
Full of thorns, who knows the belly empty, a good plant, golden cherry blossoms this planting skills, all come to learn it (1) land preparation (2) breeding methods (3) colonization (4) field management (5) disease and pest control (6), harvesting and processing

author:The emotion is shallow

Rosa laevigata Michx. is a plant of the rosaceae family, the fruit of the golden cherry is also known as sugar jar, prickly horn, honey jar, prickly pear, upside-down golden hook, yellow strip bottle, etc., medicinal food and medicine, leaves and roots are also used for medicinal purposes. It is mainly produced in East China, Central South, Southwest China and Shaanxi Province.

Full of thorns, who knows the belly empty, a good plant, golden cherry blossoms this planting skills, all come to learn it (1) land preparation (2) breeding methods (3) colonization (4) field management (5) disease and pest control (6), harvesting and processing

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > (1) land preparation</h1>

Nursery land, it is advisable to choose sandy loam soil with deep soil layer, loose and fertile, good drainage and convenient irrigation; cuttings seedbed, it is advisable to use sandy soil with good permeability and flat terrain, sufficient sunshine and water source. After the land selection, turn the soil deeply, apply sufficient base fertilizer, level the rake, make a high furrow with a width of 1.3 meters, and open a drainage ditch around it to prevent the seedbed from accumulating water. The planting land can choose the gentle slope, hilly land or flat land of the low mountain and the sun; it can also be planted sporadically in the gap behind the house, the courtyard, the roadside and the ditch. In winter, the land is reclaimed and the colonization hole is dug up, and the base fertilizer is applied for colonization.

Full of thorns, who knows the belly empty, a good plant, golden cherry blossoms this planting skills, all come to learn it (1) land preparation (2) breeding methods (3) colonization (4) field management (5) disease and pest control (6), harvesting and processing

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (ii) propagation method</h1>

It is mainly propagated by cuttings, but also by seeds.

1. Propagation of cuttings spring or winter cuttings. In winter, the seedling formation rate of fully enclosed moisturizing cuttings is high, and in October to November, select the hard branches that are fully developed, coarse in diameter (between 0.5 and 0.8 cm), completely lignified, and free of pests and diseases, cut off the apical part, cut off the cuttings of 20 cm long, each segment must have more than 3 bud nodes, the lower incision is 0.2 cm below the near node, cut into a horse ear-shaped bevel, 1 bundle per 50 roots, with 500 mg/kg rooting powder (ABT) or 500 ~ 1000 μl/l naphthalic acid (NAA) solution, Dip the bevel of the incision for 30 seconds, remove and dry, and then cut the cuttings. On the prepared sandy soil seedbed, mark the dots according to the row spacing of 12 cm x 7 cm. When inserting, first use a small wooden stick to make a lead hole in the point, and then insert 1/2 to 2/3 of the length of the cutting into the hole, and 1 bud node can be exposed.

Full of thorns, who knows the belly empty, a good plant, golden cherry blossoms this planting skills, all come to learn it (1) land preparation (2) breeding methods (3) colonization (4) field management (5) disease and pest control (6), harvesting and processing

Immediately after insertion, press the soil firmly and water once permeable. In winter, the cuttings bed surface should be covered with a bow-shaped plastic film shed to heat and moisturize. During the cuttings and roots, it is necessary to keep the bed soil moist frequently, open the film and water it once every 10 days, and maintain the relative humidity at about 80%; in severe cold weather, add 1 to 2 layers of grass curtains to keep warm in the film; open the grass curtain and film at noon in a clear day to provide fresh air. -The cuttings before and after the Qingming Dynasty have begun to sprout, and the lower incision has formed a healing tissue and begun to root. In mid-to-late April, the plastic shed can be dismantled for weeding and fertilizer management. Cultivate for 1 to 2 years, when the seedling height is more than 80 cm, it can be colonized in the nursery.

Full of thorns, who knows the belly empty, a good plant, golden cherry blossoms this planting skills, all come to learn it (1) land preparation (2) breeding methods (3) colonization (4) field management (5) disease and pest control (6), harvesting and processing

2. Seed propagation in September to October when the peel is yellow-red, harvest the ripe fruit, peel off the seeds, dry and then plant, otherwise, the seeds are mixed with 3 times the clean river sand for storage, until the next spring in March to April to sift out the seeds for strip sowing. On the prepared seedbed, open a horizontal trench according to the row spacing of 20 to 25 cm, a depth of 1.5 cm, and then sprinkle the seeds with grass and wood ash evenly into the ditch, and the soil is flush with the furrow surface. Cover the bed with grass after sowing, keep warm and moisturize. The amount of seed used per acre is about 3 kg. After the emergence of seedlings in mid-to-late April, the cover grass is removed and the seedbed management such as weeding and topdressing is carried out. Generally, weeding and loosening the soil 3 to 4 times a year, combined with topdressing 2 times. Seedlings are cultivated for 2 years, the height of the seedlings is 80 cm, and they can be colonized in the nursery.

