
Why do deer eat plastic bags?

author:Tadpole staves

We are no strangers to zoos, and whenever we visit on holidays or in spring and autumn, zoos are always overcrowded. There, we can learn about wildlife and pass the time, but while increasing knowledge and broadening our horizons, many people also bring an uncivilized behavior into the zoo, that is, feeding animals at will.

In addition, some low-quality tourists will discard the plastic bags containing things at will, and eventually be eaten into the stomachs of the animals, and more excessively, some tourists will directly feed the plastic bags to the mouths of the animals. In China alone, hundreds of animals are starved to death every year because they can't get out of plastic bags. Among these animals, most of them are deer. For example, in the recent Shanghai Zoo, 3 deer died because they ate a large number of plastic bags, small towels and other foreign objects. Earlier, in 1993, the female giraffe "Seashore", which symbolized sino-Japanese friendship, also died at the Shanghai Zoo because she ate too many plastic bags. So why are deer so easily murdered by plastic bags?

Why do deer eat plastic bags?

This is inextricably linked to the composition of plastic bags. Plastic bags were born in the 19th century, from the day it was born, it showed people as a polymer material, from the early simple materials to today after several generations, in order to meet different needs, we added various chemicals to plastic bags. Although these chemicals are small enough to attract the attention of us humans, they are very sweet for deer with a keen sense of smell. Just as a child will want to take a bite of cake when it smells it, deer can't help but want to eat it after smelling the sweetness of plastic bags. But deer, unlike other animals, are ruminants with four stomachs. Their stomach structure is extremely complex, and the plastic bag is an extremely difficult to decompose substance, which is doomed to block the gastrointestinal tract after the plastic bag is eaten into the stomach, resulting in the animal can neither eat nor excrete, and eventually cause them to be starved alive. In addition, the evolution of plastic bags relative to living things is too trendy to allow small animals to evolve the instinct to refuse to eat it, which has led to the tragedy of countless animals being murdered by plastic bags year after year.

In fact, not only plastic bags, but anything with a special aroma (which may be too faint to be ignored by us humans) can be eaten by animals. Especially for some beloved animals, we may be tempted to feed them a carrot or a handful of greens to eat, maybe you feed a portion of food, but you don't know how many people besides you have fed it. These excess foods can eventually lead to events in which animals are poisoned or propped to death.

So, how exactly do you feed zoo animals? Three words: don't feed. For animals living in zoos, their feed is designed according to the most scientific formula and supplied regularly every day. Or take the deer as an example, their diet is carefully mixed with vegetables, fruits, pellet feed, grass and other ingredients, this feeding can ensure that the animals intake of enough nutrients, but also do not let them eat. And if you really want to experience the feeling of feeding animals once, be sure to contact the administrator and guide them to scientifically feed.

Whether it is a deer or other animal, they are important partners of our human beings, living in the zoo they have lost their freedom and should be loved by us. For this kind of behavior, in a line from Han Han's movie "After Forever", it is said: "If you like it, you will be arrogant, but love is restraint."

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