
The world's rare and fascinating butterflies

author:Zhao said the past history

There is a long-standing saying that because butterflies like to steal cream and milk, people say that they are elves with colored wings who like to steal cream, so they call it butterfly. There are many species of butterflies in the world, each of which has its own unique beauty, today Xiaobian found six rare species of butterflies in the world, let us start to appreciate it.

The world's rare and fascinating butterflies

Golden-spotted beaked butterfly

Golden-spotted beaked phoenix butterfly, mainly distributed in Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Hainan and other places, only 5 subspecies, as a unique treasure of China, known as "national butterfly", "proud son of the butterfly". It is precious and rare, it is the only national first-class protected animal of butterflies in China, ranking first among the world's eight precious butterflies, and has the reputation of "dream butterfly" and "world animal living fossil". Her posture is graceful, like a gorgeous, noble, and radiant "noble lady", so she is called "the queen of butterflies." "A precious butterfly species for the world."

The world's rare and fascinating butterflies

Heavenly butterflies

Heavenly Butterfly, The Heavenly Butterfly is a representative species of the genus Butterfly, and its appearance has a high visual artistic effect, which is a must-have collection for every butterfly collector. The average price of A1 quality butterfly from Slane Island is $6.95, and the price is likely to double for each additional level of quality.

There is also an interesting story about the paradise butterfly: In the 18th century, European explorers came to Australia and discovered this rich new continent. The British then fought with the French. The French Clippers made the first move to seize Victoria, and to their delight, they spotted an unusually beautiful butterfly and went out to chase it. When the British landed, they found that only French ships had no sailors, so they planted the British flag and occupied the land. In this way, the French lost their colonies in order to get the beautiful paradise butterfly, but this behavior of "only loving butterflies and not loving the country" also won them the reputation of "romance".

The world's rare and fascinating butterflies

Kashenfu ghost beauty phoenix butterfly is the emperor moth yin yang butterfly

The Kashenfu ghost beauty butterfly generally refers to the emperor moth yin yang butterfly, is the rarest of the butterflies, can only be found in 10 million butterflies, its wings vary in shape, color and size. It has a pair of wings of different shapes, asymmetries, and genders, the left wing is female, while the right wing is male, and the mixture of male and female is very strange, it is said that the chance of production is only one in ten thousand. Its formation has a lot to do with genetics, which is also a problem that has been explored by the academic community.

The world's rare and fascinating butterflies

Bird of Paradise Wing Butterfly

The Bird of Paradise Wing Butterfly is a large butterfly. They are found only on the island of New Guinea and its surrounding islands. The Bird of Paradise Wing Butterfly lives in dense rainforests, is active in the morning and dusk, and forages among the flowers. Male butterflies are extremely territorial, and they drive away enemies. The main food is nectar, and the larvae eat aristolochia. These butterflies generally fly very high and like to glide. When foraging or laying eggs, it descends to a height of several meters above the ground.

The world's rare and fascinating butterflies

Alexander Birdwing Butterfly

The Alexander bird-winged butterfly is the largest butterfly in the world, and it is found only in the northern province of eastern New Guinea.

The world's rare and fascinating butterflies

The goddess of light, The Butterfly

The goddess of light, the glitter, also known as the Helena glitter, is the leader of the genus Glitter. It lives mainly in the tropical rainforests of northern South America. If you want to hold a butterfly pageant, it should be the champion.

How about, after seeing these beautiful butterflies, do you have any heart?

The world's rare and fascinating butterflies

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