like to taste mullet? Feel free to leave your story in the comments section!

Turkish pearl mullet encounters enemies, migratory spawning scramble to save their lives, netizens: fast and furious

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