
The second batch of national rural governance demonstration villages and towns list was announced! The village of Shangyu won this honor...

author:Housing world information

In order to further play a typical demonstration and leading role, the Office of the Central Rural Work Leading Group, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, and the National Rural Revitalization Bureau carried out the second batch of national rural governance demonstration villages and towns this year. On the basis of the creation and recommendation of various localities and the reporting, after review and publicity, the Office of the Central Rural Work Leading Group, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, and the National Rural Revitalization Bureau jointly studied and identified 100 townships (towns) as the second batch of national rural governance demonstration townships, and 994 villages (Gacha) as the second batch of national rural governance demonstration villages.

The second batch of national rural governance demonstration villages and towns list was announced! The village of Shangyu won this honor...

Niliang Village, Xiaoyue Subdistrict, Shangyu District

It was selected as the second batch of national rural governance demonstration villages and towns

The second batch of national rural governance demonstration villages and towns list was announced! The village of Shangyu won this honor...

Niliang Village is located in the northeast of Xiaoyue Subdistrict, east of Shangyu East Gate, adjacent to Yuyao City, and 329 National Highway crosses the south of the village. The village is long and east-west, with a total area of 1.378 square kilometers.

The second batch of national rural governance demonstration villages and towns list was announced! The village of Shangyu won this honor...

As the hometown of Ni Yuanlu, a famous calligrapher of the Ming Dynasty, Ni Liang Village has always attached great importance to cultural construction, passed down poetry to the family, promoted filial piety and faithfulness, and has a long history of culture. The profound cultivation and reading culture has also bred the local simple civilization and rural style. Especially in recent years, the village has vigorously publicized the humanistic spirit of "loyalty to the country, filial piety to parents, and care for others" around Ni Yuanlu's "loyalty and filial piety" character, regarded "filial piety and kindness" as the core values of the village's cultural tradition, and through a number of measures to do "filial piety" articles, set off a fine atmosphere of filial piety and filial piety in the whole village. Every year in the Mid-Autumn Festival and Chongyang, the village will also organize selection and commendation activities such as "filial piety and respect for the elderly", "civilized family", "good mother-in-law" and "good daughter-in-law", to promote filial piety, inherit virtues, and let the seeds of filial piety culture take root in the hearts of every villager.

The improvement of rural civilization is inseparable from the prosperity of rural culture. Niliang Village has a 1,500-square-meter cultural auditorium, which contains a number of cultural venues such as Yu Shun Hall, Yu Shun School, Farmhouse Bookstore, Cultural Activity Center, Cultural Corridor, Theater Stage and so on. Since 2014, the village has successively planned and launched a series of cultural projects to enrich the amateur cultural life of villagers with various forms of cultural and sports activities.

In 2019, in order to deepen the convenience of the people and benefit the people, Niliang Village piloted the establishment of a new era civilization practice station, with "five transmissions and five hearts" as the main content, focusing on theoretical publicity, policy publicity, cultural and sports activities, civilization creation, rural style cultivation, humanistic care, science and education teaching and other activities, to open up the "last kilometer" of publicity, education, care and service to the masses, and actively transmit positive energy to the good, so that the whole village is full of warm neighborhood love.

In addition, Niliang Village has also taken the strengthening of rural grassroots democracy construction as the key content of creating a civilized rural style, mobilized villagers to participate in the management of village affairs, strengthened the comprehensive management of society, and nipped contradictions in the bud.