
The 4 magical marine animals on Earth that emit light on their own, alert jellyfish will glow to scare off enemies

1, alarm jellyfish: alarm jellyfish is a coelenterate animal, the body can present amazing light. The animal's floating cyst is composed of dozens of thin concentric rings and dozens of radiating ribs, which have radiation septums inside and are filled with gas.

The 4 magical marine animals on Earth that emit light on their own, alert jellyfish will glow to scare off enemies

Alarm jellyfish is when attacked, frightened body will glow, so that it is unusually eye-catching, in order to scare off the attacker, or attract the attention of other predators to scare off the enemy, play a role in protecting themselves.

The 4 magical marine animals on Earth that emit light on their own, alert jellyfish will glow to scare off enemies

2, ghost slug: the shape of the ghost slug is like jelly, more like a jellyfish than like a squid or squid, and the eyes of the ghost slug are very large, it is a small animal, only 6 inches long (15.2 cm), but the spherical eyes are the size of the eyes of a large dog.

The 4 magical marine animals on Earth that emit light on their own, alert jellyfish will glow to scare off enemies

The ghost grub is a luminous creature whose body is covered with luminous organs, which allows them to light and extinguish themselves at will, and when it extinguishes the luminaire, it is completely invisible in the dark environment in which it lives. Ghost grubs live in the deep sea, and one of the means of life-saving is this biological light, when they feel that there is danger, they will suddenly glow to confuse predators and escape.

The 4 magical marine animals on Earth that emit light on their own, alert jellyfish will glow to scare off enemies

3, monk hat jellyfish: monk hat jellyfish medium-sized individual, floating sac body is very large, the two ends are slightly pointed like monk hat, its length is about 100 mm. Underneath the floating capsule hangs many vegetative bodies, finger-like bodies of varying sizes, tentacles of varying lengths, and dendritic genitalia. There is a glowing membrane crown on the floating sac, which can adjust its direction on its own, and use the wind to drift on the surface of the water like a sailboat.

The 4 magical marine animals on Earth that emit light on their own, alert jellyfish will glow to scare off enemies

Many monk-hat jellyfish live with a variety of marine fish, including clownfish and Bartolome trevally. Clownfish can move freely between the tentacles of the monk's hat jellyfish, probably because its mucous membranes do not touch the spine cells. These fish can be guaranteed from the monk's hat jellyfish, and they will attract other small fish as food for the monk's hat jellyfish.

The 4 magical marine animals on Earth that emit light on their own, alert jellyfish will glow to scare off enemies

4. Ctenophores: Ctenophores are a small group of marine invertebrates that resemble jellyfish. The transparent body makes ctenophores almost "invisible" during the day, while at night they emit a soft bio-light.

The 4 magical marine animals on Earth that emit light on their own, alert jellyfish will glow to scare off enemies

Most ctenophores are colorless, and the colorless species are transparent when floating in the water, and only a few columns of ctenophores display a beautiful iridescent luster. Most ctenophores emit light and display light blue or light green at night, which is one of the most vivid and beautiful lights that animals can emit. In dark environments they generally emit different colors of fluorescence.

The 4 magical marine animals on Earth that emit light on their own, alert jellyfish will glow to scare off enemies

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