
Pudong Tang Bridge to build a "50-meter horizon"! "Doorstep" service points are located in each neighborhood
Pudong Tang Bridge to build a "50-meter horizon"! "Doorstep" service points are located in each neighborhood

Pension, childcare, card processing, etc... Since the Pudong New Area has comprehensively promoted the construction of "doorstep" service stations, some business that was originally going to be handled by the community affairs acceptance center has sunk to residential areas, and each "doorstep" service station has also launched personalized services according to local conditions. Nowadays, in Tangqiao Street, some communities have built the first "doorstep" service point, extending and sinking some convenient services again, and the "doorstep" service is more precise and refined.

There is an extension service point at the entrance of the community

At 10:00 a.m., Li Xun, a social worker in Landong Residential Area, was on duty at the entrance of the community. Grandma Xu, a resident of Ehai Community, hurried here and asked him to help take care of her 4-year-old grandson. It turned out that the child's parents had returned to work, the child's grandmother was taking care of it, and today the old man wanted to go to the hospital to see a doctor. After understanding the situation, Li Xun immediately docked with the leader of the building where Grandma Xu lived to help. During the conversation, the resident Zhang Brother came over and embarrassedly said to Li Xun that he forgot to bring a mask when he went out today, and as soon as the voice fell, Li Xun took out a mask from the convenience box and handed it to him... Such heart-warming stories are staged in the community almost every day.

Originally, Tangqiao Street had established the first "doorstep" service point in the "50-meter horizon" of Ehai Community, turning the "community gate", which was a necessary place for residents to enter and exit every day, into a concentration of convenient services, a gathering place for all kinds of information, and a main position for displaying civilization.

Here, the convenience tools that were originally placed in the "doorstep" service station for residents to borrow on demand, such as pumps and vises, have also been "moved forward" to the service point to facilitate residents to borrow. In addition to providing various consultations, publicity and reservations, the service point is also equipped with electronic screens, reception desks, umbrellas, convenient service boxes and other facilities.

"At the beginning, we were worried about the shortage of manpower, but now there are 5 teams involved in the services of the extended service points, namely the social worker team, the volunteer team, the property security team, the industry committee team, the building team leader team, and all kinds of community forces participate together to better serve the residents." Sun Hongling, general secretary of the party branch of the Landong residential area, said.

"The construction of the 'doorstep' service station has allowed the root system of the service to be rooted in the doorway of the residents, and the promotion of the extended service point is another growth of the root system after absorbing nutrients at the grass-roots level, which will extend the faster, more convenient and people-friendly service to the place closer to the residents." The relevant person in charge of Tangqiao Street said. At present, Tangqiao Street combined with the creation of a civilized urban area in the new district, is combing the list of services, plans to carry out pilots at 12 points in 10 residential areas, and is expected to be fully promoted after the conditions are ripe in the second half of the year, covering 70 residential quarters in 23 residential areas.

Pudong Tang Bridge to build a "50-meter horizon"! "Doorstep" service points are located in each neighborhood

"50-meter horizon" enhances the living environment

In fact, the service point is part of the "50-meter horizon" project under construction in Tangqiao Street, which plans to create 2 "mouths" and 1 "points" within 50 meters of the entrance of the community, that is, "the window of civilization demonstration" and "the gate of safety protection" and the first "doorstep" service point.

There are many old residential areas in the jurisdiction of Tangqiao Subdistrict, accounting for more than 40%, and the population density and aging degree of these communities are high. Since the beginning of this year, the street has taken the opportunity of the creation of a civilized urban area to sort out a total of 9 categories and 36 existing problems or weak links, including environmental sanitation, traffic order, door responsibility management, green maintenance, safety and security, public facilities, and civilized behavior. With this as the starting point, the street formulated the "Tangqiao Street On the Creation Plan of the Sixth Civilized Urban Area of Pudong New Area", creating a "50-meter horizon" and continuously extending the civilized practice action to the grass-roots level.

The "50-meter horizon" draws on the experience of "guarding the door, controlling people, and fulfilling responsibilities" during the epidemic prevention and control period, and keeps a close eye on the gate of the community, which is a necessary place for residents to enter and exit every day. After entering the community, the T-shaped range of 50 meters deep and 100 meters horizontal will be carefully created.

In terms of functional settings, the street will be uniformly set up within the "50-meter field of view" "five ones", that is, a small landscape, a reception desk, an electronic screen, a billboard, a guide board, to solve the problem of few publicity positions in the community, to achieve publicity notices have a position, so that volunteer service and other activities can be fully displayed here. At the same time, we will set up a policy publicity and consultation day and accept convenient services such as appointment service registration. Each neighborhood committee will also combine the actual work of its own community to create distinctive service matters.

In terms of safety, while continuing to do a solid job in the work of "guarding the door" of epidemic prevention and control, Tangqiao will rely on the working mechanism of the building group to timely transmit the information at the entrance and exit of the community to every resident. Through the intelligent construction of smart communities and janitors, the "community gate" will become the "gateway of security protection" in the future.

"Through the construction of the '50-meter horizon', the starting point and foothold of all work in the street will be closer to the lives of residents." The relevant person in charge of Tangqiao Street said that the functional departments of the street will also sink into the "50-meter horizon", regularly walk around, ask a question, answer a question, and regularly "set up a stall" service to further improve the work efficiency.

Author: Tang Weijie

Editor: Zhang Xiaoming

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