
Watch the snail encyclopedia

author:Old time memories

Ornamental snails usually refer to snails that have a certain ornamental value, with the function of removing algae and activating the bottom bed, and are beautiful or peculiar in appearance, and are specially raised in aquatic weed tanks and aquatic weed landscaping.

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Common ornamental snails are apple snail (red, yellow), mysterious snail (white, yellow, blue, purple, gray), moonlight snail, Malay snail, cones, doughnut snail, zebra snail, onion snail, Sulawesi snail (orange rabbit snail), abalone snail (snail), phoenix snail, dragon palace snail, Easter egg snail, killer snail, pagoda snail, corner snail, thorn snail, nail snail, native snail, etc.

1. Classification

Two-river water snail: a snail at the confluence of seawater and fresh water, it can survive well in freshwater fish tanks, but the eggs laid cannot hatch. The main varieties are zebra snail, onion snail, watermelon snail, horn snail, abalone snail and so on.

Freshwater snail: Survives and multiplies well in freshwater fish tanks. The main varieties are golden snail, moonlight snail (large sheep horn snail), purple coat snail, purple lily snail (purple snail), sapphire crystal (royal blue ivory) white ivory, ribbon pagoda, golden nail snail, dragon palace snail, snail, snail, Malay snail, apple snail and so on.

The mysterious snail mentioned by the player refers to the purple coat snail, purple snail, blue ivory snail, white ivory snail, gold snail, leopard snail and other series.

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2. Feeding conditions

Ordinary fish tanks of any size can be used, preferably with a lid, because mysteriously have the habit of laying eggs above the water surface during the breeding period, and it is easy to fall out and fall.

Snails can be polycultured (except for killer snails) and can be polycultured with most small or medium-sized fish, but people like submarines, chocolate dolls, pufferfish, and turtles are not well polycultured, and they will eat snails. Many fish will try to bite the tentacles of the apple snail, but this is not a problem, because the apple snail will soon learn to hide the whisker under the shell.

Third, feeding water quality

Whether the steamed water and freshwater snails are not very strict on water quality, they are more able to survive in the harsh environment than most fish, snails can obtain oxygen in air and water, even if the oxygen content in the water is very low, it will not die of lack of oxygen, it can breathe on the water.

It is recommended to build a nitrifying bacteria system in the fish tank, because without this biological filtration system you may find that the water quality is not clear, the snail loves to run upwards, and has some impact on ornamentality.

Because the long shell of the snail has a great demand for calcium, it is necessary to pay attention to the content of calcium and the PH value in the water (preferably between 7.0-8.5) The overacid water will cause the snail shell to appear convex and uneven, and the lack of calcium will cause the opening at the growth line of the snail shell mouth.

It is recommended to regularly add calcium tablets and use snail food to prevent decalcification, in addition, a small amount of frequent water replacement will also help, water overacid to add PH value regulator to regulate, prevention and other discoveries when the treatment has been too late, even if the calcium is supplemented, the ornamentality of the snail shell is gone.

Fourth, the water temperature

Most snails can adapt to water temperatures of 12-35 ° C. The optimum temperature is 21-28 ° C. The amount of activity of the snail increased by increasing water temperature also increased, and it did not like to move when it was below 18 ° C.

Fifth, feeding density

Generally speaking, the feeding density can be 5 liters of water to raise a snail is more appropriate, the small snail can be appropriately more, too large an amount will easily cause calcium deficiency and water turbidity. Of course, if the circulatory system is more powerful, you can raise more.

Sixth, life span

The shortest life of apple snails is generally 6-8 months. The mysterious snail can generally reach 3-4 years, but the life of the snail is related to the water temperature, and the higher the water temperature, the shorter the life. On the contrary, it has a long lifespan.

Seven, food

Snails are omnivorous animals, and all kinds of feed, boiled spinach leaves, cabbage leaves, fresh corn, dead fish, algae on the walls of the tank, and leftover residue from fish can be used. But do not forget that the growth of snail shells needs to absorb a lot of calcium more than fish, which requires that the staple food must have a high calcium content, and it is best to supplement some calcium tablets.

8. Reproduction

The higher the water temperature, the more frequent the reproduction (between 21-28 ° C) and the longer the breeding cycle. After exceeding 30 °C, most snails stop breeding.

Moonlight snails (hermaphrodite, allogeneic fertilization, and eggs at the same time) lay gelatinous eggs, generally attached to aquatic weeds, and adult snails can lay about multiple eggs at a time, and hatch for about 15-25 days according to water temperature and oxygen content.

Gold, purple coat, sapphire, white ivory, purple lily these mysterious snails are divided into male and female, after mating, the female snail lays eggs on the upper wall of the water, each grain or so, the eggs are laid one by one and bonded to each other into an egg block. It is soft and milky white when it is first laid, hardens within a few hours, and the incubation time is about 12-20 days.

The above is the method of raising ornamental snails, the breeds of ornamental snails, the feeding essentials of ornamental snails and the breeding knowledge, all of which will be used in the process of raising ornamental snails, teaching you to better raise ornamental snails, so that snails can live a healthier life in your fish tank.

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