
Is it harmful to have more "black cows"? How to kill? The doctor said so

author:Xilin Gol Daily

In this season, at night, under the street lights, in front of the shops, especially in the obvious light, there will be a black bug, which we commonly call "black cow". So what exactly is this bug?

Is it harmful to have more "black cows"? How to kill? The doctor said so

This insect is the Chinese Tama. Insects, Coleoptera, Insects of the family Buchaceae. It occurs in June and September and is a more common species in agricultural areas. It preys on insects such as red spiders and aphids, but can also feed on seeds from wheat, barley, oats and millet crops. Prefers light sources and appears in wet, stuffy places. And the vitality is tenacious, can penetrate the gap between doors and windows into the room.

Is it harmful to have more "black cows"? How to kill? The doctor said so

Will this black bug be harmful to the human body?

How do we kill?

Doctors from Xilin Gol Mengmeng Medical Hospital gave an answer

Bian Jingwei, a preventive health care doctor at Xilin Gol Mengmeng Medical Hospital, said: "Zhonghua Zhen Bujia, which is what we often call 'black bull', will not easily bite people without external stimuli. Generally after being bitten, there will be redness and swelling or tingling sensation, which will be eliminated naturally after two days and will not cause too much harm to the human body. We can go to the pesticide store and buy 8% high-efficiency cypermethrin, dilute and spray topically. Generally speaking, we close the doors, windows, screens and windows at night, which can effectively prevent bugs from entering. ”

Here's a reminder that once the bugs get into your ears, don't panic too much, you can take a flashlight and shine it around your ears, and the bugs will crawl out along the light. You can also use a little salt water to drop into your ears to drive the bugs out.

(Source: Xilin Gol News)