
Read "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel" 1, Chanel's Life's Thoughts on Fighting for Freedom 2, Knowledge Review 3, Today's Golden Sentences

author:Extraordinary Emma

Today, I will continue to interpret for you the book "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel".

Let's first review what we said yesterday. Yesterday we mainly talked about Chanel's creation of her own era: she based on the current flashy clothing, so that women can not travel alone freely, so first started from the hat business, designed a simple, chic hat, let people shine, this move made her a great success;

Read "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel" 1, Chanel's Life's Thoughts on Fighting for Freedom 2, Knowledge Review 3, Today's Golden Sentences

Then, both during and after the First World War, Chanel seized the market opportunity: that is, the practicality of clothing, the design of clothes that fit the background of the times. To enable women to do what they want, whether in the turbulent period of war or after the war. Her innovative move of breaking the tradition and leading the trend of women's clothing has made her fame and fortune and created her own fashion empire;

Read "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel" 1, Chanel's Life's Thoughts on Fighting for Freedom 2, Knowledge Review 3, Today's Golden Sentences

However, Chanel's reputation was tarnished by the Nazi influence in Germany during World War II, and after 15 years of silence, chanel returned at the age of 70, still adhering to her fashion philosophy: practicality, freedom. She has spent her life trying to make women free to move.

Today, let's take a look at Chanel's thoughts about fighting for freedom all her life.

(1) Get rid of the shadow of childhood

First of all, let's understand why Chanel wants to get rid of the shadow of childhood. How did she come to get rid of it?

After chanel's mother died, her father sent her to the orphanage, and Chanel called the "aunts" of the orphanage, dressed in black, with cold and stern eyes, they were not gentle at all, here, she was never pampered, nor was she loved, making Coco suffer in her heart.

Read "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel" 1, Chanel's Life's Thoughts on Fighting for Freedom 2, Knowledge Review 3, Today's Golden Sentences

Once, when Coco was sitting on a bench singing with other children, because she was singing too loudly, she was stabbed by a nun with a pole, which made her very sad.

Occasionally, Ke Ke did not want to wear the uniform black courtyard children's clothes of the orphanage, and felt that she was wearing mourning clothes all day long, and she was very envious of those peasant girls wearing blue and pink clothes, and she also wanted to wear different clothes, and even in this way, she was also ruthlessly suppressed by those "aunts".

Life in the orphanage is silent, silently praying, silently eating, and silently meditating. Dressed in prescribed clothes, they live a dull, stereotyped life day after day at a fixed temporal pace.

Read "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel" 1, Chanel's Life's Thoughts on Fighting for Freedom 2, Knowledge Review 3, Today's Golden Sentences

Coco was eager to escape, and sometimes she fantasized that her father would be able to take her out of the cold orphanage, but she never waited for her father.

Her childhood was lonely and lonely, living alone in an orphanage, with no warmth, no love, only boring and tedious days, and layers of bondage.

Through this world imprisoned by high walls, Chanel prayed every day to get out of here, and she wanted to escape from this life. So she kept running away, sometimes walking, sometimes riding horses, and even hoping to be abducted by the gypsies, but she did not succeed.

Read "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel" 1, Chanel's Life's Thoughts on Fighting for Freedom 2, Knowledge Review 3, Today's Golden Sentences

Once she escaped from the orphanage to play at Vichy's grandfather's house, but the situation of having to go back worried her so much that she stopped the young and beautiful officer in the park: Palerson, and told Palerson of her miserable condition, which aroused his desire to protect and finally took Chanel away.

In order to forget the tragic past, Chanel left everything in the past behind, no one understood, and could no longer affect her. She is so strong and free, there are many possibilities in life, she chooses to be the master of her own destiny, and she chooses the path of freedom without hesitation.

(2) Fighting for freedom is more important than being dependent on men

Next, let's understand together, what kind of mental journey makes Chanel feel more important than relying on men for independence?

During Chanel's relationship with his beloved Carbo, the amorous nobleman was ruthless and unable to be loyal to one person, and Carbo's beautiful girlfriends always angrily let him dump Coco.

Read "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel" 1, Chanel's Life's Thoughts on Fighting for Freedom 2, Knowledge Review 3, Today's Golden Sentences

This made Chanel realize that Caper could leave her whenever he wanted, as long as he wanted to, just as her father had abandoned her and her mother. Such a life makes her panic all the time, and danger is everywhere. There was even a time when she went to dinner with Carbo and his friends and ran into a man and a woman sitting at their next table, and then another woman broke in and asked the man to go out with her, and the man refused, and then the woman was furious like a volcanic eruption, and she broke the wine glass and scratched the man's face with the foot of the cup, and blood splashed everywhere.

The scene frightened Coco, and she ran into a room and cried! Because of Her Companion Carbel and his friends, the three men did nothing but fear of blood splashing on themselves. And what protects cocoa is nothing more than a tablecloth.

This made Chanel suffer internally, too much stimulation, nervousness, and often a picture appeared in her mind: she stood beside a gentleman, his horse was galloping, and then it was getting farther and farther away from her, and it was all over.

Read "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel" 1, Chanel's Life's Thoughts on Fighting for Freedom 2, Knowledge Review 3, Today's Golden Sentences

This fear and uneasiness about losing Caper at any time caused Chanel to have nervous breakdowns.

