
Zhou Yumin finally stopped making bad dramas, the sexual assault perverted corpse case, the truth is too terrible

author:Barcelona Films

It has been 9 years since Zhou Yumin last starred in Taiwan dramas, and he has finally returned to Taiwan dramas in the new drama "Reverse Game".

In particular, the "prison chapter" trailer is in prison, which satisfies the audience's appetite: can the idol drama male god play a tangled role with complex experiences?

Zhou Yumin finally stopped making bad dramas, the sexual assault perverted corpse case, the truth is too terrible

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Donglin, the usually orderly city, was recently in a panic over a series of horrific news stories — police found a bag of mutilated bodies in the river.

Zhou Yumin finally stopped making bad dramas, the sexual assault perverted corpse case, the truth is too terrible

The unrecognizable corpses not only stimulate the nerves of forensic doctors and criminal police, but also affect the public opinion of the entire city.

After the difficult recovery and identification of the body, it was determined that the deceased was a woman, malee who came from Thailand to work here, but her head and lower abdomen were not in this bag of corpses.

If it is only a case of broken corpses, it will definitely not trigger media coverage and heated discussion among the people, and this is already the fourth bag of corpses found in Donglin City.

Zhou Yumin finally stopped making bad dramas, the sexual assault perverted corpse case, the truth is too terrible

The anxiety of being oppressed by public opinion made the already grumpy Team Leader Tan more anxious, and he was the direct person in charge of the series of broken corpse cases.

Even more impulsive than him was Ren Fei, a new policeman who had just arrived at the police station, who vomited out at the corpse as soon as he touched the case, but there was a passion in the immature soul, and he was bound to dig out this cruel murderer.

Zhou Yumin finally stopped making bad dramas, the sexual assault perverted corpse case, the truth is too terrible

According to the general case solving process, Tan's team leader and his subordinates compared the characteristics and residence of the victims, but found that the four women had almost no similarities, only malee was closely related to the mercenaries under the drug dealer.

Originally thought that this would be a breakthrough, Ren Fei was even more desperate to arrest the mercenary and return to the police station.

However, they only managed to get the mercenary and Malee's lover relationship, and could not find any clues that would cause Malee to be targeted by the God of Death, and the case came to a standstill.

Fortunately, the mercenary found out that his lover had died, and he confessed a name in the hope of revenge - Qian Zhiyang.

The addict, who had dealt with Malee, was serving a prison sentence for sexual assault and murder, and Malee asked him for help to beat up the child in his womb.

Zhou Yumin finally stopped making bad dramas, the sexual assault perverted corpse case, the truth is too terrible

"Pregnancy" explains why all four bodies contained chromosomes of both sexes — they all had male fetuses in their disappeared lower abdomen.

Soon, the fifth body confirmed the conjecture, and unlike before, the fifth victim was beaten to death and dismembered, and this time her uterus was not removed.

How much revenge would a housewife with a simple life and emotional stability have to die, and through the victim's mobile phone, the police discovered another terrible world.

It turned out that the victim's mobile phone hid a dark web software, where people with special fetishes gathered and became members of the website by uploading videos, and were divided into different levels such as beasts, angels and satans.

After a series of interrogations, the police identified the murderer as a member named "Moth Man", and because the other party asked for a "video interview", Tan Group Leader could only send the female police officers in the team to contact him.

However, this temptation made the moth man completely explode, and the police who "fake joints and really arrested" not only lost the trace of the female policeman, but also made her a victim of the moth man's live dismemberment...

Zhou Yumin finally stopped making bad dramas, the sexual assault perverted corpse case, the truth is too terrible

Ren Fei, who did not know how to deal with it, remembered that in fact, someone had warned him before the worst outcome occurred, but he did not take it seriously, and the person who successfully predicted the direction of the case was Liang Yandong, a former professional lawyer serving a sentence in prison at this moment.

Zhou Yumin finally stopped making bad dramas, the sexual assault perverted corpse case, the truth is too terrible


Zhou Yumin finally stopped making bad dramas, the sexual assault perverted corpse case, the truth is too terrible

Prison guards are idle, prisonmates are the weak, and life in prison is never good, especially sexual assault prisoners are the most discriminated against.

