
Magical mudskipper: A tree-climbing, amphibious "coast elf" who looks "non-mainstream" genius fish mudskipper can "live away from the water" Secret romantic "fish boy" with awkward dance to fall in love

author:Changsha Underwater World Official

Nowadays, a particularly popular word, that is, cross-border, refers to its own work in other industries, but jumped to another industry to develop, if the word "cross-border" is applied to the animal circle, it can be called amphibious.

For amphibians, most of us have seen, such as frogs, baby fish, and fish can not be separated from the water is a well-known common sense, but are there fish that can live in both water and land?

Of course! Today Sanshui is going to introduce you to a kind of "coastal spirit" that can live away from the water - mudskipper.

Magical mudskipper: A tree-climbing, amphibious "coast elf" who looks "non-mainstream" genius fish mudskipper can "live away from the water" Secret romantic "fish boy" with awkward dance to fall in love


<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > "non-mainstream" genius fish</h1>

Mudskippers belong to the family Goby in the order Perciformes and have 4 genera, namely Mudskipper, Toothed Mudskipper, Large Mudskipper and Green Mudskipper. There are three genera in China: Mudskipper, Large Mudskipper and Green Mudskipper.

Magical mudskipper: A tree-climbing, amphibious "coast elf" who looks "non-mainstream" genius fish mudskipper can "live away from the water" Secret romantic "fish boy" with awkward dance to fall in love

Silverlin mudskippers that live in mangrove-covered estuarine mudflats

It is recorded in ancient books: "The bullet beard is like a small loach, the head is spotted like a star, and the tide recedes and jumps into the tu", and the bullet hu refers to the mudskipper fish.

It has a body shaped like a loach, a large head and a wide mouth, and two eyes bulging out, looking like a bulging air. The body is grayish-brown or gray-black, and the sides and fins are covered with spots, like the stars in the sky. The pectoral fin is strong and powerful, the ventral fin has evolved into a suction cup shape, the first dorsal fin is raised high, and the fish does look a bit cute and "non-mainstream".

Magical mudskipper: A tree-climbing, amphibious "coast elf" who looks "non-mainstream" genius fish mudskipper can "live away from the water" Secret romantic "fish boy" with awkward dance to fall in love

Is it like you played with mud when you were a child?

Mudskippers are fake fish with rounded eyes on the top of their heads that can spot food and predators at a distance.

Compared with the average fish that can only swim in the water, they can go down to the water, get on the shore, swim well, drill holes, climb trees... The skill is superb, it is a fighter among fish!

Magical mudskipper: A tree-climbing, amphibious "coast elf" who looks "non-mainstream" genius fish mudskipper can "live away from the water" Secret romantic "fish boy" with awkward dance to fall in love

Mudskippers in the trees

After the baptism of the tides, the mud and sand on the "intertidal zone" where sea and land meet are soft and difficult to walk, but this seemingly desolate wetland environment is the paradise of the "coast spirit" mudskipper.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the secret that mudskippers can "live out of water"</h1>

The reason why mudskippers can be "amphibious" is because of their unique body structure. As fish, mudskippers breathe with gills in the water, while mudskippers have an "alternative breathing method" when they are active on shore.

Magical mudskipper: A tree-climbing, amphibious "coast elf" who looks "non-mainstream" genius fish mudskipper can "live away from the water" Secret romantic "fish boy" with awkward dance to fall in love

A fine network of capillaries is distributed on the surface of their skin and on the inner wall of the mouth and gill cavity. These blood vessels are only a few microns in diameter, much thinner than a human hair, and oxygen can enter the bloodstream directly. If you see a mudskipper with its mouth open in a daze, it's most likely using "alternative breathing."

Magical mudskipper: A tree-climbing, amphibious "coast elf" who looks "non-mainstream" genius fish mudskipper can "live away from the water" Secret romantic "fish boy" with awkward dance to fall in love

Yes, we're "breathing."

In addition to breathing, how to move flexibly is also a difficult problem for land survival. Without the buoyancy of the seawater, the fish's "rear-wheel drive" mode of swinging tails is struggling. Fortunately, the muscles of the mudskippers that control the pectoral and ventral fins are very developed.

Their ventral fins are located at the bottom of the body, supporting the trunk and mastering balance; the pectoral fins are located on both sides of the body and can paddle like oars, gliding on the mudflat against the abdomen.

Magical mudskipper: A tree-climbing, amphibious "coast elf" who looks "non-mainstream" genius fish mudskipper can "live away from the water" Secret romantic "fish boy" with awkward dance to fall in love

"Front-wheel drive" mudskipper

Mudskippers most of the time in this "front-wheel drive" mode forward, but in the face of danger or breeding courtship, they can also use a strong tail to jump up in the air, jumping a few centimeters high from the ground, which is why the mudskipper got its name "jumping fish", the mudskipper is really full of skills!

Magical mudskipper: A tree-climbing, amphibious "coast elf" who looks "non-mainstream" genius fish mudskipper can "live away from the water" Secret romantic "fish boy" with awkward dance to fall in love

I'm going to fly higher

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > romantic "fish guy" to fall in love with an awkward dance</h1>

The mudskipper spends most of its life outside the water and has a very different lifestyle than most fish.

In the spring, the males will find suitable ground to divide their respective spheres of influence, and then use their mouths to take out the mud in the mud, forming an irregular "Y" or "U" shape, reaching a depth of about 50 centimeters.

After digging the hole, the male fish began to look around for a mate. The male will dance and courtship in front of the female to lure the female into its "love nest".

Magical mudskipper: A tree-climbing, amphibious "coast elf" who looks "non-mainstream" genius fish mudskipper can "live away from the water" Secret romantic "fish boy" with awkward dance to fall in love

The fish boy dancing awkwardly in front of Miss Fish

To increase the seduction, males often change their bodies from earthy brown to lighter gray-brown, contrasting with the darker mud.

With such a high profile, it is inevitable that disputes will arise. The big mudskippers are grumpy guys, and when they fight, they will raise their dorsal fins high, glare at each other, and open their mouths into a large "0" shape, a strong roar.

Magical mudskipper: A tree-climbing, amphibious "coast elf" who looks "non-mainstream" genius fish mudskipper can "live away from the water" Secret romantic "fish boy" with awkward dance to fall in love

"What do you see?" "Look at you"

Once the female enters the male's nest, the male will return to the mouth of the cave at a very fast speed and block the "hole" with a piece of mud. Typical heart-machine BOY, no doubt.

Magical mudskipper: A tree-climbing, amphibious "coast elf" who looks "non-mainstream" genius fish mudskipper can "live away from the water" Secret romantic "fish boy" with awkward dance to fall in love

Xiu En loves mudskippers

The caves are both their shelters and their nursery rooms, and the females "inlay" the fertilized eggs densely on the inner walls of the spawning chamber near the bottom of the cave.

To prevent the baby from starving of oxygen, mudskippers travel back and forth between the spawning room and the ground hundreds of times a day, using their mouths to transport the outside air into the nursery. I have to sigh that the heavy responsibility of raising offspring is a great cause that many kinds of creatures in nature may need to pay for a lifetime.

*Note: Fish that can survive the water are climbing perch, eel, snakehead, Flower Creek medaka and lungfish, but only mudskippers can magically jump.

——Source of the article——

The article comes from the aquarium circle, Qingdao Huada and other network data collation

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