Full of thorns, who knows the belly empty, a good plant, golden cherry blossoms this planting skills, all come to learn it (1) land preparation (2) breeding methods (3) colonization (4) field management (5) disease and pest control (6), harvesting and processing

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (iii) colonization</h1>

It is held in early spring from February to March or from October to November in early winter. On the prepared planting ground, according to the row spacing of 1 to 1.5 meters, the plant spacing of 60 ~ 70 cm to dig the colonization hole, the hole diameter and depth of 50 cm, each hole is applied to the manure or soil fertilizer 5 kg, mix well with the subsoil, covered with 10 cm thick fine soil. Then, plant 1 seedling per hole. Plant it straight, plant it steadily, and stretch the roots. After planting, the soil is slightly higher than the ground, so that it becomes a mound shape, and finally it is poured with root water once.

Full of thorns, who knows the belly empty, a good plant, golden cherry blossoms this planting skills, all come to learn it (1) land preparation (2) breeding methods (3) colonization (4) field management (5) disease and pest control (6), harvesting and processing

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (iv) field management</h1>

1. Within 1 to 3 years after the topdressing of the middle tillage, weeding and fertilization are carried out once a year in the spring, summer and autumn of each year; before the plant is sealed in the fourth year, the weeding and fertilization of the middle tillage are carried out once a year in the spring and autumn. Decomposing human and animal manure or urea is applied in spring and summer, and decomposition manure or compost is applied in autumn, with calcium superphosphate added, and the amount of fertilizer is depending on the plant. The fertilization method is to open a ring-shaped ditch around the rhizosphere and cultivate the soil after application to keep warm, prevent cold and prevent lodging. Stop tillage and weeding after the plant is sealed.

Full of thorns, who knows the belly empty, a good plant, golden cherry blossoms this planting skills, all come to learn it (1) land preparation (2) breeding methods (3) colonization (4) field management (5) disease and pest control (6), harvesting and processing

2. After pruning and colonization, cut off dead branches, delicate branches, dense branches, aging branches, long branches and diseased and insect branches every winter. For long branches with strong growth, short pruning should be carried out, or light pruning (that is, 1/3 of the branches are cut off) to promote more new branches and more flowering and fruit. After each pruning, organic fertilizer should be applied once to strengthen fertilizer management in order to obtain a good yield.

3. After drainage and irrigation water is colonized, in case of drought, it is necessary to water and protect seedlings in time, and in the rainy season, we must pay attention to ditch drainage to prevent water accumulation in the field.

4. Within 1 to 2 years after intercropping colonization, dwarf crops or vegetables and other 1-2 year dwarf stalk medicinal materials can be planted intermittently.

Full of thorns, who knows the belly empty, a good plant, golden cherry blossoms this planting skills, all come to learn it (1) land preparation (2) breeding methods (3) colonization (4) field management (5) disease and pest control (6), harvesting and processing

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (5) pest control</h1>

1. Powdery mildew occurs mostly in summer when high temperature and humidity are high. Harmful to leaves, stems and flower stalks. The young leaves are twisted and pale grey at the beginning of the disease, and the leaf surface, stem and flower stalk in the later stages.

A layer of white powdery overlay grows on it. In severe cases, no flowering occurs, and the plants wither and die. Prevention and control methods: At the beginning of the disease, spray 0.3 to 0.5 baumedo stone sulfur compound or 50% tolbutzin 1000 times liquid; control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer application to prevent the vegetative growth of plants from growing too vigorously; after the growth of new leaves, spray 1:1:100 Bordeaux liquid, once every 7 to 10 days, spray 2 to 3 times.

2. Rose whitewheel borer from July to early August, with newly hatched nymphs crawling to the leaf surface, main vein, young shoots, petiole or peduncle base fixed cluster hazard. Control methods: spray 25% iminothion emulsion 800 to 1000 times liquid or 40% oxidized Leguo 1500 times liquid during the incubation period of nymphs; spray 3 to 5 baumedo stone sulfur compound once during the winter dormant period to early spring germination; protect and utilize natural enemies red dot ladybirds.

Full of thorns, who knows the belly empty, a good plant, golden cherry blossoms this planting skills, all come to learn it (1) land preparation (2) breeding methods (3) colonization (4) field management (5) disease and pest control (6), harvesting and processing

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (VI), harvesting and processing</h1>

It generally bears fruit 2 to 3 years after colonization. Harvested from September to October when the peel turns yellowish-red. When the thin stall is dried until it is semi-dry, rub it with a wooden board, or put it in a bamboo basket to knock off the burrs, and then dry or kang dry to become a commodity. Roots, after harvesting fruits in autumn and winter, dig up parts, remove the roots and soil, and dry them to become a commodity. Golden cherry blossoms are preferable to be large, free of impurities and mildew, and red and yellow in color. The root is qualified for dry body, no stem, no sediment, and no mildew.

Full of thorns, who knows the belly empty, a good plant, golden cherry blossoms this planting skills, all come to learn it (1) land preparation (2) breeding methods (3) colonization (4) field management (5) disease and pest control (6), harvesting and processing

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