Zhou Yumin finally stopped making bad dramas, the sexual assault perverted corpse case, the truth is too terrible

Liang Yandong in prison, despite his margins, safely mixed for three years with his brain and analytical ability beyond ordinary people.

Three years ago, the witness of Liang Yandong's case disappeared, and he found the witness's colleague Fang Qian to negotiate.

The super high reasoning power allowed him to see that these women were engaged in high-level aid, but the second time they met, Liang Yandong, who was "smart but mistaken by smart", saw Fang Cai's body, and he was also in prison.

Now seeing the corpse case on TV, Liang Yandong quickly realized that this murderer was related to his case that year, and he repeatedly delivered messages to the criminal police through the prison guards.

Zhou Yumin finally stopped making bad dramas, the sexual assault perverted corpse case, the truth is too terrible

At present, all of Liang Yandong's predictions have come true, Ren Fei finally realized the seriousness, and the joint solution of the case between the police and the "criminal" has begun.

The so-called "reverse game" is how the police catch the imitators and the real murderers of the corpse, which is also the main line of "Reverse Game".

However, when Ren Fei and Liang Yandong successfully hooked up, the protagonist of the story really appeared - a criminal with solid legal knowledge and strong analytical skills.

However, such an excellent brain is always facing an existential crisis, especially after witnessing the sexual assault of Qian Zhiyang hanging himself, Liang Yandong is more certain that the force of reversing black and white is manipulating everything, and the original face of things is more dirty than he expected.

Zhou Yumin finally stopped making bad dramas, the sexual assault perverted corpse case, the truth is too terrible

Two other lines also surfaced:

In a prison where all forces want to step in, how can Liang Yandong, who is obviously framed, survive?

Can tentative cooperation with the police help Liang Yandong to clear the way and help him find the truth that has never been recognized?

Liang Yandong is as confused as the audience, but for the sake of justice and truth, he must continue to play to his advantage and seek a way to survive in the treacherous power struggle.


Although it is a Taiwanese drama, "Reverse Situation", invested by the mainland platform, is also adapted from the mainland mystery novel - "The Pursuer" (also known as "Murder Scene"), and the extremely large-scale Donglin corpse case is just an introduction, just to let Liang Yandong enter the game as a psychological profiler.

Referring to the content of the novel, Liang Yandong will reveal the secret behind the shocking case in the subsequent plot.

Zhou Yumin finally stopped making bad dramas, the sexual assault perverted corpse case, the truth is too terrible

Thanks to the novel itself, "Reverse Game" uses a prison storm to build a dark atmosphere and suspense at the beginning, and the multi-line narrative weaves the plot into a net, echoing the big hand behind the trader.

The high degree of completion of the drama mainly comes from the directors Zhuang Xuanwei and Chen Guanzhong, and the previously acclaimed "Who is the Victim" is also from the hands of these two people.

Zhou Yumin finally stopped making bad dramas, the sexual assault perverted corpse case, the truth is too terrible

The surprise-filled cast was even more calming.

Just a few episodes ago, Zhou Yumin performed the three identities of lawyer, prisoner and psychological profiler in different timelines, although handsome, he has long jumped out of the old model of idol drama male god.

In the police camp, in addition to zhang Rongrong, a well-known "Yang Guifei" in the mainland, there are also the old drama bone Singapore version of Yang Guo Li Mingshun and the newcomer Zhu Xuanyang, who is familiar to the audience because of "Crying Sorrow", bringing together the strength factions of different ages.

Zhou Yumin finally stopped making bad dramas, the sexual assault perverted corpse case, the truth is too terrible

"Reverse Game" is an overly informative work, basically every other paragraph is output hardcore content and directly affect the direction of the plot, and even people worry that the subsequent plot can not be maintained and fall into the spell of high and low.

However, from the current quality of adaptation, the good reputation of "Reverse Game" Douban 8.6 points is worthy of the name, and excellent suspense works not only attach importance to the logical and powerful intrinsic reasoning, but also do not give up the social value behind the story, and know how to balance and balance is the "reverse game" thinking that Chinese dramas really need.

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