Only work can restore her health, only her own career can give her a sense of security, a sense of solidity that can be truly independent in the world. Therefore, she is willing to win her life by herself.

So Chanel used her unique business thinking to make her career bigger and bigger. Slowly, she didn't care about Carpeg's female companions, nor did she care that Carbot had taken a famous wife in order to consolidate his social status.

Although Karber maintained her previous relationship with Coco after marriage, she began to dress herself more and more like a boy, barely seeing her breasts and waist, and no longer appearing as a traditional woman. She made herself a unique character and used her strength to enter the social circle of Paris.

Read "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel" 1, Chanel's Life's Thoughts on Fighting for Freedom 2, Knowledge Review 3, Today's Golden Sentences

Her hat and costume, favored by the princesses and princesses and barons, made her the focus of the world's attention.

Chanel's dress, as well as her career, all show that her determination and action to pursue freedom through thorns and thorns finally freed her from other pressures, and she awakened the women of that period to move towards the image she wanted, and led them out of the old era, to independence and freedom, to the future.

(3) Incorporate the idea of freedom into her costume

Finally, let's see how Chanel incorporated her idea of freedom into her costumes.

Once, when Chanel and Carbord went to a café for dinner, she wore a tight blue and white grosgrain dress, because the waist was so tight that she had to ask Carboll to untie it for her, and then after eating, she couldn't tie it. As a result, Coco could only wear a disheveled coat in public places, nor a coat that could be covered outside, and at that moment she vowed never to wear tight clothes again.

Read "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel" 1, Chanel's Life's Thoughts on Fighting for Freedom 2, Knowledge Review 3, Today's Golden Sentences

Tight restraints, oversized skirts, exaggerated hats, all kinds of clothing, all these kinds of clothing, all these kinds of clothing, so that they can not get freedom in both action and thought.

So Chanel put the idea of freedom and casualness into her costume design, she began to design loose, practical styles of clothing, and first dressed herself according to her own preferences: cut a neat short hair, wearing a loose student tie, wearing a simple and comfortable white shirt, wearing a narrow-brimmed flat-top straw hat. These individual outfits attract the attention of the ladies.

She herself became the best endorsement of her product. In one photo, Chanel stands outside her shop in a lace-up sleeveless loose coat, a narrow white skirt and a sailor collar shirt. Her clothes, as well as herself, were sought after by the high-society ladies, who were very fond of going to her shop to buy clothes.

Read "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel" 1, Chanel's Life's Thoughts on Fighting for Freedom 2, Knowledge Review 3, Today's Golden Sentences

Chanel then carried free, practical ideas throughout every stage of her career, and during World War I, she introduced a series of suitable clothes suitable for the turbulent years and required women to complete their work, simple knitted coats, straight skirts, and plain sailor shirts.

After the war, in the context of the economic depression, Chanel was the first to target the broadest public, designing simple and generous clothing to meet different preferences and different occasions. Can be comfortable and capable work clothes, swimwear for sports, beach shoes, golf shoes, tennis shoes, shorts, etc., she has a ability to simplify the complex, her design is always so dazzling, under her influence, women have abandoned the gorgeous and complicated dress, wearing simple, sharp, rustic clothing.

After Chanel's 15-year-old comeback at the age of 70, chanel has consistently carried her clothing philosophy through to the end. Introducing comfortable suits, tweed casual clothing, loose pullovers, shirts and more.

Read "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel" 1, Chanel's Life's Thoughts on Fighting for Freedom 2, Knowledge Review 3, Today's Golden Sentences

Chanel has spent her life fighting for freedom: whether it's to get rid of the shadow of childhood, or the hardships of growing up, or for women's independence and security in the world. That's why she's always working on designing clothes that set women free.

For the tragic past, even if Chanel did not really forget, she would seal the memory and not carry these heavy burdens on herself, just like the clothes she designed: light and free.

Read "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel" 1, Chanel's Life's Thoughts on Fighting for Freedom 2, Knowledge Review 3, Today's Golden Sentences

Today's content, this is the end, let's first review today's content:

Today we mainly talk about chanel's idea of fighting for freedom all her life. In order to escape the life of her childhood, she kept running away from the orphanage, and finally was taken away by the young nobleman Palesson, in order to forget the shadow of childhood, to abandon everything, she spread her story to people piecemeal, hiding some, covering up some, and reshaping a self according to her own wishes; in order not to be attached to men and gain true independence, Chanel started her own business, she broke the tradition, with a unique business vision, leading the trend of the times in the direction she wanted; then she will be free, The idea of comfort and practicality is put into her clothing, leading women out of the old era and towards a free and confident future.

Well, about "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel" to this we have all read, let's summarize, under the leadership of the author, we focus on three aspects to understand Chanel's life, namely:

Chanel's independent and hard-working attitude to life, the creation of the era that belonged to Chanel, and the idea of fighting for freedom all her life.

Well, "The Legendary Life of Coco Chanel" is shared here, and we will see you next time.

What a woman needs most is independence from men, not equality;

When customers come to us, they look forward to stepping into a magical place, this satisfaction may be a little worldly, but it fascinates them;

Spray perfume in places where it might be kissed.

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