
Yan Qiang's column: Lola run fast

author:Unbridled football

Lola had been running fast, running desperately. At first, she raced against time and ran instinctively, so she couldn't avoid obstacles, couldn't get around traps, couldn't escape fate.

Lola was lucky that she had a chance to correct herself and start over. You could say it's a crossing, and I think it's a kind of life diversity arrangement of God or the director. She was still running for her life, but she began to try to harness her instincts, she began to learn to observe her surroundings, and she began to think about the relationship between reality and fate.

Yan Qiang's column: Lola run fast

As a result, in 1581 camera transitions, in the 71-minute dazzling movement of the film, Lola continues to run. She was finally able to jump over obstacles, get around traps, and she could even have the quick wit to turn dangers into opportunities. She didn't know and certainly didn't believe in fate. The driving force of her continuous running is love, life, and human nature.

When you rewatch this movie, it's hard to imagine that it was a film from 20 years ago. In the past 20 years, we have experienced the intersection of two centuries, and we have experienced the transformation of Nanshan Bamboo to mobile code. Perhaps we have experienced more technological change in these 20 years than in the previous 2000 years. However, human nature has not changed, and Lola is still running.

Lola also had to run. Because she has not yet been able to reach the destination of the 100,000 marks, because she still has a life to save, a future that needs her to run.

We must also keep running. Because in winter, if you don't run, you can't resist the cold, don't run, and you can't find runners who are also on the road. If you don't run, you can only get off at this stop.

As in previous years, Teacher Han Mu had to give a propositional essay at the end of the year. It's harder than it gets every year, because our living conditions don't get better every year. In the past, this so-called sports year, there was not much "entrepreneurship" hustle and bustle, when the word "entrepreneurship" was mentioned, everyone listened, everyone had their own hearts, everyone had a heavy heart. <b>If you want to find keywords for the past year, the year you are experiencing, and the years to come, "survival" is more realistic than "entrepreneurship". </b>

We can rashly translate the subsistence situation to environmental changes, to the overall economic downturn, but this excuse comes too easily. Whether we ourselves have worked hard enough to cope with climate change and get through this difficulty is what everyone in this industry should ask themselves.

In the tips Han Mu gave me, let me write about whether I have found core users in the past year, how good product breakthroughs, and whether there is obvious progress in the direction of my career. To say that it is another year of waste is to be vain, and the real waste cannot be so busy. However, for every practitioner who cannot claim to have survived the survival barrier, how many experiences can be shared in terms of users, products, and career directions?

I don't think I have much content worth sharing, we don't have much innovation, we don't have too many breakthroughs, and certainly not the rhetoric. But we're still holding on. At this time, talking about dreams is a fool's dream. However, the tone is lowered, and the footsteps cannot be stopped.

<b>Maybe the cadence will come a little faster. </b>

Last year's argument was to "walk before the tide", to be reluctant to make it difficult, and to cherish our brooms. A year later, the winter wind is more bitter, but we need to run more, even if like Lola, the initial run, there is a desperate dazedness, there is a precarious panic, but also a stubbornness to resist death.

Rambling on the word "run," by Lola, I thought of Updike's Rabbit, Run. Lola has a magical color and a surrealist allegory, so it is often seen as new. "Rabbit, Run" is just the opposite, I felt superfluous after watching it at that time, and I was less interested in the follow-up of the "Rabbit Quadrilogy" later. Real to mediocre middle-class life, desperately depressed. We all have to run fast, we all have to be self-vigilant, don't be another rabbit.

Yan Qiang's column: Lola run fast

Updike's Rabbit is an abbreviation for American life after World War II. Looking for excitement in mediocrity, in the situation of food and clothing, people have deep doubts about the essence of survival. I'd rather choose Lola, who runs like a father, than fall into the situation of a bored rabbit, because in the past year, there is no shortage of runners who are worth learning and full of motivational models.

Just recently, I learned about the story of a sports brand like Kalmei, which has grown against the trend, turning an international brand on loan into a Chinese-driven brand. This sports industry story is as interesting as ANTA's relationship with fila and Archaeopteryx. You have to go to their factories and offices, see the front-line work conditions of these entrepreneurs, and know that no matter how wonderful the brand story is, it is actually from the watering of the sweat of the beans.

In the past year, we have seen the China-sponsored blowout miracle at the World Cup in Russia... Although this will still attract the ridicule of the national mouth, the accurate conversion rate of this sponsorship still needs in-depth analysis, but this step is still historical. The main reason we love and hate this is because of the budget spent by these brands, and we didn't get half a piece of the pie...

Yan Qiang's column: Lola run fast

In the past year, there have been outstanding capital progress in the fitness industry, which points to how much development potential there is in the service that is truly close to the most fundamental needs of users and related to the well-being of each individual; in the past year, Youku has entered the field of sports copyright, and there are more communication giants such as Migu, which have intervened in the production and dissemination of sports content.

In the past year, e-sports is still strong, the only regret is that the relationship between e-sports and sports, no matter how reluctant, in fact, there is not much relationship...

In the past year, Yang Yi has been able to make his media matrix more interesting and outstanding. There are also some small teams that live in one city and one place, and provide personal services for local sports fans, and can live a tasteful life. Online prosperity is easy to disappear because of the economic downturn, but the real social life offline, the most important thing to solve, is all kinds of unhealthy and boring.

<b>Sports is precisely the best weapon to drive away the boredom of this "rabbit". </b>

I realized that in the past year, I have watched a lot less movies and less good books. My teammates and I are not lazy, but we are far from diligent. We always look east and west, as if we have long seen the approaching of the cold winter wind, but we have not worked hard enough. We're all running, but we're just running instinctively. When the needle is set to the beginning of another year, we have to learn to run and think, think and work. To endure loneliness, to withstand the cold winter, rely on the coolness of digging under a hoe. Users have never disappeared, right in front of them.

<b>Whether you can survive depends on whether you can keep running like Lola. </b>

Yan Qiang's column: Lola run fast

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