
How to protect your privacy in social networks (a) Read the terms of social media sites Do not share private information such as your full name and address

author:I know a few things

Social networking sites such as WeChat, QQ, Kuaishou, Douyin, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat at home and abroad have become digital billboards for Internet users. People love to share their personal opinions and news of what's going on in their lives.

But stop and think about it. This information, some of which is very private, is being published on the Internet (the web). Who else is watching what you post outside of your trusted circle of friends and family? Spam bots, hate acquaintances, and even cybercriminals can also pique people's interest. Recently, the management has frequently taken action against Internet companies on network security and user privacy protection, standardizing supervision.

How do we personally protect our privacy on the Internet? With that in mind, the collection provides tips to help you protect your privacy and maintain a more meaningful experience on social networks.

How to protect your privacy in social networks (a) Read the terms of social media sites Do not share private information such as your full name and address

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > read the terms of social media sites</h1>

In the 21st century, information can become a new form of valuable currency. Not only do you distribute your bank account information, why are you giving up your privacy on social networking sites? When registering for a social media account, pay special attention to the information you agree to share. For example, in the case of Facebook, if a user chooses to delete any photos and videos they have previously shared on Facebook, those images will be removed from the website but can remain on Facebook's servers. And some content can only be deleted if the user permanently deletes their account.

Before you click Accept, take a moment to carefully read the legal terminology contained in the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. You may find that certain terms are in the best interests of the platform, but may not be the best fit for your privacy. Some situations may exceed your personal comfort limits. For example, some free sites may collect and sell data about the content you view to third parties for marketing purposes. Make sure that your permission selection is right for you.

How to protect your privacy in social networks (a) Read the terms of social media sites Do not share private information such as your full name and address

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > don't share private information like your full name and address</h1>

Keep your full name and address. The same advice applies to posting the full names of your child or grandchildren. Although it may seem innocent and not have someone else's last name, you never know how stalkers or cybercriminals will use this information for their benefit. For example, by using a combination of your first and last name, cybercriminals can guess your email address, or buy your email address from the dark web. With this information, they may send you phishing emails, which can lead to the injection of malware and the collection of data from your device.

Remind teens in your life to do the same because they are more likely to share personal information. When you enter an online contest, your child may not think of providing their name and address or other personal details.

How to protect your privacy in social networks (a) Read the terms of social media sites Do not share private information such as your full name and address

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