
42-year-old Zhou Yumin is "disabled"! and the handsome Hua Ze class is like two people

author:The story of Nanci

In Langyuan, Beijing, I unexpectedly met my former idol Zhou Yumin, or rather, the "boy" we are more familiar with. But this encounter, I was a little surprised, even shocked.

Because the man standing in front of me and the handsome Hua Ze in my memory are like two people.

42-year-old Zhou Yumin is "disabled"! and the handsome Hua Ze class is like two people

The first thing that catches your eye is his obviously fat figure, no longer the thin and straight teenager he was back then. His cheeks were also much roundered, and the green lines were gone, replaced by the cheeks of a mature man. His eyes also seem to have become smaller, perhaps because of the change in the shape of his face, or because of the marks left on his face by the years. His skin also looked dull, far from the fair-skinned teenager in his memory.

His hair was long, and it looked a little scruffy and greasy, not like it was deliberately styled, but rather like it was unintentionally taken care of. Such a hairstyle makes his overall image look a little decadent, which is very different from the bright and beautiful image of his youth.

At the age of 42, he is indeed no longer the young Hua Ze class. Some people say that as he grows older, Tsai Tsai becomes more and more like Tony Leung, the charm of a mature man, and his deep eyes are impressive.

But in my opinion, his current appearance is more like Qi Qin. That uninhibited temperament, that sense of vicissitudes after the baptism of the years, all found a reflection on his face.

42-year-old Zhou Yumin is "disabled"! and the handsome Hua Ze class is like two people

I know that everyone changes over time, and it's a natural law that no one can resist.

But when this change happened to the idol I was once obsessed with, I couldn't help but feel a little emotional. I think of what he looked like when he was young, the one who played the flower class in "Meteor Garden", the one who made countless girls crazy.

At that time, every time he appeared on the screen, he would cause bursts of screams. His eyes, his smile, and his every move all touched the hearts of the audience. He is the memory of our youth and the eternal prince charming in our hearts.

But now, standing in front of me, he is already a mature and stable middle-aged man. In his eyes, there is no longer the sharpness of the year, but a calmness and profundity. His smile is no longer as bright as it was back then, but a little more subtle and warm.

I don't know if such a change is inevitable for him. Perhaps, he also had reluctance, and he also thought about going back to the past. But time doesn't stop, and we can only move forward.

I guess that's life. We are all constantly changing and growing. Our appearance will age and our mentality will become more mature. But this does not mean that we have lost anything, on the contrary, we have gained more experience and wisdom.

42-year-old Zhou Yumin is "disabled"! and the handsome Hua Ze class is like two people

Tsai Zhou Yumin, a former youth idol, has now become a mature actor. His acting skills have also become more and more proficient with the accumulation of years. His performance in film and television works is also becoming more and more recognized and loved by the audience.

So, I want to say that no matter what he has become, whether he still has the same appearance as he was back then, he is still the boy in our hearts. His changes may make us feel sorry, but his growth makes us proud.

As the years go by, we all get older, but what matters is how we face this change. I believe that as long as we keep a young heart, no matter how our appearance changes, we can maintain that love and pursuit of life.

42-year-old Zhou Yumin is "disabled"! and the handsome Hua Ze class is like two people

Tsai Zhou Yumin, you are no longer the flower of the year, but you are still the idol in our hearts.

Your changes have made us see your growth, and it has also made us cherish that beautiful memory even more. I hope that you will still be able to maintain that passion and dedication to acting in the future, and continue to bring us more wonderful works.

The years are ruthless, but people are affectionate. No matter how time passes, we will remember the former you and look forward to the future you.

Because, you are not only an actor, but also a part of our youth.


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