
"1900" in "The Pianist at Sea", why would you rather die than get off the ship?

author:Elephants watch the play

Directed by Giuseppe Tornatore and starring Tim Ross, Bill Nunn and Melanie Thierry, the classic Italian film The Pianist at Sea is based on Alexandro Balico's 1994 theatrical text 1900: Monologues.

The film tells the legendary story of an abandoned baby named "1900" who befriends the piano on an ocean-going passenger ship and becomes a piano master.

"1900" in "The Pianist at Sea", why would you rather die than get off the ship?

On a luxury cruise ship called the Virginia, a worker named Danny discovers an orphan abandoned on board. Because it was the first year of the twentieth century, Danny named the orphan "1900."

Under Danny's careful care, 1900 grew up day by day. But because there was no legal custody document, Danny was afraid of losing 1900, so he hid 1900 in the cabin and never let him get off the ship.

1900 was smart and cute from an early age, and the people on board liked him very much. In this way, in 1990, I grew up happily to the age of eight. However, one day Danny died and was orphaned again in 1990.

Because in eight years, no matter how many times the ship stopped, it never came ashore in 1990. So, even though Danny died, he never disembarked in 1900.

"1900" in "The Pianist at Sea", why would you rather die than get off the ship?

One night, there was a beautiful piano sound from the boat, and everyone got up to listen to the music. Later, it was found out that it was 1990 who played the piano, which was actually the first time I touched the piano in 1990. Amazingly, he was so clueless about playing the piano, and he played it so beautifully.

Since then, in 1990, he became the pianist on the Virginia. In this way, 1990 spent 27 years on the ship. During this time, 1900 met many people, made several friends, and easily won the competition in the challenge of Morton, the originator of jazz, and even fell in love with a girl named Padovan.

But whatever happened, the Virginia was never flown in 1900.

"1900" in "The Pianist at Sea", why would you rather die than get off the ship?

Later, because of the outbreak of war, the Virginia's economy was affected. The ship's workers were laid off, equipment was dismantled, and even the piano in 1990 was removed — the Virginia was about to be blown up.

Even though his friend Max came to persuade 1900 to get off the ship, 1990 hid in the cabin and refused to get off the ship. Even though Max persuaded 1990 to get off the ship with the infinite beauty of the world, 1900 was still unmoved and insisted on sinking with the ship.

In 1990's eyes, the infinity of the world made him feel fear. 1900 told Max that there was a time when he was about to disembark, and when he stood on the side of the ship and saw that the streets on the shore were endless, he felt a kind of fear. So, he eventually turned around and went back to the cabin. This article is the original release of "Elephant Watching Drama". What he sees elsewhere will be a theft. Please report it!

"1900" in "The Pianist at Sea", why would you rather die than get off the ship?

Growing up on a ship and a gift for music, "1900" is naturally wary of the red dust world. He never dared to leave the ship ashore, because the red dust world made him insecure. Even if the ship had become a ship that was about to be blown up, even if his only friend came to persuade him to leave, he would not leave the space where he felt really safe.

A person's sense of security includes not being hurt by others and feeling comfortable with oneself. Maybe the red dust on the shore would not do any harm to "1900", but for a man who grew up on a ship, he could not predict all this. He thought he couldn't live in such an infinite world, just as he couldn't play a piano with infinite keys.

"1900" in "The Pianist at Sea", why would you rather die than get off the ship?

In particular, "1900" is not curious about the red dust on the shore, because he has completely immersed himself in his own musical world. He didn't have to explore the unknowns of the red dust on the shore, he felt content and comfortable with his own side of the space. Even if this space will no longer exist, he can still feel the comfort and beauty of it.

Everyone comes to this world, in fact, more to constantly adapt to the new environment, but to find a safe space that truly belongs to themselves, and to find a ship that truly belongs to themselves. In reality, most people are constantly looking for new environments, in large part because they haven't yet found a space that truly makes their minds feel safe and comfortable.

"1900" in "The Pianist at Sea", why would you rather die than get off the ship?

This is a film dedicated to those who have always longed for simplicity and freedom from the hustle and bustle, and it is also a special gift for each of us. Perhaps, in reality, we cannot stay away from the hustle and bustle; perhaps, the simple heart we yearn for cannot be truly satisfied.

But in each of us, there is still a ship of our own, a small space that is almost paranoid. Only such a ship, such a space, can make us feel really safe. 【Elephant Watching Drama】Let's make the entertainment more valuable*.* Let's come together!

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